|The Warmth of Having a 'Happy' Family|

"Give them some space, son." the woman spoke as she called for a waiter, I had no idea but simply went along with the flow.

They ordered food without asking what we wanted to have for dinner, and Yun Oh seemed bothered by that since we barely knew each other.

"Do you have any allergies?"

He leaned back from invading my personal space as he whispered.

"No, I don't." I answered him soon enough as we listened to his family's conversation, waiting for our food to be served.

"That's so true." the girl, in the midst of the table, who looked about our age had commented, and they became silent.

"That is so disrespectful of you, please do stop it." the woman sneered at her because, for some odd reason, her tone and words seemed offensive or simply disrespectful.

"Sorry, ma'am." the girl replied.

"And where is our dinner? It has been minutes since we placed an order." the woman complained.

"Do excuse my family, especially my cousin's cousin, Miyoung." Yun Oh slightly felt embarrassed by his family's behavior.

But I assured him that I didn't mind the chaos around the table, it also made me less anxious since they were acting like a normal family, unlike mine.

"It's alright." he added as he heard my reply, we talked about ourselves now and then, during the conversation.

However, this sort of situation still feels uncommon for me.

I have never really even with my family...

"If you are not dating Yun Oh, why did you come over to our family's dinner date?"

The man questioned, it was too sudden of a question but I managed to answer Yun Oh's father with no problem.

"We're from the same school and I happened to see him all alone after the football match, I thought about inviting him out to cheer him up after losing..."

I truthfully answered, shocking everyone around. "You lost?" the older brother scoffed, almost causing a scene by slamming his hands on the table.

"You shouldn't have mentioned that." I heard Yun Oh whisper under his deep sigh.

It must be a huge deal in their family to be on a winning streak yet I don't even feel even a tiny brink of regret about it.

I may have caught his family off guard by bringing that up but they should know.

"Does it matter?"

"Excuse me? Don't get involved in this." Yun Oh's cousin spoke, she crossed her arms as she seemed to be glaring at me because of what I said.

Although, I do agree since I'm a nobody.

'Wow, it rhymes.' nonetheless, I am only helping them communicate and hear another individual's opinion about this.

"I apologize for picking my nose in your business but you should know that Yun isn't at fault for this." I was enraged by their reactions to Yun Oh losing.

It doesn't matter if he wins or not, what kind of a family even is this..?

"Winning matters in our family because it's the family tradition." the girl said.

"Let's not talk about our family issues here. So, do you plan on marrying our son?" I almost choked on my food as Yun Oh's father asked that ridiculous question.

I had no intention of getting involved with him in the first place if his family had only comforted him about losing.

"No, sir." I politely spoke. Yun Oh's mother was flabbergasted by my answer, and she was drinking at the moment too.

"What?" they all spoke in unison, Yun Oh was also surprised to hear me respond like that, he seemed offended but why though?

"You aren't dating my little brother??" the older brother asked in disbelief.

"And I thought you already found someone to marry, son." Yun Oh's mother confessed which made me incredibly shocked because of their expectations.

Do they think I would ever consider that?

'Not a chance, never.'

Despite the fact that he is very good-looking, I still don't like the idea of getting married, at least not in this life.

The boy beside me laughed it off nervously.

"Mom, we're still in high school. Please don't freak her out." Yun Oh reminded his mother about the boundary that she shouldn't cross since most of them had only met me.

But it is natural for parents to think about their child's future, especially in marriage.

'No one wants to be left alone.'

"If you plan on talking back, make sure that it is way more sophisticated than normal. Aunt likes that, am I right?" his cousin appealed to the woman.

This family is lovely rather than scary if I may say so, they might have overreacted a bit because it is a family tradition to keep the win streak.

"Well, now I understand." I inaudibly said, wanting to renew the pattern of my breathing by talking, the atmosphere in the restaurant was far too different from what I am used to, and because of that...

'It's getting harder to breathe.' or is this my anxiety acting up again?

'I feel nervous for no reason.'

After a few hours of chatting while having dinner, dessert was served before we all departed and went our separate ways that night.

Yun Oh insisted that I ride with him, however, knowing that he has always been watching over me, and not in a creepy way.

I decided to decline the offer since he's already done so much for me even when I didn't know him, at first.


The Sunday morning breeze felt refreshing as I opened up the balcony door which is right above the back door leading to my backyard.

It was another day off from school.

The real one so far...

"Would you like me to change your bedsheets and pillow covers, dear owner?"

My intelligent assistant had asked for permission, she has this weekly schedule to help with the chores at home.

"Thank you." it was the code word for my approval, I then proceeded on my way downstairs after enjoying the view.

'I don't have any plans for today so...'

I guess Sora and I can go out on a lunch date later today. "Now that I'm thinking about it, I just remembered that our friends are planning to meet up later on."

I softly spoke to myself as I used the spoon to mix the cereal into the milk that I just poured in.

Being alone is just as hard as having people around, it is very difficult to balance things, especially in my case but I'm already used to it.

There's nothing new to me anymore.

"Except for genuine love..." something that I haven't received for such a long time, excluding the fact that I fell into a coma.

"------" my phone started ringing while I began feeding myself, I didn't want to accept the call unless the person called me twice before I answered it...

'Honestly, I'm being very picky nowadays.'

It seemed like my hunch was right, after all, spending too much time with other people has definitely made me sick.

"I'll just have to stay home then." this should be enough to help me adjust to this new environment around my new friends.

It has been almost a month since I arrived here, and things are still bound to happen without a warning because anything could happen in our lives...

'And I'm overthinking again.'

"------" when I read the caller's ID, it turned out to be from someone I expected the least, the name Suzuki Mayo had appeared again for the second time after my first day here.

I contemplated whether or not should I pick up the call.

It feels weird to have a phone call using a deceased person's contact.

'Or simply have a conversation knowing that they're already gone.'

I just don't think this is right.

"Nevertheless, I'll try to be nice if possible when I answer." once I'm done with this bowl of cereal, I'll definitely pick up the call since it is still ringing quite loud actually.

'I should change the ringtone too.'

The call came to an end for a brief moment but suddenly, it started ringing again.

["Uhmm... Hello?"]