|The Friendship and Life That Won't Last Long|

--Author's Point of View--

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow." said the young boy named Sookyoung.

He was giving everyone notice that he would be departing from their workplace which is the bookstore because his shift had already ended that day.

Meanwhile, a friend of his was waiting outside, peeking over the glass.

"I wonder if he's ready to go now."

He spoke to himself, taking out his phone to see the text that their other friends had sent in the group chat, and then, Sookyoung took all his personal belongings before leaving the employee's locker room but when he caught a glimpse of Min Oh.

He was already running.

He immediately took his bag before running after the older guy yet he didn't bother catching up to him because the street was quite dangerous during that period of time.

Sookyoung confidently walked whilst returning the genuine effort and cheerful greetings that he received from other people passing by.

That particular town is filled with many friendly and kind citizens, it is also the place where he grew up having a huge family that raised him into a caring person.

"Hey, bro!" he waved at someone who was right across the road, it was his friend who sort of acted like a psycho but not literally.

He's simply the quiet type of person who gazes at people in such a scary way.

'And he's not even looking back.'

Sookyoung shook the thought off and continued on his way toward the older friend who did not even respond to him.

The reason is pretty apparent.

Sookyoung knew that his friend must've left a bad first impression on another new student from their school based on what he heard the other day.

Min Oh finally looked up from his phone, he saw the younger male walking up to him so, Min Oh immediately prepared himself to run away again.

Not wanting to go over to the café with his idiotic friend.

"It hurts my pride to have an opposite mindset from that kid." he whispered, as he ran off while the male behind correspondingly followed him.

"HYUNG!" he shouted as they goofed around on the side of the road, he sprinted as much as he could to chase him until they met with the others.

Seeing as the rest of their friends are currently voting on what they would prefer to do during their summer vacation after the last two weeks of school.

"You boys are late." said Yua who's a bit younger but despite that fact, they went on with their discussion, disregarding the informal communication.

Initially, they had tons of ideas piled up in their memories.

However, the two girls strongly disagreed on every idea they came up with that Honey Lou was included because of their desire to slowly but surely lure Dan Nevuerra into a serious relationship with Cho Jihyun as they had planned.


They started all over again in terms of the only options they had, and whether or not should they fly to Japan by riding the Go and Lee family's private plane that Haesu suggested while the other option they had in mind suggested by Yun Oh was to go on a swimming trip for a whole week.

"Both Soonji and Ivy wouldn't notice it if we rode their private plane. They have loads of those." Haesu informed her friends that her relatives in New York can barely even manage to keep an eye on Honey.

Everyone agreed on their main options.

Most of them liked the idea Haesu had but Kim Sihyeon firmly stated that they should just spend their summer break somewhere inside the country.

Because of what was shown to her recently about Honey Lou having trouble getting back.

"Hey, Ion." Yeonju called.

Although Sihyeon's boyfriend tried to get her attention, he miserably failed so he took her hand, and then, they went to the back where the kitchen.

"Why are you suddenly interrupting me?" the girl cluelessly asked, she was so focused on her inner thoughts that she couldn't handle it anymore.

"What is going on in your head nowadays? Can't you even give your man just a tad bit of attention?" the male asked, worried about his girlfriend because of how she has been acting for the past few days ever since Honey Lou became a close friend of hers.

"I'm just busy thinking about my purpose in life."

She answered without any hesitation.

Confessing in a hidden way as if she was indicating to him to read between the lines which is what she usually does to her friends, family, and...

Even her boyfriend...

"That's absurd, your purpose is to love me. Remember?"

He tried to turn her frown upside down after hearing an obscure answer from her, he knows that it is hard to decipher each word that she speaks...

'It'll be just a waste of time, and my incompetent self would only make it worse.' he spoke to himself, knowing that their relationship exists for only one reason.

'And that reason, she never really told me.'

"Just hang in there, everything will be clear when it finally happens." the girl added, patting Yeonju's shoulder as she slowly went out of the café's kitchen.

Leaving him with more questions than before.


"At last! We're complete now. How long has it been since we've all gathered together??" Sora asked once the rest of their friends settled down as soon as they arrived.

Each and every one of them spoke with a certain amount of people.

The café was filled with almost 15 or more of them.

She smiled at the sight of her friends enjoying the time.

However, she felt a sudden pain in her heart, hearing mad voices for a little while, and instead of seeing her friends happily together...

No one was there anymore, Sora stood up and described the vision she had.

"It feels lonely and cold here now."

'This isn't a matter of my health, it's my fear of losing my loved ones.'

She spoke about her phobia.

"Certainly your instinct isn't wrong. But you'll have to accept it anyway, it has already been decided." someone whispered.

Making her shiver but she kept her smile as big as she typically did to ignore her worries, and as she came to her senses.

The reality she knew had come back without even realizing it.

It seems like everyone in that same room knew what was destined to happen.

But will they accept it?

"Well, if you compare our situation right now, it is kind of like sewing."

"Half of us would simply accept that cloth is torn apart because things would go well the way it pleases them while on the other hand, some of us will try to fix it, still hoping to find a way and turn the tables around or..." said Sihyeon.

'Another thing that I'm really eager to know about are the people who choose to fully accept it.' she added as she sorted her thoughts.

Trying to read her friends based on their facial expressions if any of them would just go with the flow of life.

'I don't exist because I need to change anything...'

"My existence itself was given to me..." it took a while before she continued her words.

"To fulfill the destined ending which can only happen to depend on my actions, if things don't go the way just like how it was shown to me, in the first place... I don't think Honey's life would continue on for eternity."

As everyone in the group was voting, the majority of the votes started from a flight to Japan but ended up on the swimming trip because of the reasons that Ji Eun and Jihyun might've tried on them.

'They have planned things through. As long as it is the same event as my dream, I will not interfere.' Sihyeon thought to herself and was finally able to feel at ease.

'It looks like I can have a break now.'

"I thought you didn't like the water, Sihyeon." Ji Eun suspected.

"Eonni, you sounded like you want to go swimming so badly right after insisting that we go somewhere new and fun so I voted with you..."

The younger friend, Sihyeon, backfired but with respect.

She attempted to be as peaceful as possible.

'Dan must never find out about Jihyun's part in this because it will only ruin our goal afterward.' Ji Eun reminded herself as she took a seat after they had already confirmed the swimming trip for an entire week when summer began.

'We failed to establish plan A but we do have plans B, C, D, and E.'