|Forming an Alliance because Acceptance isn't easy...|

The café's aroma was spreading and attracting people out in the street, although the café was closed on that day of the week, they couldn't help but open up the café.

"Hi, welcome! Please come in."

They greeted every customer that they had unintentionally lured into the café.

The group prepared all the equipment for the day's menu and hastily went to their respective places to responsibly play their roles under their friend's family business.

"Uhmm... Hello, thank you for calling."

Haesu left the main counter, heading to the back office where she accepts the phone calls made for any delivery requests.

"Sorry but unfortunately, we don't accept delivery requests overseas."

She said while the other friends were busy walking back and forth after taking the orders and then serving them.

"Hey, Ji Eun. Jihyun, why aren't you both at the front?" asked Yun Oh, he was assigned to the kitchen along with Min Oh & Miles.

Both of the girls were assigned to the counter to help the customers pay for what they ordered and then, the rest of their friends were scattered.

"Just leave us alone." she said.

'Something feels odd about these two but who am I to care?'

The boy thought to himself right before he decided to ignore their presence.

Returning to his spot in the kitchen, the place was lit up once people began occupying all the tables and seats, leaving none empty.

"This is nice." Yua spoke.

"Hi, please have a seat!" Sora led the customers toward a table and received the order, she served them their drinks and food in less than 5 minutes.

Leaving her enough time to suspect two girls who still weren't in their position.

"I'm telling you, it was all my doing. I've been spreading rumors around."

She overheard her older friend admit what kind of misfortune she had been giving everyone in school, Sora didn't mind it much since they had a lot of customers at that time.

However, Yun Oh could not ignore the fact that the two girls weren't helping them out so, he confronted them once again.

"Tell me, is this about Honey again?"

He truthfully tried to ask Jihyun alone, knowing that Ji Eun would immediately find out his intention but instead of warning them to quit messing with the girl he likes.

He insisted that Jihyun should start talking to Dan's parents, introducing herself as the boy's girlfriend in order to gain more people on her side since they are in a relationship.

"Why are you helping us?"

Jihyun no longer wanted her best friend to get mad for being so naive when speaking about their plans as if it were normal.

The girl hesitated to hear him out but Yun Oh eventually convinced her easily, Yun Oh wanted to take this chance to form an alliance and betray them afterward.

"I like Catherine."

The girl's face suddenly brightened up after hearing his statement. 'Bingo!'

Yun Oh exclaimed in his mind as he read her facial expression, she seemed too eager to become Dan's real girlfriend.

But of course, it wouldn't be easy since Honey and Dan already formed a bond.

'Both parties are one-sided.' the boy thought as he agreed with Jihyun's idea, leaving him to call her best friend, Ji Eun who was quite displeased about something.

Yun Oh glanced around to see what happened. "I hope she trips."

Ji Eun began cursing her friend under her breath after hearing that Haesu and Kim Young planned to go on a date later that day.

'They are trying to avoid something, these two didn't choose what they wanted.'

'They were choosing the summer break options that excluded Honey, that isn't very strategic at all.'

"I'm gonna leave you two alone now, tell me when you need my help." he winked at Jihyun, reminding her that they were now officially an accomplice to one another.

He finally puts a stop to neglecting work and then begins helping the other two friends in the kitchen, completely ignoring everything else.

"Girls." at that moment when the boy left them, Haesu was standing at the door where the inside of her office could be seen by anyone who passed by.

It had many books that looked newly untouched...

Their reaction speed was quick enough to know that it was someone else who asked them to get back to work and without wasting any time, they were already at the front counter, putting on a fake smile as they slightly felt forced to work that day.

'Today was supposed to be spa day for me.' Ji Eun scoffed.

It was finally time to close the place and as the last person finished paying for their bill, they placed all the central seats below each table and wiped all the windows.

Flipped the signs, and one by one they each waved goodbye to the others as they went on their separate ways.

She tightly hugged her younger friend.

To ease that feeling that had been burning within her heart.

This time she is certain that her jealousy might end up hurting someone but when Dan has forgotten about Jihyun not just once or even twice.

It makes her mad because she feels invisible yet he doesn't care.

"Why is fate so cruel to us? The people we love can't be ours."

Jihyun weakly asked, feeling as if her world was going to end without him.

Ji Eun surely understood how she felt, they couldn't just accept this without knowing whatever they did wrong to deserve such an unrequited love.

"All that matters is that we try to write our own story, we won't end up the way you think we will."

--Jay Hwang's Point of View--

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that they would do this again..."

Said Young, our group had planned to meet up once more after Sunday since someone, in particular, was feeling lonely.

'I'm not sure what it was that they meant by saying lonely though?'

Haesu was infuriated in anger because she and Young were supposed to go on another date before school started.

'I feel like I want my girl now...'

It would only take a week or two before the summer break begins but I heard that they plan to set up a farewell event for the seniors this year since they contributed a lot.

'Literally.' and I'm kind of curious about the special closing surprise they're preparing.

"I heard someone famous is coming."

Said Ji Eun, she knows plenty of things concerning the school projects along with Seongmin, speaking about that kid, I wonder what he's doing right now...

"Have any of you seen Seongmin lately??"

Haesu blatantly asked as she sat on the bench table while the rest of us were either on the bench or on the ground.

A few of our friends' absences can be noticed but we don't have anything against them since it is their life.

Moon must be in his school right now, and Byungchan should be in his house, of course, that guy wouldn't attend school regularly yet he does come in the afternoon unlike Yeonju, who doesn't like being exposed to the sun.

But he's always in the field, doing something...

And then, we have Ji Eun, she's everywhere, on the other hand, you can rarely see Seongmin around, and Jinwoo can only be found inside the library...

He studies and stays there as if he lives there, Riyanna is a member of the singing club which means that she is allowed to leave in the middle of a discussion.

I think that in our circle of friends, Sihyeon, Honey, Dan, Haesu, Young, Sungyeon, Jihyun, Miles Cha, Sookyoung, and lastly, Jinwoo are the only ones who attend most of the classes on a daily basis but it is not like any of that is important.

Extracurricular activities are more crucial here.

'I don't know why.'

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"Hi everyone! From today on, I'll be attending my classes since I finished the community project." do we have a new classmate?

Or is this Seongmin Park, the school's Official Photography Club Leader?

"You may take a seat now." the homeroom teacher pointed at me, and everyone insisted that I move to a different place since this table belonged to him.

'I don't have the right to complain...'

"You don't have to." he refused to take my spot, quickly taking place in the other empty place where I was planning on sitting then, he smiled at me while the teacher started the lesson a moment later.

"You're a new student around here, aren't you?" he questioned me as politely as he could but I was too focused on listening to understand it...

And I forgot he tried to strike up a conversation with me!


It was around break time when Yua personally picked me up from building A, and we both headed towards the school garden to meet with the others.

But then, she decided to go somewhere...

'An emergency.' she told me, however, Dan happened to be there at the exact place and time that Yua left me, I believed her though all because of my gullibility.

"What a coincidence." he 'shyly' approached me, doing this gesture he motioned me to lead the way while he followed behind.

I could see a group of people hiding near the pillar right outside my sister's mom's office, or should I say the School Director's Office?

"Do you want to go on a date?"