|The Ballet Audition and A Different Alliance..?|

"Oh, what a lovely day it is!" we heard a voice right around the corner and it looked to be that leader from the photography club.

His presence completely exposed our other friends, making them act out a little as if they just arrived there or something like that.

"Hey, you two!" Seongmin waved at us.

"Why'd you have to ruin the moment?" Dan grunted at his younger friend.

I seem to know a lot about them even though I have never really met this one person, in particular, maybe it's because Sora talks a lot about them frequently.

Hiding nothing about them...

"What exactly were you doing?" he asked.

Finally! Another person who likes to play innocent when he knows what is going on, I feel like things are going uphill now.

I hope it's real this time.

"Just kidding." he added, placing his hand over Dan's shoulder as he smiled at me once again. 'Hold on, how am I aware that he's smiling?'

"It's probably because I can sort of read people now..." I whispered under my breath as we walked towards the school exit where the post-it board was being held at.

'This isn't so bad at all, even if it's still quite difficult for me to get along well with them, at least I'm getting closer to my goal.'

"Oh, look! Jihyun-noona would love to participate in this."

Yua rushed to the board, picking up a flyer about the school year-end event...

"Does this school usually prepare events often?"

I asked out of curiosity concerning the ballet audition this week.

I am certain that Ivy would like to hear that I plan on taking part in this, especially since the mentor in charge there used to teach her.

"That's it!"

I didn't bother explaining to my friends why I took off out of the blue, I thought that I should ask Ivy first right before I signed up because she's like my mom, after all...

'I remembered Mom again.'

If only she hadn't sacrificed her safety for us, she would still be here, nonetheless, I'll make them proud...

--Yun Oh's Point of View--

"Well, what do you think? You gave her the idea so be responsible for it."

Ji Eun scolded me as she wiped the tears from Jihyun's 'pretty' face because she didn't know Dan's parents.

I mean... "You've never met them? Look, I thought you did since you've been friends for a long time." I replied.

"This isn't going as I thought it would, you two aren't very thorough in terms of sabotaging someone." I sternly added, telling them what they were lacking.

Which is why their plans don't end up the way they want them to...

"All I can say is that you need to have the courage to meet his parents."

"The first thing you need is information about him that Catherine can't possibly know about." I added again while both of the girls listened.

As if this was some kind of a lecture but who cares?

At least this will go according to most of my expectations.

They won't see this coming but I'm making my move.


"Are you ready?" asked Ji Eun, she was brushing Jihyun's hair.

Preparing her for the audition today, honestly, I had a huge feeling that Catherine would also think about auditioning for this upcoming school year-end closing event surprise since her stepmother knows the mentor in charge.

They'll badly want to take her as the lead for the performance.

'Why is the event's name even that long..?'

"I can do this! I will be the lead."

Jihyun cheered herself because of the nervous feeling building up...

'It's not like it'll help her anyway.' I chuckled at the thought of these girls believing me, and all of the things I told them about, they'll soon realize that happiness isn't actually for them.

"You good?"

The participants' moderators entered the dressing room.

Inviting Jihyun outside to begin the audition.

"Don't trip! Don't trip!" Ji Eun chanted as she followed after them, probably going to take a seat in the theatre of the school arts hall.

Meanwhile, I decided to visit someone.

We can't be seen together that much because it's how things work as they said.

"All set." I informed her before leaving.

"That was fast!" she yelled for me to hear since I was already a few yards away, and that is how we both secretly met up.

The school's back door is efficient in our case, not only am I the school's pride when it comes to football but also a cupid like Sihyeon...

'Yes, a cupid.' not literally though.

"I'm not someone who puts two to two together but instead, I am just involved in a love quadrangle." all I can do is comfort her since I also sincerely like her.

I don't mind ever getting hurt in the end yet just like Sihyeon told me about our fates, they should love each other but eventually part ways...


'I don't understand why they want it to be this way although...'

I have nothing against the idea since... Catherine deserves someone who can receive her love and give her love without any second thoughts.

I think people should call us the Mystic Pair or The Angels of Love...

We're a great duo so we deserve such a special title and I am serious about that.

I want it big time.

"Hey, what happened back there?" I heard Ji Eun ask our younger friend, she was crying and her makeup was slowly coming out of place.

"I was about to start my audition but... Honey suddenly entered the place and became the center of attention, of course, the mentor knew her!"

"She always steals the spotlight from me without trying..." she complained, almost anyone could hear it, luckily for her, there were only three of us there.

"Honey Lou, thank goodness! I heard that you were a student here and so, I accepted their offer." we could hear the squealing from the other room.

The mentor thought about Catherine as the lead for this performance, her presence in this school is also another thing...

"That little-" Ji Eun was about to leave the dressing room and barge in the other but fortunately, I stopped her.

"You'll regret it if you barge in there. For now, try getting a secondary lead or something like that, it'll help you at least to get Dan's attention.

"I also heard from Byungchan-Hyung that he'll be involved..."

They were listening attentively to me once more.

'Keep doing that and I might end up with Catherine.'

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"Well, what do you say?" she asked, trying to tell me about how important it is that I take the lead role for this school year-end closing event surprise.

'That can't be the event name, right?' it's too long and I'm confident that everyone is annoyed about it right now.

'Since Ivy told me it would be fine..."

"I knew I could count on you!" she squealed, holding my hands in her own as she dragged me outside, I thought that it would be unfair to other people if I became the lead so I should ask if that is possible for her to grant.

I'm not experienced in this activity but I like it.

"Okay, everyone! The lead role had just been filled up, auditions now are for-" before she finished the announcement she was about to tell them.

I motioned her to stop, whispering in her ears that I would also audition fairly to be chosen for this role, many wouldn't like the idea of me suddenly becoming the lead without auditioning. How bad will they think of me if that ever happens?

"Sure thing, dear."


"Why would you do that?" a girl named Min Seo asked, she didn't seem like a person I should trust but still, I told her why I decided to earn the lead role fairly.

"It would be unfair for others if they just give me such an important role and I don't know how ballet is so... I might as well start from scratch or the very bottom. You know?" the girl looked very interested as I was speaking.

'Maybe it was a good thing that I thought about auditioning first but will I be accepted though?'

"You are so thoughtful! No wonder Dan likes you..." she commented, I could tell that it was a genuine one without any sarcasm, insult, or even bitterness added to her compliment.

"Thank you!" I couldn't help but smile from her vibrant aura, we eventually had a long conversation before it was my turn and I was the last one who signed up which means...

'Everyone will be watching me since they're done.'