|Playing Tricks on Each Other|

--Author's Point of View--

"Are we all settled with this? No more words, it's final. We're going swimming for the whole week!" Yua asked everyone nonstop for that entire time.

She even answered her question.

They were all supposed to talk about how the setup would be.

However, before they could even open their mouths, it suddenly became silent the moment she did that, they decided to just go with the flow.

'Yua is being weird these days, absolutely more weird than usual.'

Yun Oh thought to himself as they each left the bench one by one in the gateway.

It was the final audition that day and every single one of the students in their school was informed that the 'popular sweet girl' was auditioning.

"I think it's time for us to watch, Sihyeon."

He slowly stood up from his seat once everyone else went off since school was over.

They may or may not be heading to the same place but still, the both of them walked towards the school arts hall theatre together.

No one would suspect why since they are friends.

"Over here!" Riyanna Lee called the two, she was sitting with Yeonju and now, the girl was in between the couple once again, Yun Oh, on the other hand, stayed in his spot, finding no valid reason to follow his cupid friend.

"I heard that Honey-girl has no idea how ballet is done." one said.

Meanwhile, behind the stage were Ji Eun and Jihyun watching the stage director supervisor on the stage for Honey's audition as if it was the real deal performance.

They envied a lot of things that their so-called 'friends' received from the school even right from the very beginning, many people gave her attention.

Many people gave her attention.

'I guess the rumors that she has been spreading aren't exactly ruining anyone's image.' Yun Oh spoke to himself consciously while keeping an eye out for any sabotages that the two girls did not mention.

Min Seo finished her audition by performing the basic steps she learned from Jihyun.

All she did was dance along to the music she chose, and eventually...

She was chosen as the 3rd white swan which is quite a good role compared to the others who are far more experienced in ballet than she is.

"Okay! Everyone, please quiet down. Wow." the mentor with her fellow judges was astounded by how popular Honey was in that school.

The seats were barely taken at the start of the audition period.

But when it was finally her turn...

Almost half of the students in the entire school population are present.

"Is everyone ready for the School's Sweet Girl?" then out of context, an announcer appeared on stage, and the students and other girls who auditioned cheered greatly.

"I bet the noise from this place can be heard from the outside, don't you think so too?"

Riyanna conversed with the two beside her.


There was a moment of silence as they turned down the stage lights, the music began playing and it surprised the hell out of the people watching.

The music seemed familiar to them yet they had never heard of it once.

'Is this what I think it is?' Sihyeon thought as she listened.

It took thirty seconds into the performance before the main character showed up, she was sitting on the floor while a guy from behind was playing the piano.

Everything that Yun Oh told Ji Eun and Jihyun before was indeed true, Dan was going to be involved in the event.

'You're kidding, right?'

The two girls from backstage were staring at the guy who suddenly appeared, they remembered what Yun Oh said and felt very intrigued about him knowing a lot.

Although, he didn't seem to care much...

They thought about it for a second before leaving the place, the girls didn't want to be intimidated by Honey's performance.

Or as it should be called an audition but there was one thing that they hadn't realized yet which was Yun Oh's sarcasm.

They fully trust him now so they aren't aware of his tricks.

"I also didn't expect him to be here and this explains why they've been hanging for quite a long time." Honey's older sister commented as she stood at the very back of the theatre seats.

The rest of their friends were also there because Sora decided to invite them and successfully convinced them.


"------" Jihyun was startled by the call, her phone was ringing and it was her best friend, Song Ji Eun.

'It was only a dream.' she sighed in relief as she thought about it deeply.

She answered the call and was scolded by the other for taking a nap on the most important day of her life. 'Right! The audition.'

The actual events are just beginning now, she asked her best friend to stay behind the stage 'cause when she finishes her audition.

They plan on doing something else to prevent Honey from performing.

'It'll work.'

Jihyun is already blinded by jealousy and anyone can tell if they cared more about the girl.

'Either my mind is freaking me out or someone is pulling a trick on us...'

Jihyun thought as she analyzed the situation.

"I'm glad there wasn't really a collaboration between those two, it'd be a monster nightmare for me." she finished her audition with a round of applause from the crowd.

The seats were mostly filled by the other student auditioners as well but once the mentor in charge had called for Honey Lou.

"That's our Rich and Sweet Honey!" a hoard of new students arrived as they cheered in a cringe way.

'What the heck?' she cursed in her head, both of them were definitely intimidated by a massive group of supporters that Honey had.

They didn't expect that many people would still like her.

'Do I lose now?'

Jihyun thought as she finished setting it all up and pulled down a bunch of levers.

'It is only starting.'

The lights suddenly turned off and a loud noise alarmed everyone.

There was an unexpected accident on the stage platform, and who else would have caused it except for those girls?

'Let's just see if they would still be glad to have come here and watch your stupid audition.' Jihyun celebrated their success.

"No one panic, please exit the school arts hall theatre for a brief moment. The auditions will continue shortly but if not, we'll have to postpone it to another day." the moderator instructed, everyone, stood up from their seats and lined up in front of the school grounds.

It was also around 4 PM at that time.

"Everyone from each class lines up! Remember the faces of those who were in the theatre." the teacher commanded everyone to do a head count from 1 and so on, they were all located in front of a statue of a respected person that was built long ago.

"We are missing two students!" Sora informed them.

"Who are they? Which class are they from?" asked the Student Council's Vice President, Honey, and Yun Oh were missing from the crowd which is why Sihyeon sneakily stood up from her spot before heading back inside.

She was well-informed that her friends were still inside the structure.

"It isn't that big of an accident unlike in the future..."

Little did the girl know that someone was listening, her boyfriend, to be exact.

'Where could they possibly be?' Yun Oh asked himself as he attempted to search for his new friend, he wasn't supposed to be there at that moment but he could not resist checking whether or not the girl was still there.

"Are you okay? Does your leg hurt?" a voice asked.

Yun Oh hid in the shadows as he listened closely and watched them.

'I can't help but worry about them, they are all my friends but... It's just their fate and the consequence of their actions.'

Sihyeon was tapping the sole of her left foot while her hands were crossed.

"I'm neither a good nor bad person, it is just how they balance life."

She analyzed the situation.

The girl wasn't referring to the people around her.

Instead, she was talking about the ones who have granted her the cursed gift which is the consequence of getting in the way of 026's life.

Sihyeon was never created in the same place as 026 but unfortunately...

They were led together which caused this connection.

'We are all being punished and used unfairly.'

No matter how much you complain, you can never escape them, they have their eyes everywhere and they know you.

"Stop speaking like that, we're not as merciless as you are." one scolded the other, they were all behind Sihyeon but she didn't pay any attention to them.

She ignored their presence just as they ignored her pleas.