|The Girl named Suzuki Mayo|

--Sora Young's Point of View--

The sky was apparent, I wish I could fly or something like that...

"Aren't we allowed to leave yet? It's past 6 PM and my parents might ground me if I don't come home for dinner."

I sulked in the corner of the school front gate, the teachers still weren't letting us out even when school was already done.

I think something else happened from the inside...

"Screw this! I'm leaving and if any teacher stops me, I'm telling Mom."

I got up from my seat and followed after them, the others were also doing the same thing though they weren't close to Haesu-eonni.

I went home all on my own as fast as I could to get back on time, our group doesn't really have any plans together for the rest of the week so it's the time!

It's time for me, Yua, and Honey to spend some time together, only the three of us, and if anyone else joins... I don't...

I'm not even going to bother trying to keep them away.

I really miss the old days when there were three of us including Suzuki hanging out, Yua looks a lot like her but it isn't obvious.

'Maybe it's because they're both Asian.'

I'm also Asian but my face is totally different from theirs.

What if they're actually the same person..?

But it's impossible since I was there when Suzuki was buried, I mean...

"The thought of it is unbelievable, they do act differently, that's one thing for sure that I can distinguish." there were people staring at me as I walked on the side of the street.

I ignored it since it's normal for people to talk to themselves.

Sometimes there are a few people who talk to someone, and that someone could be anything if ghosts, spirits, or mythical creatures do exist.

"How did I end up with this topic?" I babbled all kinds of random stuff on my way home and when I reached our house, I was definitely going to get scolded.

"Do the dishes when you're done, I'm going back to watching sports." my dad finished his last bite and drank his water before leaving the dining room and returning to the living room, he likes spending his free time in front of the television.

While my younger brother plays video games, and mom shopping all the time...

Now I know why we moved here.

'Out of the four of us, I'm the only one who barely spends a cent, my friends also treat me when we're outside.' my family is very lucky to have me and the same goes for me.

Even though we don't act like a family in times.

At least we somehow get through life without many problems.

It is kind of lonely but what can I do?

'We have our own things.'

"Can you pass me a soda?" my brother asked while playing his game further from the PlayStation he had in his bedroom.

I finished wiping the table before I did what he told me and then, washed the dishes.

'Just like you, I have something to do.'

["I'm telling you, I just want us three or four to hang out. You, me, Yua, and probably Haesu-eonni..."] I explained to her on the call, and she's busy with her notebooks again.

She really likes calligraphy.

'I wonder if she still has that album.'

["I kind of plan on going to these places."] she answered, sending me a photo of her exploration list. ["We can do that."]

["We still have school though, maybe some other time. These places are also quite far so..."] she added, worried about her perfect grades even when she has nothing to be concerned about, honestly, I understand her.

Because their family is kind of strict when it comes to a relative's grade, degree, or whatever they majored in.

["How about in summer..?"] I asked.

["Oh, right! But I have to attend my ballet lessons, I don't think I can join your get-together as well."] she spoke to me about the performance they are preparing.

The seniors will graduate this month but will be invited to a surprising closing event they have planned, doesn't that seem like a hassle..?

I think they'll be busy with college things by then.

["You still there?"] I was fully immersed in thinking that I forgot to talk to her and that's my reason this time because I mostly fall asleep in the middle of a phone call...

She certainly knows that already.

["Yeah, I am."] she started talking about the incident earlier back in school, she also mentioned that the mentor couldn't sign her up as the lead for the performance at least she could still participate.

They'll start having practices and rehearsals tomorrow, plus, their roles will only be temporary for now. ["That's the solution they agreed upon, is it fair though?"]

["I think so..?"]

["But since it is only a temporary role placement, you can work hard to get a good role."] hearing that the audition has officially been stopped because the theatre is damaged.

They thought about letting Honey join the team since she has 'connections' which sounds ridiculous, she tried making things fair but here we are...

["Also, I'm glad that Jihyun got the lead role even temporarily since she is good at ballet. I admit that."] she said, I could tell that she was disappointed since she lost her chance, however, she wouldn't give up for sure.

Yet she was still smiling through the pain she felt.

["You know, I'm worried about you."] she sighed and simply changed the topic.

'How is she going to get better if she doesn't open up about it..?'

It has already been quite a long time since I mentioned that topic but I guess it still triggers her, in a way that she becomes easily sensitive or emotional about things.

'Oh gosh!'

--Cho Jihyun's Point of View--

'Today is the day!' it was raining outside but since I successfully got the role, it didn't matter how dark the day was...

"At least I feel happy amidst my surroundings." no one paid attention as I spoke to myself because I bet that they were all envious of me getting the best role there is.

I put on my pointe shoes before heading out of the changing room.

"Line up! I want everyone here in 3..." the mentor in charge had called, I don't see Honey anywhere around though and that being said, this is a very lucky day for me, indeed.

"I have an announcement to make." she added before motioning for someone to enter and it made me jump with happiness! I didn't realize that everyone was staring at me.

"Oops, sorry!"

"You all know who this is, correct?" she asked as everyone happily cheered but there was one thing that bothered me...

'If Honey's mom is here, doesn't that mean that she'll most likely become the center of attention?!' I felt both uneasy and honored to meet Ivy Go yet it seemed like a threat to me more than a chance to shine.

"Where's Honey Lou?" she asked.

They all seemed overwhelmed by her presence, and every single day there will be some changes in the roles around here.

This is why I should work harder to impress the mentor and other students and, most importantly, get Dan's attention.

'Who knows? He might be cooperating in this performance.'

I wonder if he knows ballet because if he certainly does...

I would really love to dance with him, it may also bring us closer so that I can remind him about our relationship and if he has ever thought about introducing me to his parents.

'But it should not be too sudden since he could become mad.'

"And one, two, three..." the mentor instructed as I lightly jumped on my toes, we were practicing the first performance while the other one was still in production.

They said that the concept was going to be unique, and the positions there are also re-adjusted every time they feel like doing so...

"Yes, that was my idea. Honey should be good by then." they spoke.

I was near the front of the practice room and could hear Ivy discuss something on the phone, it seemed like they already knew why she was not here, and I was curious since she and Dan might be together again.

'I sure hope not.'

That dream still lingers in my mind because of how surreal it felt.

"As far as I know, Honey normally acts like this which is why she will most probably become the lead on the second performance, it is the final one so..."

"It is more important than the first."