|Getting Closer to A New Phase|

--Yua's Point of View--

He must be joking, right? If not, I'm throwing a punch in his face.

"I only did that to impress her, of course..." Dan-Hyung tried reasoning with us.

Fortunately for him, Lou isn't around today and is currently out with Ivy, helping the woman gather all sorts of tailor stuff which I know is just a waste of time.

"And yet we still call you our friend."

Young-Hyung commented as he strolled around Haesu-noona's bedroom, we have all gathered here again and the reason is our ego.

Most probably our friendship, to be specific.

"This is a matter of friendship, Austin!" Sungyeon flipped over the table.

We were all enraged by the situation, and I was right all along... "All guys are fools."

Sora finished my thoughts as she glared at the boy near the glass window, his presence around us may not always be evident but we're all aware that he is there.

"Oh, good! You're here in one piece." the voice of a woman, Miss Eun, caught all of our attention and we began panicking after learning that Honey had returned.

We needed to move past that topic.

"Quickly! Tie him up..." Seongmin-Hyung shouted in a whisper as the rest of us brought all the things we were going to use on the poor boy.

In order to hide him from Lou since he is head-over-heels for the girl.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

My phone vibrated because of a call from an unknown number, I declined it since I didn't have any time to talk because of the practice and we are running out of time too so...

"There is a lot to organize, you should do your best in practice." she reminded me while driving towards the school.

We both got up as early as a bird would to begin doing things that we should be doing without any distractions or delay.

"Let's go, let's go! ASAP." Ivy parked the car and left in a rush.

'This is too much pressure, I never do anything fast.'

I sighed as I walked lazily, trying not to make myself nervous this early in the morning, it would have been okay if she asked me out late at night but in this case...

"I told you to hurry up and yet you're moving even slower. Are you a sloth or something?" the woman added, honestly, if she told me to quickly do something.

I'll do the total opposite... 'It's how things work for me.'

"On the count of three, we leap. Okay?"

The instructor guided every single one of us, I seriously thought I would be alone at this time of the day, however, at least some of us weren't irresponsible.

'Although it is Saturday, we should still come.'

"Hey, Catherine!" a voice called for me but I didn't pay attention to it, I disregarded the voice for a couple of minutes until the instructor let us have a break.

I opened the window after asking for everyone else's and searched for him.

"What are you doing here?" I chuckled at the sight of him struggling to get up, he was hiding in the bushes...

"Are you hiding from your coach and friends..?"

I asked from curiosity as I stepped closer, the wall was keeping me from falling as I leaned on it, nothing else seemed to matter when I spoke to him.

We were closer than ever before now that I'm aware of his identity.

On that Christmas evening, we were both alone and cold but together... 'Someone cared.'

"Kind of. How is your practice?" he replied with a question.

I shrugged a bit, smiling at the thought of our dance routine before telling him all about the things we did during practice.

'We've been meeting up in secret this entire week, knowing that some people were a bit nosy and would start spreading fake news all around.'

It didn't last long though...

"I heard you're now after the football captain?"

Miyoung interrogated me in the changing room, she looked like she was interested in Yun Oh but that wasn't the case.

She's a member of the journalist club and they need to interview people for interesting topics to stay active.

"PLEASE! I genuinely want to impress someone."

I hesitated at first since I didn't have anything interesting to tell her...

'I can't use my family's background for this.' she was practically begging at this rate so I had to think of what to tell her.

And as I thought about it, nothing popped up... "Sorry."


Do they think I'm that dense? Dense as in stupid?!

They were surrounding this specific door inside my sister's room and I knew that there was something fishy going on around.

I also saw Dan's shoes at the front door, he always takes them off whenever he comes over so, I knew they did something which is why he's not around.

"Hey, Song!" I greeted the cyan-haired boy and the others were surprised.

"Don't worry, it happens very often." he said as I pointed out how unbelievable the others' reactions were. "Yeah, his presence is always unnoticeable."

Sora explained nonchalantly while the others settled back down in their seats. I heard a bunch of murmuring while studying with the group, they didn't seem to notice it though.

I must be imagining things since I did stay up late last night...

'Well, there's your explanation as to why I kept on moving very slowly.'

I literally couldn't sleep.

"Can I borrow a pencil? Also, hand me your notes."

I flinched from my spot after hours of trying to understand math.

'Just act like it was intentional.'

I laughed it off while handing him Yua's notebook and an eraser.

"This is Yua's notebook, I can already tell, only she can understand what's written inside." he replied, shaking his head from side to side.

"I asked for a pencil, not an eraser..."

"Oh? Sorry, this assignment is simply insulting."

I looked everywhere for my notes but ended up borrowing theirs since he urgently needed to copy a lesson.

"Your notebook is in your room."

Haesu-eonni spoke, pointing at the door as she held her pencil, I didn't want to disturb the others so I climbed on my chair, hopping on the other side to leave.

I pretended to step away from the room and slightly shut the door when I heard them all from inside cooperate hastily.

"Wait, wait! Let's talk about this!"

Dan's voice became audibly loud even from a few yards away, I walked off because I had to get my school bag in case I still needed something else from it.

"Quiet down, you beaver!" my sister yelled at him.

I was in my temporary bedroom and the room beside it was my sister's.

'I wonder if they're aware that our walls aren't soundproof because sometimes at night, I would even hear such weird noises...'

I wonder what caused those peculiar sounds.

--Author's Point of View--

"I was planning on arranging your birthday party with all of these decorations..."

Ji Eun happily brought out a bunch of shopping bags that contained colorful party decorations that she had been collecting.

"Can we not do anything for my birthday this year?"

Jihyun asked whilst looking out the window with a plain expression on her face.

She knew that no one else remembered.

"Why? Well, you still have a week to decide. Just let me know what you want." Ji Eun replied with a reassuring face.

The two of them parted ways from that second with Jihyun being left inside her bedroom whilst Ji Eun roamed around her own house.

Unboxing all the packages she received from her grandmother.

"Oh my gosh!" the girl's voice was loud enough to alarm Jihyun and this made her rush outside. "What happened?" Ji Eun smiled as she heard her worried friend.

"It's nothing important..." she stopped.

"Unless you let me brag about it."

She timidly grinned at the other, unsure if it was the right time to act like that.

Jihyun dragged herself though she felt quite uninterested in moving, the older girl, however, excitedly carried the box along with a basket filled with homemade pastries.

"I think these might cheer you up."

The girl attempted to hand over the basket and yet, the younger resisted.

"If I were you, I wouldn't resist the temptation to satisfy my craving." she provoked the girl and miraculously succeeded.

Jihyun shook her head from left to right, taking the basket from Ji Eun's hand, slowly feeling better.