|There's No Time To Explain|

A knock on the door woke up the four, there wasn't much light to help them see.

But Haesu's blue eyes made it better for all of them as she turned on the switch to give them the feeling of warmth since it was a long and breezy night.

'It is too cold...' Sihyeon thought while wrapping herself up with a blanket.

Ji Eun motioned the youngest, Jihyun, to look out the window for a short moment.

There was something unusual.

"Should we do something?"

Jihyun asked while checking the lock on the door and the windows.

Another knock on the back door of the house became a concern to the youngest, she panicked while they each went to their respective beds.

Trying to ignore the sound and thinking...

"It must be the wind." Sihyeon patted the girls beside her, trying to calm themselves.

Not one of them left their spot from the terror they felt.

It was quiet and all you could hear was their breathing.

"------" Haesu's phone began ringing quite loud enough that it scared the four of them, they all sprinted towards the door and unlocked it before running out of the room.

They scattered everywhere and turned on everything that could help them feel safe.

"It's nighttime! Stop blasting music!" yelled the youngest, Jihyun who was covering her ears from the noise.

The knock on the door came back after a while.

However, Haesu did not hesitate to face it this time.

"What the hell?!" she burst out of the door as soon as a familiar figure showed up.

It was their oldest friend, Sungyeon. "What took you so long to figure that out?"

"I don't think I'm the one to blame here." she crossed her arms over her chest as Sihyeon approached them, still holding onto her blanket and inviting the male inside the house.

"We don't allow men in here." Ji Eun blocked his way.

"If you don't let me in, I am taking Haesu home." he stated.

Letting himself in as the girls scoffed.

"I thought you hated gatherings..?" Haesu pulled him back and stared into his eyes, insisting that he should leave already.

'If I leave right now, her mom would come here instead and pick her up.' he thought to himself, trying to help the girl.

"So, my mom... She wants me to come home, right now?" he nodded when Haesu finally understood his point.

The five of them talked for a few minutes, hearing what Sungyeon had to say about Haesu's urgent matter that she was told to handle late at night.

'Well, I hope this doesn't involve the incident... They are mentioning it nowadays.'

The both of them drove away while the other three stayed at Jihyun's house, they conversed about the summer trip and Ji Eun alongside Jihyun was gossiping about everyone just like any other day.

"Are you even listening, Sihyeon?" they asked in unison.

Sihyeon ignored them as she carefully planned everything out for their summer break, she was willing to sacrifice her own time for Honey and Dan's future because it was also for their own sake...

'I don't like this.' the girl glared at her reflection in the mirror across the living room.

She was directly staring at all thirteen of them.

They were in the form of different colored flares.

'They're coming~' the darkest flare had spoken.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

I spun around to defend myself from any attack, however, the person turned out to be Yun... "I am sorry, reflexes..." he simply smiled at me before letting me inside the aquarium.

'Well, this is unexpected.' I almost cried from the happiness I felt as he surprised me...

"You cleared your schedule for this very day??" I asked excitedly.

The both of us walked from one spot to another, more likely, Yun following me as I wandered around, looking for the best place and the most priceless moment to take pictures. "This way little fishes." the voice of a male echoed in the halls.

At first, I thought it was Yun but then I remembered, we weren't alone in this place since the caretakers might be doing their duties somewhere nearby.

"Let's go see the other sea creatures." Yun took my hand and led the way.

It was absolutely quiet, the only thing we could hear was the water splashing while the sea animals traveled around the bodies of water.

I hesitated to enter this one door yet he insisted that it was allowed without a doubt.


We went up the stairs, seeing the large entrance to the fish tanks, it was affirmatively blue in everywhere corner...

"Oh, those are the artificial lights. They take very good care of the fishes here." he explained, noticing that I was just so fascinated by such things that I had never been able to witness prior.

"Look." he pointed at the shallow and clear water.

"Isn't this place for feeding them only?" I questioned him.

"Well, yeah. Even tourists can come here under supervision, that is." it seemed like he had forgotten something.

But suddenly, his phone rang, and then, he walked away for a moment.

'Could be those 'friends' of his...'

I waved at the stingray who was squirming under the sand before my eyes drifted to an aquarist, commonly known as a caretaker.

His silhouette looked familiar but then again, I can't recognize anyone's face...

"How unfortunate."

"Do you mind if I meet with a friend outside, it'll just take a minute or two."

He excused himself before I even got the chance to respond to him although, it sounded like an important thing he had to attend.

"I'll see you in a bit."

--Author's Point of View--

Other tourists all over the aquarium passed by the exact second that Yun Oh had left the girl, she leaned on the fence as the people walked right near her.

Giving them some space since they were touring around the place. The aquarium was almost underpopulated on that day which is why Honey felt comfortable.

"This feeling..." she slowly started speaking out loud. "It is like a nostalgic memory..."

Her eyes brightened up the moment Yun Oh returned but with another friend of theirs.

"How are you?" the older female greeted Honey Lou.

Their hands entwined as they went closer.

"I'm sorry for the short notice, I had to take her with me since my family thinks that I'll need her." the male spoke, little did they know that someone was right under their noses, listening and watching in secret.

"Shall we?" Sihyeon said.

The three of them stood there in silence, admiring the view below them.

"Listen, let's just get this over with."

Yun Oh stepped back a little further away from the two girls.

'What are they doing now?'

Honey was confused with her back facing the fence this time, the older female gently placed her hands on Honey's shoulders and quickly pushed her into the fish tank.

"And this is our cue, let's leave." Sihyeon was satisfied by what she did and stayed optimistic even if it meant, ruining her own relationship with Honey Lou, a friend that considers her the best.

"Help! Someone please, I can't swim!"

Honey screamed for help but there was no one else around, every other tourist was driven away by Sihyeon and Yun Oh, trying to accomplish their task as the Pair of Cupids.

The girl slowly began losing her strength and she could barely even get a hold of her breathing, the water was too deep for her to handle and nothing seemed to give her hope.

"I can't breathe." she whispered, drowning as the sea creatures swam away from the disturbance.

The girl was struggling to float, attempting to find a way out of the water, she was gasping for air but to no luck, everything she did worsened her situation.

Eventually, when she lost consciousness...

"Why are you all here at the side?" the caretaker from earlier came back inside the tank, putting on his scuba mask to help him breathe underwater.

He was told to check on the fish tanks once more because they heard a splash.

"Honey Lou!" Dan yelled as soon as he realized that the girl was with his friends all along, he wasn't aware that she had been the cause of the water's contamination until now...

'What in the world happened to her??' he was fuming in anger while taking hold of the girl's body, dragging it to the side where it would be safe to lay her down.

"I'm gonna need some help, I don't know how to do CPR on a girl I like!"

He stood up and took his mask off before running off to find an expert...

However, he ran back toward the girl and just performed it instead.

"Forgive me for what I am about to do, right now."

'I was told to do this if ever someone drowns.' he started to check her pulse.

"I'm pretty sure she'll thank me for not letting anyone else see her in this state..."

Dan added.