|The Closure They Never Achieved|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

I woke up to the sound of my alarm... Hold on, how did I get here? I'm certain that I fell into the fish tank because of Sihyeon-eonni, and Yun was also there!

'Right, they must've taken me home or something.'

["Would you like me to uncover the windows?"]

The room turned purple as PLUM powered on.

"No, thank you." I got up on my feet and noticed that my bedroom felt oddly unusual.

Did they simply drop me off or did they leave me there?

'I don't remember anything...'

My phone lit up and started ringing when I stepped away from my closet, I walked closer before taking it with me.

"I have no time to waste because this is our last week in school before the summer break."

The only time I have left is 50 minutes.

I believe that I can finish my 1-hour bath in less than an hour.

The clanking sounds of pan became audible as soon as I rushed out of the shower stall to snooze my phone alarm.

"Too hot!" a voice spoke up in pain, there was someone else in my house...

'Though it didn't sound like Yun.'

"Wait, wait! Don't hit me." when I entered the kitchen, Dan appeared to be the one making those noises, and of course, I didn't engage with the weapon I was holding...

"Is that a broom?"

The boy still had his hands in the air, pointing at my weapon before he lightly chuckled.

"Aren't you going to explain the reason why you're here?"

He shook his head and fakely smiled.

I slightly moved my right hand, making him flinch as the broom almost hit his head.

"Are you sure about that?" Dan didn't waste a second and pulled me towards a stool, waiting till I let go of the broom before explaining.

"Do you clean your house with your own hands?" offensive would be the right term to describe how his question hit me.

'So, what happened yesterday was because of them? It wasn't an accident.'

Was it a joke though?

"I'm not sure if you should take it seriously, I only did that to save you."

I held his chin and lifted his head, making him gaze at me because I supposedly didn't want anyone else to know...

"Don't tell the others about yesterday."

"I'll keep it a secret between the two of us even if you don't ask me." he turned to his side, facing the electric stove and slowly dragging himself to come up with a meal for the both of us, I sat there in admiration of his personality.

'I wonder why I find him worth the hate I feel...'

But at the same time, he deserves the love too.

"Life is unfair since none of us can tell what we receive..." I inaudibly mumbled.

"Even though we've given our best and have done nothing but good."

--Yun Oh's Point of View--

"You're a genius!" Hyunjoo shouted as he hugged me in excitement, I hastily removed his hands from my shoulders and pushed him away before he even did it again.

'I honestly can't understand why he is so happy about this.'

"Do you know much this means to me?" he asked as if he heard my thoughts.

"No, I do not. I most certainly don't even want to find out." his face suddenly returned to its usual state and he finally realized that he was acting a bit overboard.

"Just ask her out before Dan even gets the chance." he responded.

"How is that related to this topic? Anyway, I'll do it when I think it's the right time." his eyes roamed around for a moment there and then, he suddenly looked at me...

'Trying not to pick his nose in my business.'

"I'll be going now... I know you're not the type who likes people." he commented before quickly grabbing the papers he asked me to print after I also wrote his thesis assignment which is technically cheating.

I followed him one or two seconds later as he ran off with his new buddy, Yua.

"We'll see you on Friday! Don't forget the yatch."

The two of them waved goodbye and drove off.

--Author's Point of View--

Moon Hyunjoo and Yua headed towards Seoul Global High, both of them were laughing as they talked while riding on the motorbike, and just minding their own business.

Unaware that they had passed two of their familiar friends.

'Why in the world are we walking together, side by side again?' the girl asked herself as they straightly went to school.

"Come on, skipping class isn't that big of a crime." the boy beside Honey was persuading her to go with him.

"I think Ivy would be there so... Why don't you leave me alone?"

She remarked at his statement, holding her fists in the air to effortlessly make him move inches away from her personal space.

"I'll leave you alone for the rest of the school hours if..." he stopped in his tracks, wanting to get her full attention.

But to no luck, she continued walking without any hesitation, he rushed to her side again and convinced her multiple times.


"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone..?" Honey asked irritatingly as she turned to her left, frowning from the exhaustion she felt because of their practice.

"I think you're mistaken." Yun Oh handed her a bottle of water, smiling in return.

"Sorry, I just feel confused." she replied, picking up a towel from her locker as they stood at the back of the room.

"I understand, I'm not offended. Even the slightest." he reassured her that he genuinely knew who she was referring to.

The performance director called Honey's name and motioned her to come closer, leaving the boy all alone at the back as they discussed the costumes with Ivy Go.

'The preparation for their performance is almost done.'

A girl thought as she eavesdropped through the window, however, someone caught her in the act. "There you are!" her accomplice called as soon as he saw Jihyun's head appear through the window.

He approached the two girls and left the room, standing in the hallway while holding onto that bottle of water that the girl from earlier hadn't taken.

"Any news?" he asked them, clueless about how things were going for the girls lately.

"Do you even have to ask?" Ji Eun responded before giving the two a signal.

The three of them went somewhere else, slowly entering a private room where they would often meet up.

"Okay, I don't have anything in mind. Do you?" the older female urged the younger one to speak up but still, they weren't able to agree on a plan.

'They are only wasting my time.' Yun Oh unconsciously facepalmed. "Here we go again..." the male spoke inaudibly under his breath while the girls brainstormed.

"No, look-" Jihyun couldn't suggest to them what she had in mind all because Ji Eun was fighting for her idea to be approved.

"This is my moment to leave now. Excuse me!" he lightly pushed the girls aside to make way for himself since they were blocking the door.

Meanwhile, Jihyun stayed on his tail and left her best friend too.

Yun Oh walked towards the exit and kept on going till he reached the football field whereas Yeonju could be seen playing by himself under the bright ray of sunlight.

"Hey!" the male called as he saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Oh, what are you two doing here?" Yun Oh was surprised to hear him say that, he wasn't expecting that someone was right behind him such as Jihyun.

His gaze turned to his back and was too shocked to maintain his balance.

"You okay?" Jihyun asked to make sure that her presence didn't bother them much, she moved forward to help the boy get back up on his feet but he declined her offer to help.

"What's with the attitude?" Jihyun questioned him.

Yun Oh shrugged it off and tightly held onto that water bottle, regaining his composure before resuming what he was talking about with Yeonju.

"I thought you already gave up?" he started the conversation seriously.

'It isn't obvious but he is concerned.' Jihyun attentively listened, keeping her mouth shut since the three of them weren't that close to fooling around with each other.

'Oh, how I wish we were very good friends...' the girl frowned at the thought.

"I was just cleaning up after the team, you know? Practice for the biggest football competition that is coming up soon."

He nervously avoided eye contact and continued throwing the ball in the air.

Yun Oh scoffed in defense.

Knowing that his team didn't have a single reason to practice that week.

"I don't remember that we were asked to gather and train today... If so, am I not the team captain?" he grinned with satisfaction.

'I sense a catfight about to happen!' Jihyun excitedly linked her arms with Yun Oh, surprisingly crossing the line that they were supposed to stay away from.

"What do you think you're doing?" he added in anger, however, the two of them were interrupted by the sound of someone's footsteps fading as they ran away.

'And that is why he was both a good and bad teammate.' the boy thought as he placed his attention back on the girl. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-" Jihyun stepped away from him and slowly gathered the courage to explain herself.

"I don't even want to hear it." he replied, brushing down his uniform as it became frizzy from the contact with Jihyun.

"I thought you were also going to give me tips..." she added in confusion.

Slightly assuming things since they are kind of in agreement in terms of keeping Honey and Dan from one another.

"For what? Since when have I started talking to strangers again?" he refuted and threw his hands in the air from the irritation around people.

"Fine, I'll be leaving you now." the girl's mood instantly changed upon the fact that she shouldn't assume anything.

'Again, I'm just a nobody to them.' Jihyun dropped her hands to the side and walked off with another frown on her face.

'And they're all gone...' the boy closed his eyes for a moment and faced the sky, putting his hands in his pockets as he slowly began walking as well, it was quiet yet breezy.

He was walking in peace until...

The male caught a glimpse of a shadow following him, the person behind him, however, was not aware and they bumped as he stopped in her tracks.

'I am so drained from all the people I've encountered today.'

He decided to just walk away without a word but after hearing someone whisper, tip-toe, tip-toe, and so on.

"Yun." a girl called his name, making him turn around in frustration.

'Who could it be this time??'