|Wasting My Precious Time With You|

Yun Oh faced the girl behind him and the expression on his face suddenly changed, he tried making it look like he wasn't bothered by Honey's presence and yet, she was already aware of his mood.

"What's up?" the male asked while his hands were still in his pockets, trying so hard not to show any care despite the fact that the girl he likes, is right in front of him.

'Keep your cool, buddy.' he reminded himself, breathing heavily.

"Well, we have the sky, clouds, and the sun..." Honey replied with her eyebrows showing how unsure she was with her sarcastic answer to the other.

"Sorry." she added as she slowly started to feel the shame.

"How are you? And what are you doing here all alone?" the girl attempted to move on from the topic, bringing up the fact that the boy was alone walking outside the school grounds.

'Aren't we like getting in trouble for this?' she wondered.

"Don't you have practice right now?"

Yun Oh asked in return, trying to avert the attention from himself.

Honey laughed at the sudden question, not having any idea as to what she should do to break the ice there was in the atmosphere between the two of them.

"Why would you ask me a question? You haven't even answered mine yet."

The girl whined as she entwined her hands behind her, looking down at the floor as she tapped the heel of her left foot.

'I wonder if he...' Honey was troubled by something but didn't want to make it look like she was meddling with his life.

"My mind has been floating this entire time, I'm good. How about you?" her friend responded, not wanting to waste any more of their precious time together.

The both of them walked beside one another without any specific plans.

--Sora Young's Point of View--

I could tell that his eyes were wandering everywhere, trying to figure out what my problem was, unfortunately, it was his decision to wait until I finished what I planned on doing.

"Aren't you done yet?" he asked while holding onto the ladder.

"You'll get your chance, just stay put."

I replied with a smirk on my face, knowing that I was simply tricking him into spending his precious time doing nothing important such as helping me do nothing, in particular.

The ladder began to wobble but luckily, Song was there to assist me.

"Can you hurry up? I've got lots of errands to do." the foolish boy whined as he meddled with the ladder, trying to scare me and make me go down.

"Listen, if I don't find that book, I'll be in huge trouble."

I explained to him that it wasn't just a simple task I had to do but instead, I had to return that storybook that I hadn't seen for months.

"What book is it exactly?" he replied.

"Don't even try, I never actually took it out. It was just a prank and here I am, looking for something I never borrowed." I was starting to believe that he seemed to care about my problem, however, he had other plans.

"I'm leaving then."

"Wait, don't!"

I turned around to stop him and fell as the ladder started shaking from side to side.

My eyes were closed shut from the pressure as I nearly felt the ground, I surely expected Song to catch me in his arms but here we are, stacked on top of each other...

"What are you looking at?" I questioned the boy who was currently staring.

I faced the ceiling when I realized that he wasn't moving, tired from wasting our time.

"Get off." I tried pushing him.

"Alright! I'm getting off now." he replied as he sluggishly dragged himself up.

'We're never getting anywhere at this rate.' we both parted ways from the moment and so on, he didn't even bother helping me return that storybook.

"Sora Young!" the librarian called, however, I surely don't have the courage to face her, especially not after I caused that huge mess in the Fairytale Section.

I resumed walking as I picked up my pace, trying to avoid the elderly woman reasonably, let's say that I may not have been able to hear her, or...

"I am not Sora Young." I whispered to myself.

"Sora Young! You sly fox!" the woman yelled in a whisper, realizing that I was getting away from trouble again even if I didn't intend to do so.

I never even took out the storybook!

"I'm so sorry! Sorry!"

I replied as I rushed out of the library without a second thought.

'Wow, I didn't think that I resembled a fox so much to be called like that.'

I wiped off my sweat as I leaned on the wall, not having any idea that someone would surprise me later on...

"Boo!" a guy with a pair of glasses appeared in front of me, he was wearing full white matching clothes with his pair of black shoes, highlighting his brown and messed up hair.

"Why did you do that?" I asked in anger, breathing heavily from running and now, the shock from this guy.

"Well, I heard that someone caused a huge chaos in my territory so..."

He wiped away the dirt on his shoes before facing me as he bid farewell, returning to his usual spot in the school which is the library, his territory...

"Huff." his actions made me furious, doesn't anyone care about how I am? Moving on...

"I should check up on Honey, I bet that she's somewhere near the EC building."

As soon as I began heading to that place, a pair of hands placed a bit of pressure on my shoulders, indicating that someone was behind me.

I looked at him in an arrogant way just like how he usually does to me.

"What's with the attitude??" he bickered but I simply wasn't going to waste another second around that guy, I was starting to lose my friendly side.


Scratch that plan, I am going to the mall by myself. 'Let's see if I meet anyone without even expecting it.'

I walked out of the school as the bell finally rang after half an hour of waiting, I closed my locker without a hitch and picked up my pace before any of my friends spotted me.

'I guess, it is best if I take a break from them...' at least for a day.

"Do you need a ride?" a boy with red hair was leaning on his motorbike, still wearing his helmet since he obviously just arrived here to pick up Yua...

"Yua is on her way here anyway, I don't want to bother you both."

My eyes focused on the street as I looked for an available and trustworthy-looking cab driver, ignoring the offer he gave.

"What makes you think that?" his question made me confused for a moment, that is, until I remembered how upset I was feeling because of the loneliness.

Although, I had many friends.

'I am never the first choice, they never look for me if they don't need me too.' the thought keeps on enraging me, no matter how hard I try to forget about it.

"Hey, hey. Sora, you're crying again."

Hyunjoo tried to hold me but I resisted, not wanting him to see me cry once again. I hate showing them this side of me, however, I just can't help it.

'These tears won't stop humiliating me.'

The lump in my throat makes it worse too, how long exactly have I been bottling up these feelings? Such as anger...

"Will you please just calm down? Scream if you want, I am pretty sure that you can no longer hold it in!" he hugged me as tight as he could to prevent me from running away.

'They probably think that I am boring.' that must be it. It is true though, I tried changing myself but I always wake up and act as if I don't have to change anything...

"I am not fine! This feeling. It has been haunting me for years, and these thoughts!" I yelled out loud, covering my ears to block the noise there was around me.

It didn't matter anymore, I wouldn't ever be concerned about them because they never pay attention to me despite the fact that I gave my everything to cheer them up.

"Why does no one trust me? Why do they always forget about me??" I madly questioned the boy, staring into his deep dark brown eyes while he stared back at me.

'I am going to regret this but who is he to judge me?!' I pulled away from his grasp and started walking away.

"What is her deal?" a student from my school whispered to her friend.

"Let her be, I am pretty sure she is having a mental breakdown." the other replied, telling her to stop talking about me.

"Sora..!" Hyunjoo's voice slowly left my mind as a cab pulled over in front of me.

"Where to?" the driver asked softly.

"The new clinic, please." my eyes suddenly lit up.

'Why did I not think of meeting with her so soon??'