|Another Day in Their Lives|

--Jay Hwang's Point of View--

Says who that I can't multitask? "I said so." Sihyeon backfired as she raised her voice at me, saying that for the nth time in this life of ours.

However, just because she is a seer, doesn't mean that she can yell at me.

"I actually can..." she replied though I didn't open my mouth and spoke.

'I guess this verifies her talent.'

"It is more suitable to call as a punishment or a curse."

She upsettingly glided near the Fairytale Section, casually pulling out an indigo-colored book with all sorts of spiral crystals faintly glowing.

"What do you mean by that?"

She glanced at me before bringing over the book and showing its content.

"You have never mentioned anything about this one. Is it new?" I asked our friend who was sitting quietly on a chair at the table.

--Author's Point of View--

Jinwoo nodded without even sparing them much attention, occupied by the scarlet red book he had discovered recently.

'I don't know why, but they do love adding more and more.' he thought to himself, reminding the other two that they needed to leave before they were late for class.

"I don't need to attend any more classes, or do I now?"

"You must." Sihyeon spoke to her older friend, pushing him gently toward the exit of the library, leaving Jinwoo alone.

On the other hand, Haesu entered the room while looking at the familiar figure, sitting on his own without anyone else.

'He doesn't like me, I should just avoid him.' she positioned her back against the shelf and slid her feet peacefully as her shoes slightly squeaked.

"Aren't you banned from entering this place?"

"You did cause trouble the last time you came."

Sora waved whilst motioning Haesu to take whatever she needed and leave the room, helping her older friend not get into any trouble.

"I kind of left something very personal, could you please let me get that?" she pointed to the tablet on top of a tall shelf where she fell from along with Song.

"Hurry up then." Jinwoo replied without sparing her a glance.

Haesu picked up a few books from the Major Subjects' Section before reaching for a green book, setting off a loud thud since it was leaning on another book near the edge.

Fortunately, their male friend didn't bother looking behind while the rest of their friends also spectated from the other side of the library door, peeking over the glass.

"Now, go!" Jay whispered as he stood in the hall, seeing Haesu accomplish her mission without getting caught though she made a noise.

Honey walked past the group while listening to some music, trying to find inspiration to make their performance theme song that she was told to work on with a partner.

"I'm going to need an expert." her eyes glanced at the ceiling, slowly getting an idea for the task she was given. 'Well, it is worth a try.'

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"How many times can the word 'MISSISSIPPI' be rearranged?" the Mathematics teacher started the class by reviewing us and testing our stock knowledge so far.

'I want to say the answer out loud but since I don't like this subject...'

"Seongmin, why don't you show us how to find that out?"

After another student raised their hand to answer what he just asked, Seongmin was immediately called to show the solution.

"Uhmmm..." he scratched the back of his head, laughing it off nervously as the teacher shook his head. "How about you, Jihyun?"

He went for those who clearly wouldn't be able to answer his questions, humiliating them in front of the entire class.

Our top number #1 ranking student in the class raised her hand and spoke in a hurry, she mentioned the formula and solution orally before commenting about his behavior.

"If you want us to answer your math questions as you want, shouldn't you teach us properly?" the Mathematics teacher was about to refute her but fortunately, the bell rang.

"You are dismissed, sir." she grinned widely from one ear to another, and the whole class cheered her on for standing up to do the right thing, they all gossiped about the teacher, saying that he was probably getting fired soon enough.

"Don't you think something is going on with the school personnel lately? I mean, is there going to be a restructuring??" Seongmin was barging at me with some silly speculations although, they weren't really that silly.

"I do believe there is..." he nodded in agreement, packing up his math equipment and organizing them inside his school bag.


The practice sessions for the final performance are coming to an end, and the rehearsals would be executed after the break so the only issue left now is the theme song.

'If Byungchan isn't available or willing to do it...' then that leaves Dan as my only option in terms of finishing the theme song.

"Where are you headed?" the blonde-haired boy walked alongside me as I went to the music rooms, checking if Byungchan was around.

Although, I heard that he rarely came here in broad daylight.

"Somewhere you aren't supposed to be going..." I inaudibly responded as I focused on every room we passed by.

"Are you perhaps-" he wanted to walk ahead of me but instead, we accidentally looked as if we were hugging each other.

"Oh, no. I didn't mean to." he panicked.

Our eyes met and the distance between us grew as soon as I realized we were certainly not alone. "What are you doing?"

A man in black and wearing a cap, grasped onto the door frame in one of the music rooms named 'Impending Doom'...

"Okay, so... I'm just gonna go back and not get in your way." Dan gently pushed back the hair blocking my face and he immediately departed while steadily speaking to us, returning to his plans.

"Don't you find him surprisingly good enough to date?" the question made me question my decisions in life for getting myself involved with these guys.

"Doesn't matter. Now, as I messaged you, did you think about it and choose to cooperate... Or is there a catch?"

I started discussing directly what I had in mind after contacting him, showing my suspicion regarding his choice.

"Aren't you glad that I'm here to help? But since you've said it, I do need you to let the boy by the name of Austin, stick with you for an entire week."

I tried to understand his language as he made his sentences very long.

"Oh, I can just go ahead and ask him to help me instead. Since you do sound busy." he nodded with his eyes closed, considering it for quite a long period.

And eventually, I simply excused myself as it took longer to hear his reply.

"Tell him to return my laptop this instant, alright?!" when I was yards away, he asked before I could even go down.

Honestly, I tried to avoid choosing this option but here I am, searching for the person I don't like sticking around with.

"Hi, there!" I called to the girl knocking on the door, she looked back at me and entered the room without any response.

'This might not be a great time but...' it is what I came for, and there is nothing else to it.

Anyway, it would be a disadvantage if I decide to leave now even when I didn't do anything wrong still...

'He is there with someone, they probably have something to talk about.' since I dislike being interrupted, I shall not do the same to anyone.

"I told you, there is nothing between us. Jihyun, we're just friends."

That girl who ignored me was suddenly being pushed out of the music room called 'Vintage' and Dan was completely in utter shock to see me standing in front of them, planning on leaving.

"I was just passing by. No worries, I'm going now."

"Wait, don't go! If you have anything to say, just say it. After all, the two of us are done." done as in either their friendship or relationship is over, or possibly their conversation?

Doesn't concern me, for now. "Are you sure??"

It looks like Jihyun was forced to go, hence, it is only safe to check in case she finds it offensive that I interrupt them.

"It's fine, I was just gonna go after this. Sorry to bother you, Dan." her voice sounded like she was about to burst into tears.

But she was holding on to save herself from embarrassment.

"Oh, well. I'll see you around, and be careful on your way down too. I think someone spilled their drink on the stairs..." I added, letting her know that I can see through her.

"Sure, thanks." she responded in quite an insincere tone

Looking up at the ceiling before she left us.

"What's up?" Dan was quick to change the subject.

Acting very inconsiderate about Jihyun's mood.

"I think Byungchan was not up for it, and by that, I mean creating a song for our performance." I explained in haste.

Knowing that he would abruptly take me inside the music room, wasting no time, and began with the process.

"What was the performance mainly about again?" he asked.

Starting the production of a new song, or should I simply call it an instrumental song because we don't need anything like lyrics?

"Puppets." I thought out loud, wondering about it.

It didn't occur to me that I spoke weirdly until he commented.

"What was that about? Are you appealing to me now?" the blonde-haired boy smiled as he lightly chuckled at my response.

I would say that my voice does sound high-pitched, especially when my thoughts are expressed in it.

"Stop thinking too much about what my voice sounded like!"

He wouldn't quit laughing and giggling about the fact that I spoke like that, it isn't even that big of a deal since every single one of us here on Earth does it sometimes.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop. Let's continue." his expression unexpectedly changed as soon as I glared at him without even realizing it, wow.

I am quite surprised about myself.

'Since when did I learn to use my eyes for glaring at people?' am I finally becoming that person? I do recall Sora telling stories about me.

Things that I seemingly haven't gotten back yet, and the traits that I had as Honey Lou are still far from returning.

'When will the time ever come?' I understand that I'm not fully ready for what my past may unravel in my present life because some things are still a mystery to me.

'Including my accident...'