|The Heir and Heiress|

--Author's Point of View--

'All of this food is tempting my patience...'

Yeonju, the youngest of them rubbed his hands together, trying to keep himself from disrespecting the older ones as they waited for the girls.

"Screw this, I'm digging in." the boy attempted to pick up a dish but his aunt, Miss Eun, stared at Yeonju intensely to discipline him.

"Never mind, where are those two anyway?"

Yeonju asked out loud, at the same time, Honey came walking down the stairs carefully to avoid tripping or falling.

'I caught myself the other night, I can't fall again.' she thought.

"Where is your daughter?" Ivy asked the other woman, smirking at the competition they had tonight. "Oh, don't act like you raise your child better."

"After all, where is Soojin? Isn't he the one you're supposed to be worried about..?"

Eun straightly argued with Ivy, they were both enemies up close unlike when it came to the topic of the man right in the middle of the table.

"Honey Lou is my daughter, whether you like it or not." the wife of Soonji stated.

"Ladies, don't mention a thing about that in front of dinner."

"We have the children around as well." Soojin clasped both of his hands together as his second daughter arrived near the dining table.

"Catherine, do take a seat beside your mom." he ordered the girl and she obediently did as he asked, showing them some respect with a proper bow.

They sat there in silence whilst they waited for the eldest family's successor.

Also known as Lee Haesu, she strolled down the hallway outside of her bedroom after taking about 2 hours to prepare herself.

Miss Eun had undeniably predicted what was about to go down that evening, the woman informed the teenage girl beforehand regarding the discussion that they would ultimately have during dinner.

"What took you so long, dear? Have a seat." her mother, Miss Eun welcomed her, lending her the seat between Yeonju and herself, everyone anticipated it except for Honey Lou.

She is well aware of the situation but there was one thing that remained in her mind for as long as she can't even remember.

'This is too soon.' she felt uneasy and bothered.

Honey kept it to herself, knowing that whether or not she wanted it to happen, she couldn't possibly refuse or argue with her father.

"Be considerate next time, Lee Haesu~" Ivy insincerely warned her niece with a soft yet mocking voice, or rather, the other rebellious and distant stepdaughter of hers.

"Whatever you say, Mistress." the girl in red answered with not just a tad bit of attitude.

"Shall we move on and begin with our consumption of food and beverages?"

The housemaids assisted in serving the meals as the chef presented his work of art.

"Aha! Here we have my special and famous lasagna, the recipe was passed down from many generations in my family. To serve the best food for this family." Honey Lou was the closest person to the chef, causing her to slightly flinch at his dedication.

Soonji Go dismissed the man, followed by the entire night shift housemaids in Miss Eun's household to make sure that no information would leak out from the dining room as the family members discussed a very serious and private matter.

"As you wish, sir. Close the doors, ladies!"

The chef ordered them to finish serving the food and beverages.

Yeonju was agitated by the scrumptious options he had for dinner, everything was colorful and tasty unlike, some food that was in the area near his uncle.

"You can eat if you want, his opinion doesn't have any value." Haesu urged him to ignore the man in the center, letting her cousin eat before the elders.

"That is disrespectful of you, dear. Just wait."

Miss Eun reminded them that whatever issue they had against a person, it was still too much for them to show that much disrespect to someone older.

"That is pure bullsh-" the girl was caught off guard by the stare of her younger sister, they both had a similar expression plastered on their faces.

'I can't believe how she can stand up against our father.'

Honey's thoughts wandered as she deeply listened to their conversations even if she was across the table, and they were only whispering to each other.

'Can she hear us whisper?' the older sister wondered, unhinged with her sister's unexpected short eye contact which seemed to be rare.

"Why aren't you eating though? You can't be trying to get me into trouble now, are you?" the clueless and food-oriented boy rhetorically questions his older cousin.

Tilting his head to the left, trying to subtly tell his uncle so that he can eat.

"Let us have a peaceful supper, and talk about our family plans rationally."

Soonji Go spread his hands wide to show his concern for the well-being of his family and relatives, they all seemed to be in harmony.

But in reality, it was far from what a mere stranger would expect to see them as.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind, Honey." the younger female was quick to react, she brushed off the thought and politely responded.

"I am a bit full from the snacks that my sister, Haesu gave to me after lunch." she chuckled at the memory that flashed in her mind to make up an excuse to tell her aunt, however, Ivy and Soonji were suspicious upon hearing her.

'She did what?'

They both looked at one another without creating a single noise, the married couple also kept in their mind that they couldn't question Honey because of her amnesia unless they were sure of the memories that she had not remembered yet.

"By the way, how is your school going?" Ivy turned to face her stepdaughter, deceivingly showing a smile at her.

"Nothing much has happened, I am still in the highest ranks."

The sound of the plates slightly bouncing from their spots became audible as soon as Honey mentioned the end of her update to the woman.

They were all unfazed by the reaction that the so-called man in charge had.

"Are you not at the very top of the tower?" he questioned his daughter.

"It is very, very, very lonely up there. Don't you think, uncle?" Yeonju naively joined in their conversation as he resumed eating all the food surrounding his plate.

"That is true, and could be the reason why everyone here despises you."

Haesu naturally passed the plate filled with macaroons toward her mother, Miss Eun, who gladly took a piece.

"So, Catherine Lou... Are you seeing anyone?"

The man disrupted the ongoing spoonful of bites they were having after the long and awful moment from the topic they previously had.

Honey Lou almost choked on her food when she took a huge amount of rice using her teaspoon and dipped it into the mushroom soup before munching in.

She felt the need to drink a sip of the iced water to relieve her from the trouble.

'I already chose to eat this for a comfortable digestion but is he being serious??' she was consciously raging at the man.

The female across her was also feeling uninterested in what her father had to say, and the same goes for everyone else.

"I am not interested in that aspect of life, Father." she answered while deeply looking into his eyes even though she could not identify which way or direction it was, wanting to take a look into his soul as his closest daughter.

"Very well, I will set you up with a boy that I have in mind. I am certain that he is the one for you." everyone was utterly in shock by the unexpected announcement.

Especially Honey Lou, in particular.

"Knock, knock!" a cheerful girly voice greeted them through the other side of the door, they met eyes with one another, all except for the man in the center.

"Again with the surprises!" Haesu argued with the idea of letting her father plan the family dinner they annually have together.

"Manners, Lee Haesu." Ivy smirked at the reactions they showed.

"Another thing that I would like to clear is that my youngest daughter, Catherine Lou will be inheriting every single manor that I own, on the other hand, my wife, Ivy Go will also receive a part of my possessions, such as the family business, Main Tech. And lastly..."