|Having A Family Dinner|

I disregarded it for now since we were heading there anyway, unexpectedly, he didn't bother me with any questions as I put down my phone.

He was admiring the beauty of the silent night.

"You're not thinking about asking, or are you?" he returned my glance to him, possibly smiling because I could read him.

'Although, I barely did so.'

None of us spoke further about it, likewise, he could tell that it was personal and that he would only have to walk me.

Until we reached the outside of the subdivision from where I lived.

It was peaceful, the road wasn't filled with vehicles honking because of traffic, the air didn't seem polluted, and people were minding their own business.

'I think I remember...' we rushed here and there to avoid getting in a conflict with time and with those around us, crossing each road without a hassle.

"It feels like that time when we were still 12 and 13 years old." he mentioned.

"It does feel familiar." my lips naturally formed a smile.

Indicating that I felt very happy about all of this, with a moment of silence as we continued walking down the path, we finally arrived there.

My neighborhood may be quiet and desolate but it is near a busy part of the town where plenty of shops are still active during the night.

"This is such a dream."

It may look like one of those cliché scenes from melodramas but the feeling was genuine, we laughed again and again for no particular reason.

Later on, the two of us parted ways as he lightly jumped excitedly in the air, waving at me to bid his last farewell, and I carefully strolled alone under the moonlight on the way home.

'I won't get used to this.'

There is this energy that makes me recall that story from the hospital where I was checked in, the circular shed with a swing in the middle away from the center where the fountain was built. 'The girl who committed suicide intrigued me...'

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

((That same night...)) I heard the sound of someone ravaging the drawers inside one particular bedroom, noticing that Yeonju was trying out every single formal attire he had in his clothing storage.

"Hey." I called to him, averting his attention from the drawer toward the huge closet he had near his bathroom door, he rushed from there to the compartment and opened it.

Before walking away from his doorstep, I closed it to give him some privacy and went to my room, seeing my mom in the second-floor hallway.

"Are there guests coming over?"

I questioned the lady, she was putting on too much blush than normal so I assumed that something was going on, which I was not aware of.

"Have I not informed you about tonight?" she replied, looking at the hand-sized mirror she held in her left hand, I was taken by surprise by the answer she responded with.

'Did I happen to forget about checking the messages she sent..?'

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go and get ready!" her heels made such loud tapping noises that echoed in the house as she headed past me.

Telling me to prepare myself without even explaining what was happening tonight.

{"Your dad, Soonji is flying from New York towards here. He asked me to invite them over for dinner on March 10th."}

The message contained all these, implying that my mom had informed me beforehand.

'It took me a few days to read this.'

Wow, is it already the actual end of the school year? "Oh, right. I forgot they're making some changes in the school." which is why our summer break is longer than ever!

'I have to go and get ready now.' at all costs, I will still outshine her.

"Should I go with fancy or classy?" the maid entered my room, picking up the dirty clothes that were lying on the floor.

I turned around with my favorite outfits and asked the woman.

"They all look great on you!" she complimented me while I dreadfully beamed back at her, letting her know that I wanted a proper answer.

"Must I choose for you?"

She complained, tired from getting the blame in the end.

"Haha. I promise you if you just choose one of these two..."

"I won't say anything negative, okay?" I assured her that this time, it was finally real.

"You've said that like a bunch of times already, why don't you choose one yourself?" she counterclaimed my answer.

"Because... I like letting others decide for me since they are the ones looking at me as I am wearing these." she nodded after I retorted with logical reasoning.

"Whatever you say. Between the two of them, I like the red better." I thanked her and went on prepping myself for the family dinner, entering the shower stall to freshen up.

"It's too cold!"


"I wonder why she chose red. It does look good on me, but isn't it a bit too much??" I questioned myself as I styled my hair in front of my hairdresser.

Slowly using the curler and twisting each strand of hair that was straight.

"I would say, it is quite provocative because of its strapless upper part."

It took me about an hour to get myself done with all these preparations, therefore, we were running late. "Are you serious?!"

A voice startled me once I unplugged the curler, it was very hot and I didn't want to risk getting burnt on this very night but of course, they were annoyed by my slowness.

"We are sisters." another voice spoke up, making me turn around and face the door.

"Well, you're here quite early." I crossed my hands, currently infuriated by her presence.

"Damn." she was the winner of this battle, even before the match had begun.

"Does it look funny? I thought so! Maybe I shouldn't have chosen lavender instead, I probably should have gone for a livid color." she walked toward the mirror on my closet door, roughly fidgeting with the dress.

"Don't!" I made her halt as she meddled with the perfectly bouncy hem of the soft lavender dress, the denim jacket Honey was wearing seemed to ruin it though.

"How about taking this off?" I suggested, showing her that the colors were clashing with one another, poorly destroying her look.

"Right, the color I picked up isn't a good match." she replied.

Sliding it off her shoulder and folding it.

"Certainly... But do you know what is a good match for you?" anyone could tell at this point that a grin on my face had appeared as she mentioned that last part.

"What would be..?" she replied hesitantly.

"Daniel Austin Nevuerra would be a perfect fit for you!" I tried not to squeeze her with my hands, feeling disgusted with the smell of romance in the air but by the happiness of shipping the two of them.

Honey didn't seem glad about it.

"Uhmmm... I'm just going out now." the expression on her face was showing discomfort.

"Oh, are you just friends? Or is there a spark between you and him?" I asked so innocently without a clue of what is their status.

'I guess a lot of us have already misunderstood her...'

"Come to think of it, is it actually one-sided?" her eye grew bigger from the speculation I had about the two of them.

"This is getting nowhere. Why don't you just tell me? I am your sister." she took my hands in hers, letting out a deep sigh before she made eye contact with me although, she looked to be struggling in doing that as well.

"Please don't put his hopes up." that sounded like a favor, is she asking me to return what I owe her? "I'm leaving now." she lost interest in talking to me within a split second.

"Okay then, I'll see you down there." I answered before finishing up my makeup and the accessories I chose to wear that matched my outfit.

'You look gorgeous!'

Self-complimenting is one of the best ways you can boost your self-esteem.

Not confidence.

'There's a big difference between those two, and I ain't even explaining it.' says who that a hug or kiss can heal you from sadness.

Even if that is a fact, relying on such actions from another person to help you feel better doesn't always turn out to be a good idea.

I mean...

In my opinion, people shouldn't let their emotions be handled by others, or else, they will become vulnerable people when someone whom they seek comfort from, suddenly leaves.

"It becomes worse."

'Who cares though?' many people in this world have their own things to deal with, and I really believe that they're barely concerned about the well-being of those around them.

"It is rare to meet and see such a kind-hearted angelic person in life."