|The Development Between Them|

"Welcome, this way please!" a receptionist replied after identifying who we were.

"Am I supposed to be here? It looks as if everything is expensive..."

Min Seo whispered over to Yun Oh who was just walking beside her, letting Sihyeon lead them both to their designated table.

He was about to answer her until she spoke again. "What if I break something?"

The male shook his head in disagreement with her, patting the girl's head whilst they continued going to the table.

Sihyeon took a glance back at them, checking if her ship had a chance to sail.

'Yun is giving me this uncertain feeling.' the girl with a pink ribbon thought as she let the other individual do as he pleased.

"Here you go." they were given the menu and each of them chose from the options, having a friendly conversation as they waited.

"------" someone's phone rang and vibrated at the same time, Yun Oh picked up the device and excused himself from the table, exiting the restaurant for a little while.

"How long have you two been close?" Min Seo curiously interrogated her once Yun Oh left the room, wanting to hear an explanation about their relationship.


"What do you mean I need to go there??" the male replied through his phone, hearing nothing else but constant beeping noise from the other side of the line, thinking that it must have been just the sound of a printer.

"Right now?" he sought some sort of a sign around him, catching a small yet impactful sight across the street.

"What in the world..?" his mind drifted from the main topic he had.

'I thought he hated her, and that she didn't like seeing him.'

"I swear, it won't happen again." Dan laughed while he stood beside Honey Lou.

Waiting for the bus to arrive as it was already 6:00 PM when they all finished their assigned tasks in school.

"Are you still listening?! You have to come here!" the male was dumbfounded by the blast of someone's voice, he talked to that person.

And initiated a deal to get away for a little more time, fearing what may come if he left Sihyeon and Min Seo so soon without a valid reason.

"I could tell them it's urgent but..." his eyes trembled as he prepared himself.

"Who called you?"

Sihyeon calmly dropped the utensils on the side of her plate, carefully placing her elbows on the table as she rested her chin on the back of her hand.

Waiting for their friend's response.

"It was nothing, I was told to leave and return somewhere in 30 minutes." a pack of napkins flew in the air as he rashly attempted to get one from the table.

"Are you nervous or something? Sit down, will you?" Sihyeon spoke as they resumed eating dinner, discussing a not-so-personal issue.

Feeling the sensitive vibe they had in the room.

Meanwhile, hours before this happened... "Did you hear something?"

Dan, the blonde-haired boy asked his female friend as he led Honey inside the recording room and they both shrugged off the thought of that clicking sound.

"It sounds much better right now, are you sure you're making this for our performance?" Honey listened to the theme song playing.

"I am so sure that when you dance in front of the crowd with this song, you'll shine as bright as a star." he imagined her doing their ballet choreography.

Genuinely acknowledging the idea of giving them the chance to have it as a background song to dance along to its rhythm.

The two of them couldn't help but chuckle at the topic, it was somewhat comfortable.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"I think I misunderstood you, and probably everything else about this place." he tilted his head and practically acted so arrogant in less than a second.

"But I guess, this is only a different side of you, you're still how I knew you at first."

Another 30 minutes had gone by, with just the two of us playing with some instruments inside the music room.

Singing and creating a bunch of beats that went harmonious together.

"About that music box..." I brought up another topic after another, trying to learn more about our past since my memories are still as vague as ever.

"What about the music box?" his voice didn't sound as if he was annoyed with all my questions and curiosity showing up.

Rather, it felt like he was waiting for this chance this time.

'Why did I even try to avoid this? I must be afraid, right?'

I hate this feeling, especially when it comes to people. 'That should be the answer to my question about having these issues and/or problems left unsolved.'

I am afraid of having no more worth in this world.

So by ignoring my problems, I would still have something left to do when everything else is finished according to how it should be, all on their own.

The first step that I am going to take right here right now is to show my true intentions.

"No more hiding it..."

I spoke aloud, letting him know that my mind wasn't drifting away once more.

"You were the one who placed it there, didn't you? And played it loud enough to reach me on the rooftop." I pointed at the disc shelf where there was a hidden room located, motioning towards the small square door on its left.

Dan nodded, placing down the guitar he was holding in his arms.

"The melody you often hum, do you have no recollection of it up until now? If so, I get why you would always cry as you sleep." he added, reaching for the music box above the shelf.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked so seemingly desperate to remember, he shook his head and entered a scroll in it.

It played the melody, sounding quite simple yet nostalgic for me.

"I won't tell you a thing, you'll just have to remember."

"Why not though? Is there something I'm missing here? Other than the fact that everyone around me is insincere?" he remained calm even when I was already fuming, feeling dejected from his response.

"You made me promise, but you also broke a promise that you made. I won't do the same thing as you did. Please understand, it is what you wanted."

'That is true...' the voice records on my phone from 4-5 years ago were all with him, sneaking out from our apartment on one of our business trips overseas when I met him.

"I don't have that much memory about you." I replied, pushing back my hair behind my ears in an attempt to relax from this pressuring moment.

"I don't mind telling you all both depressing and fun memories we both had in the past, but we never really got to know more about each other that well." he answered me.

Gently placing his hand on my left shoulder holding me for consolation and showing me that he understood it nicely.


"It's locked! How is it locked?" Dan walked over toward the door, noticing the locked doorknob quite late. "What now?"

I simply sat down without even worrying about Ivy being alone back at home.

'I do believe that the man is here as well.'

"I have an idea!" I sprung up from the seat, fixed the discs on the shelf by their colors, and unlocked the entrance, motioning for the blonde-haired boy to follow my lead, not wasting a second to leave the school.

'I would never have thought of using this to get out of there." he commented, messily brushing his hair from the humid air.

"Do you even use that brain of yours?"

I laughed at the insult he told about himself, replying with more insults to rile him up as we began chasing one another in the slightly dim tunnels.

"You are going the wrong way!" he yelled but I didn't listen nor stop in my tracks.

"I will not let you get to me, you're just going to make me giggle nonstop!" I replied to him.

Minutes after playing around with each other, we both eventually made it out without any more trouble, walking out on the side of the street with lights bristling as the starry sky turned the mood more special than ever.

"Doesn't this remind you of something?" Dan questioned, I attempted to recall what he was talking about but something stopped me.

"~~~~~~" my phone lit up and I brought it out of my pocket

Replying to the message I got.

{"Why are you not here yet, my dear Lou?"} Ivy, my stepmother asked me all of a sudden, she rarely interrogates me regarding my whereabouts.

{"You have to return now, he has arrived..."}