|Making Suggestions Without Knowing|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"Have you seen your sister?" Sungyeon put his hand on my shoulder, halting me from heading to the restroom as he asked people around if anyone had seen my sister...

"I, too, have been looking for her everywhere."

"And I'll let you know if ever we see her, of course."

I politely answered with a little annoyed tone, tired from them acting like they cared.

'I mean if they cared... None of this would have happened, in the first place.'

I opened the white door to spend my time in a quiet place, completely alone and away from someone, or at least, two of them...

"Finally! I've been looking." he didn't seem to notice anything either like the rest of them.

"I already told you that I accept your wish."

He chuckled lightly, covering his mouth with his hand while shyly lifting his shoulders.

'Poor guy, I wonder how I met him back then.' he leaned in closer to give me a pat on the back, waving goodbye after.

"So, who won?" Sihyeon approached me once I left the bathroom, closing the door behind me before walking with her to our bedroom as the other girls minded their own business. "Well, after you kind of passed out in the forest as Yun told us, he saw me on the way to find my sister... Unknowingly held onto my hair as he watched over me."

I spoke with a smile.

"You look happy." she teasingly said, holding her arms on her back, sounding so confident with her ship. "Please, don't..."

I yawned, raising my hands since I couldn't resist stretching for a bit.

"I am happy, I'm always happy anyway. There isn't anything new about my smile."

I answered her just to clarify what she had in mind, and that there was nothing going on between me and Yun, or even Dan.

'I am not in the right mind for such a romantic phase in my life.'

After all, if I hate myself... What will happen to those around me?

"Anyway, after we found them."

"Ji Eun was there with Kim Young, arguing with Jay Hwang and Sungyeon when my sister suddenly appeared out of nowhere, catching the lovers' affair though she knew there was something going on between the two of them and yet..."

"She turned a blind eye till the secret exposed itself to her." giving her the chance to make a scene and end up being miserable for who knows how long.

"But I think she'll get over it and change somehow."

Instead of spreading love as I wish, I end up infecting them with contagious hate...

Shaking my head to forget about the dangerous thoughts, unintentionally slamming the door in Sihyeon's face while the rest of our friends' heads were directed at us.

"You look pale." Jihyun stepped closer with her palm barely touching my forehead when she checked to see if I was sick, and that made me slightly insecure.

'Did she do that on purpose or do I look that much pale??' the girl then left without a word. She is choosing the other side when her friends split up into two circles from now on...

'We never really got along as people see us.'

Reality truly hits differently than what we all expect.

"Especially considering my entire life."

Hopefully, she doesn't get in my way, or in anyone else's way that may take another toll on my life since I am already as broken as a smashed vase, thrown on the ground like I have no value. "And I need to buy a new one to replace this."

This broken flower vase cannot be glued together again.

"Everyone's day is flowing ordinarily but mine differs..."

Why does it differ though?? I have done nothing but try to be happy and forget everything that gives me anxiety and more mental breakdowns to handle on my own.

Is it working the way I assumed it would? Honestly, that's a negative...

Honestly, this is what I have been worrying about since the first time I came here after waking up from that cursed sleep that felt like an eternity passed. 'Nothing that is happening right now is making my life any better than trash being recycled.'

--Kim Young's Point of View--

"You both broke up, huh?" Officer Willows interrogated me when I left the island, wanting to get a piece of my mind away from two of the most precious girls in my life...

"It was love that I felt for her but only as a friend who cared enough to do something." even if it was wrong, I covered my face with my hands, looking back to those times when I struggled to even change myself.

"Well, your decision was a mess... She never really liked you, in the first place, but eventually fell in love when you kept on trying and trying to fix her."

He is right about that...

The first time I met her, I was only curious to know if we could be friends even with her violent attitude.

'The thought of changing her though her friends told me that it was useless, it kind of got ahead of me.'

"Do you think anything changed? Did Haesu somehow realize something?" he passed me a cup of pure coffee, to give me some energy since I rushed out of that place, scared of what they might do to me.

To be specific, scared of what she might do after what I had poorly done to her.

"It wasn't me that made any chance to Haesu, it is her sister. Honey Lou."

Now that I am thinking about it, I still haven't found out why she hated her sister...

Something between the two of them, or even because of their family made her this way. 'Only they can help her.' but their help would be useless if she won't help herself, and I do know how it feels to lose a mother, and a father too...

'Although she still has her father.'

In her mind, he died long ago before they were even born into this cruel world.

I remember when we would hang out in a park, our circle of friends was not so big of a group yet.

'We only had Haesu, Ji Eun, Jihyun, Sungyeon, Jay, Seokjoon, Sora, and Jinwoo.' we would often stay over at Sora's house with her family near a road where...

Her sister got into an accident...

"I completely forgot about that." I unconsciously said aloud.

The officer gave me a look with his eyes filled with questions that he was holding back, given the situation I am currently in with Haesu and her best friend...

I made a bet with Ji Eun, at first, that I would be able to change her friend, she would tell me these stories about Haesu before introducing me to the group.

We had something special but I blew that off by feeling confident.

There isn't anything wrong with confidence but having a very high one can make a person too reckless of their actions which is what happened to me, on the other hand, having a low one is also bad.

'Balance is really what we need around.' and there was nothing that I needed to change about her... 'It is her way of coping with the pain she experienced.'

"She got through that pain by leaving home, meanwhile, what do you think happened to Honey?" between the two of them, Honey seems fine around her stepmother, stepbrother, and father.

"I don't know... She is happy anyway so there isn't a problem." he shook his head, disagreeing with my answer.

"There are things that aren't what they seem to be." he briefly added.

"I'll be on my way then, get yourself a ride home with this." he slid a few money bills under my used cup, bidding his farewell since they were closing the case without any good results. 'After all, it may be just an accident that no one wanted to happen.'

Or were we too behind from their pace that made things go this way?

I still think that someone planned it.

And I will not stop until I make things go right.

"I'll leave them alone for some time." it is better that way, for now...

--Kim Sihyeon's Point of View--

{"Let us have a meeting, my dear partners in shooting arrows!!"}

I sent a message in our group chat.

Giving notice to my three friends who believe in my ability.

Or as far as I remember, a gift that I was allegedly given for an act of offense to our main protagonist around here.

'Why don't we normalize calling it a curse instead, hmm?' I set up the cabin inside the forest as our temporary hideout to keep track of our progress.

{"I am busy napping right now! Just say what you've got to say here."}

One of my friends replied, in particular, the friend who never really attends any of our meetings since he mostly likes dreaming.

'Majestically, he is the same as me but in a different way.'

I envy that guy because he doesn't have any important things to do with his ability to dream about the future.

The Flares don't have any knowledge of his presence nor are they bothered by his gift.

"He didn't commit any sin like you." a voice spoke to me about my past life, or should I say lives. "It was one time, I am telling you!" I faced the source of the voice.

{"I'll head there as soon as Yua leaves the water :) "}

Moon sent a message along with a smiley face on the side as the cherry on top because the two of them are inseparable nowadays.

However, we do need to discuss this matter as soon as possible before things get worse for it already is worse no better than a ladybug getting crushed.

{"I'm already here, wherever this new hideout meeting place is standing."}

Yun Oh replied to my announcement in the group chat, showing that he didn't care that much about us except for his childhood crush.

{"I'll meet you at the usual spot."} I added.


"Again! Can you repeat that but slower now that I am here?"

Song interrupted while Yun Oh and I were done discussing already, asking us to repeat everything that took me half an hour to finish or even begin with our next plan.

"You have no more dreams like me, how do you expect to know what might happen in the near future?" the cyan-haired friend of ours ridiculously asked.

"Oh, I may not be a dreamer anymore but..!"

I raised my right index finger, stating my claim as I tried to get their attention from their wretched phones, clearing my throat before resuming.

"You do." smiling as I caressed my shoulders upon getting a great idea from my friend, himself, trying to make a fool out of me.

"Sora is right about one thing, you are a fool!" I calmly mocked him.

"Now, if you don't mind because it would be so kind even when I don't tend to remind you to step aside." I ordered him to get himself a seat beside Yun Oh while he simply watched the two of us. "I am not agreeing if you are just going to use me for my ability, Monica."

He called my otherworldly name, starting another topic to argue about in this fragile timeline we are currently in.

'Though I choose to hold back my anger and let it disperse into thin air.'

His words will not get into my head like the Dark Flare slipping into Song Ji Eun's purity as a part of this story.

"Why don't we just give the girl another useless piece of advice so that her downfall comes already?" Yun Oh mentioned yet another thing that I haven't told him entirely about...

"And then, we can help her heal so that we would all have a happy ending!" he threw both his hands in the air at the thought of this meeting being a total waste.

"Listen, since I do not dream anymore... Let me tell you some piece of mind."

I seriously stated, pinching my nose bridge as I thought of how to explain this to our supposedly second lead who eventually turned into the male lead in this timeline.

'And yes, he is the second lead who's far better than Daniel.'

What a twist of fate this is!