|The Secrecy Club|

--Moon Hyunjoo's Point of View--

"Hey, Yua! Are you not feeling burned yet by the sun??" I put my hands up, waving at my new best friend as she swam back here in such hot weather today.

'Oh, hell...' I couldn't take my eyes off, stopping my hands from waving as I waited for her.

"What are you staring at?? You fool!!"

Sora threw a towel on Yua when she arrived at the seashore.

Her tank top wasn't properly worn so I was just concerned about her image though I admit, I got distracted.

"Damn you, redhead." I bad-mouthed myself.

'Thinking about our friendship deeply...'

"She's your friend, Hyunjoo! You can't just go around liking anyone you want..." I exclaimed, lightly hitting myself.

I approached both of them, giving Yua her jersey to cover up before I left to meet with the others, however, this girl did not let me off the hook since we're always hanging out.

"We are inseparable so you are taking me wherever you're going." she said.

"I can't take you with me though since this is kind of private." I answered while removing her hands from blocking my way into the road leading into the forest.

Rejecting her self-proclaimed invite to meet up with my friends.

'Also known as her friends.' but even when I made it clear to Yua, she followed me across the forest and ended up joining the Secrecy Club I have with Sihyeon.

"What is she doing here?" the older female frustratingly asked me, waving around a wooden stick with her eyes glaring at us both.

"Just go on with the meeting, pretend that she is not even around." I glanced at Yua who was nodding in agreement with what I stated.

"I am pretty certain that things are not going as planned... Not a single thing going on right now." she clenched her small fists, fuming in anger and throwing a fit before calming herself down to get this meeting over with.

"Breathe in, breathe out." she talked to herself as we all watched her silently.

"Are you feeling better now?" Yua raised her hand to say something, speaking as soon as everyone's attention was diverted to her.

"Yes, and I hope you do not spill a single word about this gathering." our older friend replied momentarily.

"From now on, we will be communicating with each other through newspapers... Like this one!" she unfolded a newly printed copy of a newspaper that had a ton of interesting topics written all over it.

"Uh-huh, what an absolute coincidence."

Yun Oh commented upon seeing a news report on Honey Lou's father.

'And yeah, we all know already by now.' the fact that their family story is a legitimate high-value topic in the media industry.

"This is a sign, right?" Song questioned the discovery we had made, and it made me wonder. "The only way to patch things up for Honey Lou is for us to go back, isn't it?"

I stood up from my seat, scribbling on the whiteboard Sihyeon prepared.

"And I guess, I have to be there for her at the start of her crumbling." I heard my best buddy, Yun Oh, whisper to himself after he saw what I wrote all over the whiteboard.

'We all have that role in life where we suffer through the pain for the good of others.'

"That, I think is the complete flow of this story, my dear friends."

Sihyeon marveled over my work of art while Yua, on the other hand, had no idea what to say about the scribbling I made...

"Is it just me or does this have no way of being interpreted??"

"Only Song, Yun, Hyunjoo, and I can read these writings. It is something that only we four are capable of doing..." Yua nodded as she took a seat back down while the four of us discussed this matter even more.

--Yun Oh's Point of View--

Sihyeon lay on the floor with her dress as a substitute for a cushion.

Creating a book of translation for Yua to join our Secrecy Club as they like to call it. "How do you pronounce these symbols though?" the youngest of us had asked so innocently.

"I think this is the first time that you have learned something, Yua. Or should I say..." he tried to spill the girl's true identity.

Until Hyunjoo effortlessly threw his left hand on the cyan-haired boy's mouth, keeping him from spilling the truth too early.

"What was that about..?" Sihyeon lifted her gaze from the book, cluelessly joining in the conversation the other three were having.

Meanwhile, I carefully contemplated what I should do next in terms of helping Catherine...

'Our bond is greater than when she is with that dirty blonde-haired friend of ours.' but I need to help them grow closer somehow.

"You are right about that!" Song encouraged Yua alongside Hyunjoo, and I was about to scold them for being too loud but I did not do it anyway because I had to be cautious of my actions, especially my words from now on.

I should do things right starting at this very second.

"Nothing is allowed to slip out of our grasp, not anymore."

Sihyeon gave an inspirational speech, walking to my side while the wind blew and made her appearance like one with the Flares, whoever they were...

--Sora Young's Point of View--

I looked around, trying to search for the one thing that Haesu-eonni asked me not to leave behind. 'In other words, her journal.' her precious diary where she writes all of her journies.

"I am so in trouble if someone else gets hold of it." a sound of someone whimpering in pain became audible around the corner.

The sun wasn't shining much yet so I couldn't tell who the person was inside our shared bedroom although, its silhouette was so familiar to the point that I recognized the person.

"Honey!" I called her but she did not respond.

"Who are you talking to?" Sihyeon-eonni approached me with a huge book written in a foreign language that I did not speak, she came inside the lodge with Yun Oh, Yua, Hyunjoo, and Prince Charming...

"What is he doing here?" I unconsciously questioned.

"I asked you first though~" my older friend responded in a song. "I thought I saw Honey in there." I pointed at the figure but it was suddenly gone in an instant.

"I swear! I saw her inside of that room..." it freaked me out.

"Do you think it could have been that thing?" Song asked with worry in his voice.

"Yes, that might have been the Dark Flare who was currently not possessing a living matter." Sihyeon confirmed, handing over the book to me before leaving on her own without any word.

"I'm sorry but this is confusing me..." I faced the group.

"I'll explain it to her." the cyan-haired crush of mine insisted with a stern voice, making it seem like the situation was very serious.

However, Hyunjoo disagreed with him and it felt as if they were keeping something from the rest of us.

"-----" someone's phone rang when Song forcefully dragged me out of there, leaving the other three in a heated atmosphere.

We both left the lodge and headed to the other cabins on the island, finding a better spot to reveal all of their secrets to me.

Hopefully, he does spill the truth already before we head back home after today.

"So, go on!" I attentively gave him the go signal.

"I wasn't planning on telling you a thing."

He smiled like he did not just trick me into believing that finally, someone would tell me everything about their deepest and darkest secrets...

"Are you kidding me?" I genuinely felt upset by that.

He reached his hand over to me, motioning toward the book that I should give it to him. 'Without even apologizing for getting my hopes up to their highest level...' but I don't necessarily have to return it to them now, do I?

"Don't give me that look."

"I just want you guys to treat me as a friend. With trust and honesty."

I held onto the book harder, bursting into tears as I exited the room he brought me into.

"Young! Come back here with that book!" he called my name so earnestly.

'But I am tired of being excluded from all of their circles.' am I not a part of their friendship? For all the years that we had spent...