|When Force Is Being Required|

I walked near the sea where the yacht was located, watching the sun rise with its reflection being magnified by the calm sea beneath.

"Peace is never granted to us and so, I shan't wait any longer for it!" I shouted in frustration, kicking the sand as it flew in the air.

"If I want something, I should do whatever it takes to earn it!!" I threw my fist in the air, dropping the book of translation on the ground filled with sand.

"And this, what even is this?"

I asked myself out loud, finally speaking out as much as I wished.

The words were so far from being earthly as if it was somewhat historical yet futuristic... "Amari?" I browsed through the pages and ended up seeing the most familiar word, or should I say? A familiar name.

"Amari means Comfort, it can also mean that if one has used this term as a name for someone..." they desperately depend on it for comfort.

"Is that why Honey doesn't find me comfortable? BECAUSE MY NAME ISN'T AMARI??" I scoffed at the thought of it before I read the entire thing till the last page.

"Song means Messenger..." if this term is given as a name for someone, they are nothing but pure creations of the imagination...

"They are referred to as an Imaginary Friend or entity that doesn't exist."

I recited the meaning.

"That's enough!" the voice of a friend halted me from reaching the back of the last page, attempting to get the book of translation from my grasp as I stood to face him.

"What is this all about? Huh?!" I questioned him after he failed to steal it back from me.

"It is none of your business, Sky!" isn't that my English name?

How in the world did he find out? I thought he couldn't even remember my origin...

He pushed his cyan hair back as I waited for him to say something, however, Song disappointed me like usual.

"I am not returning this until you tell me everything!" I was filled with hatred toward him, and not a single word from this book of translation can help me express that.

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

"Where is it?" I could have sworn that Sora left it around here somewhere...

"But I think she just misplaced it again." no one would probably take it because obviously, they all know that I write unbearable things in that diary of mine.

'Where could it possibly be?'

"You. Have you seen it?" I asked a random student from our rival school.

"No, I haven't seen a journal around here..." she replied with a bit of arrogance in her tone, minding her own business once I disregarded her opinion after giving me a useless answer.

"If I were you, I wouldn't trust anyone at this point onward." she added.

Glaring at me with those sparkling blue eyes, her hair was as pink as a cherry blossom tree which made me wonder...

"How come I've never seen you before? I know almost everyone who tagged along on this trip." she chuckled lightly before going back to her serious face, giving me a stern look in the face. "That's because you don't pay attention to those around you."

Her voice sent a shiver down my spine because, for the first time, I had met someone who had the same level of arrogance as me.

'Or even more than that...' she smirked at me for being left speechless, finding it amusing that I had been silenced by someone who belonged to our rival school.

"I hit the target, didn't I?" the cherry blossom-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest.

"Believe what you want to believe, you're just a nobody." the girl raised her eyebrows, questioning what I said with only her face.

"Well, that was the most humiliating moment in my entire life!" I yelled in embarrassment as soon as the door behind me had shut in her face.

"Who does she think she is?! Mocking me, Lee Haesu." this is making me go crazy!!

And what if she was able to hear me rant about her behavior just now??

"I really should be careful..."

But then again, when have I ever cared so much about the perspective of others, huh?!

"Curse you, Song Ji Eun."

I whispered before packing up the last batch of my belongings and then, leaving the island ahead of my friends and the students from our rival school.

--Author's Point of View--

Haesu was sneaking around the island, trying to look for a different route to summon her uncle in order to pick her up from that memorable yet horrid place wherein they, themselves, had chosen to go altogether.

"If it's possible for the endless flow of the waterfall to end, then it can also be possible for that to happen to this endless nightmare."

Haesu gave her last glance at the waterfall behind her, that particular area was filled with many memories that they shared as a whole.

However, there is always an end in every single aspect of life.

"Wasted memories, that is what I shall call them." Haesu concluded.

'I might have to go somewhere for a while... To hide.'

And yet, another person from their circle suddenly stopped showing up that day and so on, having left behind Honey, Yun, Dan, Sora, Yua, Sihyeon, Yeonju, Sungyeon, Jay Hwang, Ji Eun, Jihyun, Hyunjoo, and Song in the island with one day left to go.

"So, how about that deal we all had?"

Ji Eun clasped her hands to gather the attention of the younger fellows whom she still counts as her friends though she badmouths each one of them in the shadows.

"What deal?" all eyes and ears were focused on the female as she held out her phone, playing recorded audio to present as evidence.

Including those who were not a part of their circle, and no longer had any involvement with the consequences of losing the game.

"Oh, that deal when a certain team wins the game... They can each choose anyone from the losing teams to do as they please."

Yun Oh's face beamed like a puppy, raising his hand before he pointed it toward a random girl from their rival school.

Honey Lou was disappointed upon witnessing this transaction whilst Dan approached her from the back with his face having a quite gloomy expression as he came out of nowhere.

"She's all mine." he told them loud and clear.

On the other hand, Jihyun too was disappointed in her best friend. 'He still has no clue.' she rolled her eyes at Honey even though the other girl was not aware of this despite having made eye contact with Jihyun.

Miles, however, had other plans...

He had a desire to spice things up on the last day of their stay on Yun Oh's private island, gliding on his way beside Jihyun while he flicked the tail of his hair that was tied up.

"Cho Jihyun! I heard from Sora that you did not get to celebrate your birthday." he said.

"I'm not interested in doing that." she replied without any hesitation, for once, she wanted to show off her dominant side to them, and not even a mere deal could force her into doing something she had always feared to do because it would reveal her secret.

'She looks nervous.' Honey urged the girl with an uninterested smile on her face.

This caused the others to chant and expect a positive response from the girl who is determined to avoid getting her birthday celebrated.

Hours later, everyone was getting ready to leave the private island, they all worked together and cleaned up everything they ruined, fixed everything they had broken into two or more, and checked to ascertain that they were still complete like how they came there, in the first place before entering the yacht once again.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my promise to every single one of you~"

Miles kept on bugging Jihyun to throw a party, he couldn't stand seeing a friend unable to celebrate an annual occasion such as her birthday.

"Good, Saturday it is!" he took the honor to set a date.

Meanwhile, Sora returned to where she had left Song earlier that day.

She was searching for a vanity item that mistakenly fell from the book of translation she held onto. "Where is that necklace?"