|A Familiar Scenario|

"I told you not to remind them or even mutter a single thing about it!!" Jihyun screamed at her older friend who was yawning.

As if she hadn't done anything wrong to the other individual, relaxing elegantly with her left leg placed above her other leg, and her arms crossed over her chest, sitting up in a straight composture.

Even after ruining her own best friend whom she considers like a sister as well...

'What is the big deal anyway? It's not like it'll ruin anything for her.'

Ji Eun glared at Jihyun for showing her true colors and acting like an immature ballerina as they spent their time in the school theatre for Jihyun to start rehearsing again.

"Whatever, I'll call my mom to plan a grand party." the thought of impressing her friends and especially, Dan Nevuerra became her ultimate goal for the week, she opened her phone with a name that popped up at the very top of her contact list.

"I'll be over here if you ever need me. But please, don't need me."

Ji Eun laughed by herself as she informed her friend that she would be staying in the farthest corner of the room, planning on calling Kim Young for the 20th time that day.

'He isn't picking up.'

"Yeah, yeah." her phone was ringing but no one answered, however, a text came from the same contact she dialed.

The girl opened that one message before screaming like a spoiled kid.

{"I told you, stop calling me your mom. Anyway, what do you want?"}


Their one-week vacation on the island ended in vain, half of them were glad to have come while the rest of them believed that the entire trip was already ruined as soon as they had planned it.

"It was a bummer!"

Min Seo gossiped though she wasn't even there when it happened, she was invited by Yun Oh but refused. "Stop that, Min Seo. I thought we were so close."

Ji Eun intimidated the group of girls who were talking about what went on the island with the group of friends.

Her reputation was getting messier and messier as days passed by ever since the summer break they had. Now, they were obligated to return to school and hand in their homework.


Min Seo shut the cover of her face powder upon hearing her so-called friend call her a friend.

"Since when did we become friends, Ji Eun?" she shook her head from left to right, disagreeing with the older female in front of her new group of friends.

"Are you kidding me right now? We used to hang out like every day."

This time, Ji Eun wasn't putting on a courageous attitude as she was denied by one of the best friends she ever had, a friend who grew up with her and accepted her personality.

"Oh, I remember having a friend with the same name as you..."

Min Seo smacked her lips once she was done applying her sweet and red strawberry lip balm on her lips, continuing the conversation she had with someone she treats as a mere stranger now.

"But she crossed the line and eventually, that very best friend of mine died."

She spoke in a parable, sharing what she perceived after so many years of being friends with Song Ji Eun. 'I did cross the line...' Ji Eun admitted to herself.

"Okay then. Let's say that I may have gone overboard, but do we have to end this?"

Her heart was slowly being crushed as her only true and loyal friend didn't acknowledge their friendship.

"You're a backstabbing and unfaithful person, that's what I realized." the younger friend added before turning her back on Ji Eun and leaving along with her new group of friends.

"And she left me as well... I wonder who else is going to leave my side now." she was reminded of her last conversation with Haesu, thinking to herself if her decisions were all right or wrong, in the end, things sluggishly came into place...

"Why is everyone avoiding, leaving, and acting like I've done something terrible to them??" Ji Eun flipped the table in front of her.

'Even if it is true, none of this is my fault...' the fact that she was raised to become that person she least expected to turn into, made her lose all that matters to her.

"It's her fault, everything is her fault!" the girl threw one of her shoes away.

 Ji Eun had a public mental breakdown as she shouted in anguish, disregarding the audience there was surrounding her at that time.

No one bothered to keep her from yelling at herself, letting go of a ton of curses, and even destroying several school property.

It was an unequivocal moment in her life where she unleashed every inch of her unspoken feelings. 'Feelings that were told to be kept within her soul as her guardians commanded her into doing.' she lifted her gaze, seeing what an absolute mess she created whilst the people around her were taking candid pictures of the most dream come true wish.

"Who knew that this would happen sooner?" they all had no remorse for the girl.

"What a satisfying sight to see!" students who used to fear her, decried before the girl's own eyes and ears.

 "An obscure event..." Jihyun watched the person she was in relation with, and their true colors were ostensibly going around the school grounds without their mask on.

Soon enough, the students all around the female lost interest in her as well as the staff there who were unfortunately mistreated by the girl herself, now, enjoying the great comeback of her course of actions befall on her head.

Ji Eun was abandoned in the middle of the corridor, alone like a lost girl, after all, she is lost because of the fact that the people who were responsible for raising her had no compassion as they guided the teenager.

Her life became emotionally manipulated by those around her, being taken advantage of, which caused her to do the same bad thing to others. Even if she did not wish to do so...

 "Have I done anything unlawful?" she stared at the quiet hallway with her soulless mind, aware that none of this was her fault, to begin with. 'I know who to blame but she'll only make it seem like she hadn't provoked me into all this...'

Yun Oh was there to try and catch a glimpse of the Dark Flare, on the spot, as it carried out its devious plan to ruin and sabotage the Secrecy Club's ultimate goal.

Things are bound to become more complicated...

But it will all come to place once the pieces are put together or finally conjoined as one again by the very center of their lives in that particular universe, also known as, Honey Catherine Lou.

Speaking of center, Sihyeon had been standing in the middle of the room where she first met Yeonju, her boyfriend.

"Reminiscing the only good memory we had conceived..."

She was fabulously holding her hand near her cheek as her other hand was being held over her chest, supporting the other hand.

"How saddening~" she hummed.

The girl glided around the room, looking out the window as her eyes wandered and fell upon one of her dear friends.

"So, whose side are you on now?" Sihyeon asked another friend of hers, tilting her head to the right as she leaned to the left side while talking to Jihyun.

The other girl lightly shook her head in denial, refusing to admit what she had in mind.

"I don't choose sides because I am one of those sides~" she smiled at Sihyeon, replying with a cheerful and excited tone.

"Uh-huh..." the older female held her chin while Jihyun had a look on her face, questioning the odd response. "Why?"

 The mood in the quiet classroom suddenly fell as the two went on with their one-on-one conversation, each second that passed by made Jihyun all the more nervous, especially because Sihyeon was the person giving the suspense.

"Oh, nothing~" the girl replied with a slightly evil giggle afterward, laughing at the idea of her knowing the little secret yet one of Jihyun's insecurities which is about her mother.

"By the way, how's your mom? Who is biologically and historically related to Haesu and Honey..." Sora secretly gasped.