|Their Last Work as a Group of Friends|

--Author's Point of View--

 'When will we ever be true?' the girl thought to herself, gazing upon the other female beside her while she comfortably rested on her friend's shoulder with her hands embracing the younger one.

"Can I tell you a secret?" this question made her heart burst and jolt from her seat, Sora had been waiting to hear those words for so long.

But after acting like that, she suddenly realized that Yua wasn't herself at the moment, her eyes examined her other half like a sister she had always been to her.

'The corner of her eyes look red, her voice sounded like she was holding back...' tears that never seem to end, these were her observations that led to unevenly giving out a smile.

 The curly-haired girl caressed Yua and she was taken aback by this unexpected show of affection from her friend after simply asking if she could tell Sora a secret.

'A secret that she must've been holding in for such a long time to herself.'

"It's up to you if you trust me enough to tell this secret of yours, other than your sexuality, of course." Sora replied, letting go of Yua and holding onto her chin as she let her eyes wander right as she mentioned the last part of her line.

 "What do you mean by that?!" yelled the short-haired girl, Yua threw down her friend upon getting up on her feet, Sora's eyes were wide open, shocked at the burst of her friend and yet, she laughed it off.

Running away from the spot.

"When did you find out??" she was chased by her sassy friend, they both ran around the field bleachers while Yeonju and his cousin, Riyanna, also chased after each other in the middle of the field's running track.

"From the start!" the older girl responded, confessing that she had always known about it.


People in the street have been waiting day and night for the Bloom Café to open but to no avail, the time they have spent waiting in front of the door was never unlocked.

Murmurs went from here to there, in Seoul Global High, in the other nearby towns, and even across the country, rumors flew by that the café would never reopen again.

"Will she just ghost everyone after their breakup?"

Min Seo gossiped with her new circle of friends, walking past the corridors of their school in Building A, new enrollees came from all over the globe, attracting the attention of the students on campus, and giving them plenty of free time during school hours.

"Bro, look at those seniors." enrollees were stunned by the sight of the seniors, the seniors in Seoul Global High that are the face of the campus, they represent the school in times like this when the school is open for new enrollees.

"Welcome to the school of your dreams, Seoul Global High!" a delicate voice record of the school muse would sound at the entrance of the school grounds every 10 minutes as a welcome to the new enrollees.

"I wonder if they have secret passages that we can use as a shortcut around here." the squealing echoed from one corner to another as newcomers visited and passed on their requirements to become officially a part of the campus.

'It feels like it was just yesterday when we were acting the same way...' a young lady in a hoodie wore her earphones, brushing down her hair to hide it from the sight of others, making it seem like she wasn't even wearing it.

'It feels like it was just yesterday when we were acting the same way...'

A young lady in a hoodie wore her earphones, brushing down her hair to hide it from the sight of others, making it seem like she wasn't even wearing it.

"Did you hear the rumors though?"

The darker side of the campus resonated in the lips of the newcomers followed by the students who had already long been a part of the school, and words about the famous group of friends spread all around.

'Damn, these rumors!' the young lady in a hoodie cursed in her thoughts, pulling her familiars one by one.

She collected each employee and possible person that have been helpful to her family's business for years, locking them all in a single compartment in Building D, including the people she least expected to approach.

 "What gives?" Honey Lou was done with people dragging her to places, leaving the scene as soon as her older sister had returned from collecting their friends.

"Let her be." Yun Oh blocked Haesu from following the girl, insisting that they discuss what needs to be discussed even without the other one.

The noise began to subside when Lee Haesu hushed all of them from using their voices, asking them to lend their eyes and ears as well as attention and allow her to have a moment to speak her insight.

"Shoot." Lee Sungyeon crossed his hands over his chest, sternly looking at the girl with full attention, serving as an example to the rest of his friends in the same room with them.

 "Thank you for that." the young lady wearing a hoodie pulled back her hood and turned off the music she was listening to, putting down her earphones and taking a deep breath while her hands stayed afloat in front of her stomach.

"Remember that big annual project we have coming up?"

Haesu's eyes traveled from her cousins, specifically, Sungyeon, Riyanna, and Yeonju, to her so-called friends, namely, Ji Eun and Jihyun, before she continued.

"I would like all of us..." they anticipated on what she was planning on telling them, Haesu had them all in suspense.

 "Be quick, will you?" Dan complained since he had multiple things to do for the surprise farewell event for the seniors.

'And a welcoming event to support and collaborate with, afterward...' Sihyeon noted.

"About the annual event that we have in the café, I want to ask all of you for help because this will be the last time that we can all get to work together and act like we're still friends." she hit her head so lightly with the palm of her hand.

"Before I also leave and permanently stay overseas." Haesu whispered under her breath.

"You're leaving?" Ji Eun scoffed with a hidden smirk for a second, stepping closer to the girl as if they were still truly the best of friends they thought they were, feeling the ick upon embracing her warily.

"I hope you do as you just said."

 The room was filled with dead silence once they witnessed an exchange of plasticity between Haesu and Ji Eun.

Sungyeon broke the two apart, saving them all from having a bad start.

'Or rather, a bad start in their way of ending whatever connections they have...'

Not long after that discussion in one of the storage rooms on the school grounds, the group of friends acted as if there hadn't been any sort of conflict that drove them all into different circles in the circle.

Resuming the school activities they had been assigned to work as a team, in addition to that, the annual project for the café that they treasure dearly.

"Can you pass me those strings? I need to replace these things on my guitar." the dirty blonde-haired boy wearing a pair of red headphones sneered at the sound of his old guitar, asking his older friend to assist him.

"Hey, Hyung!" he called but there wasn't any response.

It was dead silent in the night while the students remained in the school area, working on their respective parts for the school's agenda.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

 I took a shower after arriving home about an hour ago, the practice has become strict to the point where my food intake is being constantly watched by my mother and the mentor who is in charge of the final performance.

The performance where I lead is the marionette covered in red.

Water poured on my body like the rain that drenched me in its liquid matter, causing me to get sick for a whole week and be a burden to Yun Oh.

He spent day and night keeping me from acting like the undead.

I sighed at the replay of that memory when I started hating myself.

 He was there at my lowest, the same goes for when I am at my highest... "I can't thank you enough for his presence, but I can't seem to choose him still." he may be the best friend I could ever ask for, he may be the fianceé that I have been granted, and yet...

"He continues to pursue me and doesn't even get a glimpse of hope to change my mind."