Chapter 7: On the way to Siragon

Today was a special day, as Aeras was supposed to leave for Siragon. Prince Erebus and Prince Albus, princes of Sirigon were soon going to challenge each other for the battle of the throne. Every Prince, Princess, their General Candidates, and King/Queen from each nation will be present there. The Princes were both twins and good friends of Aeras. Aeras was especially happy since being the king was all they both talked about but sadly, one of them gets to be one. Aeras got dressed the best he could without seeming too over the top and started making his way out to his horse, 'Grigora', which means fast. Aeras named him this because Grigora was the fastest horse in the entire kingdom. Upon reaching there he saw his father and Hue, also with their horses, preparing to leave. Aileen saw Aeras and waved his hand. Aeras waved back.

Aileen: Good morning son, hope you are all set and ready to leave.

Aeras: I am father, after all this is the first time I'll see Battle of thrones.

Aileen: Hope you enjoy it, by the way, where is Eisen?

Aeras: He'll meet us on the way.

Aileen: Oh, why so?

Aeras: You know Mr. Rabi, he wants Eisen to look good, so he himself is helping him get ready, so Eisen will meet us on the way.

Aileen: Alright then, let's go.

All of them got on their horses and left the castle. Aeras and Aileen were lead by Hue and were surrounded by Soldiers. It was a very secure formation. After reaching the outskirts of Erlia, Eisen joined them too. He himself looked like a prince, even though he was the general.

Aeras: Oh, I didn't realize you could look this handsome, brother.

Eisen just shot a dirty look at Aeras which made him crack up. After traveling for a few hours and coming halfway on their journey, everyone decided to take a break. They stopped beside a waterfall and rested.

Aeras: Hey, Eisen, wanna go and walk around a bit?

Eisen: Sure, but shouldn't we ask your father first?

Aeras: No, I'm sure he would say yes even if we asked him.

Both Aeras and Eisen went into the forest to explore the wilderness. They climbed up the tree, sprinted, even practiced sword skills for a bit. Soon both of them started making their way back to the resting site when they heard weird chewing noises and huffing sounds coming from behind a bush. They both drew their swords and walked towards the sound. They came close enough to the bush to see what that sound was, and what they saw was horrifying. Someone or something was eating a human body. The body had been severely wounded, the face was disfigured, and the stomach was slashed open and the intestines and blood flowed out. The creature just sat there eating those intestines. The creature had big black horns on its head, silver hair, everything else about it was human. The creature suddenly went motionless. Aeras and Eisen got cautious. In a blink of an eye, the creature's head suddenly faced the direction Aeras and Eisen were standing in. It just.....looked at them for a while and went back to eating. Aeras and Eisen looked at each other in confusion.

Aeras: What is that?

Eisen: I don't know, never saw anything like that before, it looks like a human but has black horns on its head.

Aeras: If this creature killed this human, it can kill more, we should eliminate it right here.

Eisen: You are right, but shouldn't we call more people? We hardly know what it is capable of doing.

Aeras: And put their lives in danger too? No, we can not do that.

Eisen: Ok but if something happens, I'm getting you out of here.

Aeras: Ok.

They both split and go sideways as to ambush the creature. Eisen looked and Aeras, who signaled 1,2,3...They both jump out and pounce on the creature they jumped and were about to reach it, they both stopped, in mid-air. They both looked at each other, they were both shocked and surprised as they had never seen anything like this before. The creature got up on its two legs, wiped the blood off of its face, and looked at both of them. The creature was, a girl, in her 20s, tall, slim, had green eyes, silver hair was pale, and had red lips horns. Aeras was shocked to see, the girl looked similar to Athoos, but because her face was different and also because she had HORNS, he dismissed it as just a slight resemblance. The girl waved her hand in a throwing motion and tossed Eisen and Aeras away. Both of them came crashing to the ground. The girl then slammed her feet on the ground and cracks appeared. A huge piece of the earth came out of the ground and now floated in the air. Aeras and Eisen looked at the girl, and it was clear that she was the one controlling it. The more she held her hands higher, the higher the piece of earth floated. Anyone could've guessed that she was going to throw it at them, and so did Aeras and Eisen. They both quickly got up and started running back to the resting site. They used their Ruu's to fasten their speed. After running a bit further, Aeras looked back to see the girl still standing where she was. He looked forward but looked back again, but this time the girl was coming after them and had almost caught up with them. Aeras was baffled to see that the girl wasn't running after them, but flying towards them. That is how she was able to catch up to them so quickly. They kept running and running until they saw the resting site. They both saw all the soldiers, General and King, and ran towards them. As soon as they came into light and out of the forest, both of them stopped. They came to a stop in front of everyone and were wheezing and completely out of breath. Concerned Aileen went up to them.

Aileen: Aeras, are you ok? What happened? What's wrong? When did you go inside the forest? What about you Eisen, what's wrong?

Aeras and Eisen looked at each other and then looked towards the direction they came from. The girl was nowhere to be seen, they both again looked at each other and sighed in relief.

Aeras: Nothing father, we were just seeing who can run faster so...

Aileen: Is that really all? You looked agitated.

Aeras: Oh no father, I'm fine, we....are fine.

Aileen: Ok if you say so. Alright everyone let's get ready to leave.

Everyone got on their horses and started the rest of the journey. After about 4 hours they reached the city of Siragon. Sun was up when they left Erlia but now it was night, they made it just in time. At the night the City of siragon looked like a magical place. They had magical orbs floating in the air, which looked like stars. The dresses, the food, the people, the homes everything was very beautiful. Everyone safely made their way to the castle, at the entrance stood, the Queen on Siragon, Harmonia, to welcome the guests. They all got off their horses and greeted the Queen.

Aileen: Harmonia, it's been long enough.

Harmonia: Yes, Aileen, it has been. Oh, Hello prince Aeras, I haven't seen you since you were just a little kid. I told Aileen to bring you to our kingdom so many times, but he always refused, but finally, here you are.

Aeras: Pleased to make your acquaintance, my Queen.

Harmonia: Oh and this must be your general candidate, Eisen.

Eisen: Yes, my Queen.

Harmonia: You two live up to your reputation as the most handsome duo.

Aeras and Eisen smile and thanked the Queen. Aileen bowed down and kissed the Queen's hand, Aeras and Eisen did the same after. Queen had the guards escort Aileen, Aeras, and Eisen inside as she still had guests from other kingdoms coming. All the King/Queen, Princes/Princesses had their own room but General candidates had a common room they all had to share. It wasn't a shabby room, it was big and spacious and worthy of belonging to a King/Queen. Aileen was escorted to his room by the guard and so were Aeras and Eisen. Before parting ways with Eisen,

Aeras: Eisen, what we saw today, no one can know, at least not until we know what it was.

Eisen: Yes, if anyone knows, it'll cause a ruckus and distress.

They both nodded in agreement and parted ways and made way to their respective rooms. What they didn't know was that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

???: What are you hiding.....Aeras?

****End Chapter 7****