Chapter 8: Battle of Generals

The sun rose up, the castle was full of uproar as everyone was busy getting ready for today's event. Today was the day of the 'Battle of the Generals', this battle will decide who will become the General to the future king. Aeras woke up and decided to take a bath. The bathroom had a large pool-like tub, filled with water. Aeras took off his clothes and went in. As soon as he went in, his back started stinging. He quickly got out and went in front of the mirror to see what it was. He saw 3 scratches going down his back. Aeras was startled to see this. He was confused as to when he got them, but since he couldn't explain them, he brushed them off and continued with what he was doing. About half an hour later Aeras came out of his room and started making his way towards the battle arena. On the way there, Aeras met up with Eisen on the way and eventually Aileen. All of them made their way to the battle arena. Kings/Queens, princes/princesses, and their general candidates from each kingdom were there. The royals were sitting while their general and general candidates stood just behind them. Aileen and Aeras were escorted to where they were supposed to be seated, Eisen following them. Aeras sat and Eisen stood behind him. Aeras looked around the arena, everyone cheered and screamed, as the battle of the general doesn't happen that often. He looked at the tall walls of the arena. Aeras's eyes got bigger as he saw a figure standing at the top of the walls, the figure was very distant but one could clearly make out the feminine figure, white hair, and most of all...horns on the figure's head. Aeras knew instantly who it was. He wasn't scared but rather he was curious to know who it was and also concerned, as to why she followed him here. Eisen glanced at Aeras and noticed he was looking at something, Eisen couldn't help but look in the same direction. Eisen was also shocked to see that she followed them here. He put his hand on Aeras's shoulder.

Eisen: I see her too, lets act like we haven't noticed her.

Aeras: You think she followed us?

Eisen: Why else would she be here?

Aeras: What does she want, I hope she doesn't create any trouble.

Eisen: Yeah, but heaven knows why she is here, and what she wants with us.

Aeras: Let's lay low for now.

Eisen nodded in agreement. They both were startled by the loud sound of a horn. The horn signaled the start of the ceremony. Queen, Princes, and their respective general candidates entered the arena. Queen walked to the middle of the arena to give an opening speech. She finally came to a halt in the middle of the arena.

Queen Harmonia: My dear people, today is the day which our kingdom has not seen in decades, the battle of generals. It's my pleasure to welcome you all to this special occasion. I may now present to you your Heirs, Prince Erebus, and Prince Albus.

Prince Erebus and Albus came towards the center and waved their hands. The whole arena up-roared and cheered for them.

Queen Harmonia: I may now present to you, the general candidate of Prince Erebus and Prince Albus.

All the general candidates walked towards the center as well. the crowd cheered them on.

Harmonia: Dame Kami, Dame Mirabel, Sir Delvin, and Sir Dison are the general candidates of Prince Albus, and Dame Flora, Sir Trico, and Sir Michael are general candidates of Prince Erebus. Cheer them on.

The crowd started going crazy, after all, one of them was going to be the general, the one who protects them along side their King/Queen. It is a tradition and a right for the citizens of a kingdom to be present for the battle of generals and The battle of the Throne so that they can see for themselves who they are leaving their lives in hands of, as a general is supposed to protect people and under orders of the King/Queen.

Harmonia: I shall now explain the process of the battle. All the general candidates will be given a Ruu-restriction potion due to which they will not be able to accumulate or use their Ruu during the battle. They will be each given a weapon of choice and a shield of choice. They are allowed to freely attack or defend themselves in any way during the battle. Battle will take place separately for the General candidates of Prince Erebus and Prince Albus. Both groups will have separate winners. Who will become the general will be decided by who wins the battle of throne tomorrow. If prince Erebus wins, the winners from his group of general candidates will become the general, the same goes for the general candidates of Prince Albus if he wins. Also, keep in mind that if the prince who loses the battle chooses to be the general to the winner, the general candidates will not become the general at all. All the general candidates whether winners or not will be given high-ranking positions in the kingdom. So now without any further delay, let the battle begin.

The Queen exited the arena and Mr. Kwik entered. Mr. Kwik was the referee of the match. First, the match was going to be among the general candidates of Prince Albus. Mr. Kwik announced the name of the candidates who were going to fight each other.

Mr. Kwik: Dame Kami and Sir Dison, enter the arena.

Both of them entered the arena, dressed in an attire that wasn't restrictive and fit for battle. They both came near Mr. Kwik.

Mr. Kwik: There are two cups in front of you, pick them up and drink the potion contained within them.

They both drank the potion, and suddenly their body started twitching and they both fell to the ground. They got off the ground but looked as if they were struggling to do so. Aeras looked towards Aileen and tapped on his shoulder. Aileen shifted his attention to aeras.

Aeras: Why do they have to drink the restrictive potion? Isn't using Ruu skillfully one of the qualities a general should know.

Aileen: It is believed that if a General or Heir is powerful and skillful enough to be victorious without using their Ruu, they will be even more powerful with it. That is why using Ruu is forbidden in this battle. But don't worry, before the coronation, Generals and Heir both have to show their skill and expertise at using their Ruu in front of the whole kingdom.

Aeras nodded as to signal he understood what Aileen said.

Mr. Kwik: Now you may both select any weapon and the shield you find useful.

Dame Kami selected a 'Bastard Sword' as a weapon and 'Shield Boss' as a shield, while Sir Dison selected a ' Ranseur' and a 'Metal Aspis' as a shield. Both of them came towards the middle of the arena, ready to fight.

Mr. Kwik: On my count, you two shall start the fight. If one can no longer fight the other will be the winner. Come to the battle stance warriors...ready to fight...pounce!

As soon as Mr. Kwik said pounce, both of them ran towards each other. Sir Dison went for an uppercut with the Ranseur but Lady Kami used the shield on time. She quickly went behind Dison and kicked him from behind. Sir Dison came falling down on his face, but quickly got up, ready for more. The fight went on for a long time, with Dame Kami giving the final blow. Sir Dison was on the ground, unconscious.

Mr. Kwik: I announce Dame Kami.....victorious.

The crowd cheered her name and uproared. The Arena was full of cheers, screams, and whistles. Soon the match between Dame Mirable and Sir Delvin began and ended with Sir Delvin winning the match. Finally, Sir Delvin and Dame Kami had a match with Dame Kami winning the match. Dame Kami faced the direction Queen was in and bowed, to show her respect. The battle continued with now, general candidates of Prince Erebus having to fight. The first match was between Dame Flora and Sir Michael, with Dame Flora winning the match and the second match between Dame Flora and Sir Trico, with Sir Trico winning the match.

Mr. Kwik: Sir Trico and Dame Kami, come forth, pick up the cups in front of you and consume the elixir to regain the use of your Ruu. I announce both of you, victorious and Future Generals of Siragon.

The crowd cheered on and chanted their names loudly, filling up the arena with their sounds. Dame Kami and Sir Trico shake hands and then turned towards the crowd and waved to them. Soon all the general candidates were given the elixir too. The question now was, which one of them will be the general, but that can only be answered after the battle of throne tomorrow. Today's day went by quickly and normally. What waited the next day was a mystery.

****End Chapter 8****