Chapter 9: Battle of the Thrones

New day, once more, people from not just Siragon but from all around were present. Once again and finally the time had come for final judgement. Queen entered the arena, Prince Erebus and Prince Albus followed behind her. They were both wearing a simple sparring attire, their blonde locks were tied and they carried a simple spear and shield. Queen came forward after a brief moment.

Queen Harmonia : My people, it is time, time for you to see for yourself, who your future king is. Let everyone see for themselves, if the winner is worthy, or not. Erebus and Albus, address your subjects for the last time as princes.

Prince Erebus and Albus, stood up and came to the front of the stage.

Erebus : Greeting, I, Prince Erebus, would like to take an oath.

Albus : So do i.

Prince Erebus and Albus (Together) : No matter who the king would be, whether it be me or him, it won't change our priority that is to protect and serve the people of Siragon. That is our promise. We take the oath.

The crowd started screaming and cheering loudly. All the ladies in the arena were sighing at how handsome they both looked. Aeras looked more proud than ever of his friends. Queen Harmonia had tears in her eyes, just looking at both of them with pride. Erebus and Albus came towards the Queen and kneeled, asking for her blessing. Queen made them stand up and hugged them both.

Harmonia : In my eyes you both are already kings, no matter who wins, in my eyes you both will be equal and I'll always love you. Now, go, show them what you both have got.

Prince Erebus and Prince Albus Hugged the Queen again and made their way into the battle zone, and once again stood Mr Kwik with the potion to block flow of Ruu in the princes bodies. They both drank it and came in the middle of the arena. Mr. Kwik raised his hand, signalling both the princes to be steady in their fighting position ready to pounce. The crowd went silent, all of them waiting for the battle to start.

Mr. Kwik : Pounce!!

Mr. Kwik lowered his hand signalling princes to start. They both pounced and the crowd started roaring, louder than before. Erebus went for attack but Albus managed to shield himself and then swiftly attacked Erebus but he dodged it easily. The fight went on for what seemed like hours, Erebus managed to get a few hits but so did Albus. Albus attacked Erebus and he fell on the ground, with his shield launching into the and spear getting stuck in the ground. Erebus looked left and right and there frantically before looking up to find Albus pointing his spear towards Erebus. Erebus was defeated, the crowd got up and started chanting Albus's name.

Crowd : Albus! Albus! Albus!...

Queen Harmonia, got up from her Seat and ran towards Erebus and Albus both and hugged them.

Harmonia : Are you both ok, you are not hurt anywhere, right ?

Albus and Erebus : No, mother.

She hugged them again and finally walked forward.

Queen Harmonia : Prince Albus is Victorious, but Prince Erebus is brave too. Both of them have shown us that it didn't matter who won, both would be worthy of being a king. Now, both Princes, come forth and drink the elixir to re-channel the Ruu energy within you. Albus and Erebus both drank the Elixir and faced the crowd. Albus came forward.

Prince Albus : My beloved people, though I may have won this battle but I lose by far far more in experience and will against my bother Erebus. Though we are twins, it took longer for me to grasp things and really be good at things but still, through each step he was always behind me, helping me get better and better, it is due to his hard work and love that I stand victor in front of you all. I would herby like to plead my mother, to allow brother Erebus to be my Royal advisor.

The crowd gasped at what the prince had asked for. It is always the previous King or Queen that is supposed to be the Royal advisor to the successor. The royal advisor had almost the same power as the successor. Queen Harmonia didn't look shocked or offended, in fact she was in an awe, for how much love these brother had for each other.

Queen Harmonia : Very well then....I shall grant you this wish, but I must also listen to what Erebus has to say. Erebus, son, would you accept this position.

Erebus : Mother, i'm grateful you think me worthy of this position and as extravagant as this offer sounds, I have to decline it.

Everyone, including Queen and Albus, looked confused.

Harmonia : But son...I don't understand...why ?

Erebus : I....would also like to forfeit my name as the general.

Albus : Brother.....why? do you not want to be beside me, am I not a fit king to serve?

Erebus : Brother.....of course fact.....I wanted be the King. Mother, I wish. to explore the world and live my life how I want, it must sound very rude and disrespectful coming from my mouth but until now, I hid this desire so as to not hurt you or brother, and also to keep doing my duty as the prince and possible future king. But do not fret, mother, brother, it doesn't mean that I lost the battle on purpose, I gave my all as it was my duty, as I lost fair and square. But now I must let my desires be known, mother. I wish to stay a free prince, explore the world and travel all around the world. Please, mother.

Harmonia : Prince Erebus, I hear you, but does this mean that you would not associate with this kingdom again and also leave your brother alone ?

Erebus : No, mother, no way in heaven will I every do that. For you, brother and the Kingdom, I'll always be there. Whenever you need me and whatever you need from me, I'll give without batting an eye. But mother, my dreams of travelling the world, exploring it, seeing new things, meeting new people, learning and many. more things is something i've hidden for so long, that I just had to say it out. If mother is against it, I must not talk of this ever again and stay in Siragon and take on the role of the Advisor and stay besides brother Albus.

Harmonia : Son, from when you were a kid to even now, you never asked anything of me or you deceased father, you always nodded and complied whenever something was asked of you, it is only fair that you finally say something.

the Queen paused and the whole arena was silent.

Harmonia : I shall allow you what you ask for. Go son, live your life the way you want, after all, you only have one.

The crowd started cheering for Erebus. Albus ran and hugged his brother.

Albus : Brother, I had no idea you were going through all that, why didn't you tell me ?

Erebus : Haha, because you are stupid and you wouldn't have understood a word.

Albus: You-

Harmonia : Enough, boys, now focus.

Erebus and Albus : Yes, mother.

Queen Harmonia : Both the princes have given their words and wishes, and The coronation or Prince Albus shall take place 2 days from now and Dame Kami shall be his General, we shall all gather and take a step towards the future. May the sun shine bright.

Crowd : May the sun shine bright !

The battle finally came to an end, all the princes and princesses made their way to the room to dress up, as their was a celebratory banquet being help for prince Albus, but patience must be kept.

***To be continued***


For anyone wondering why at some places in have written 'Hamonia' and at some places 'Queen Harmonia'. and same for both princes. It is because, to a mother, sons needn't be princes and to sons a mother needn't be a queen, that is why when they talk to one another, I dropped the honourifics. Only when talking to crowd or someone else are the honourifics used. Just thought I should point it out. Also when Queen says 'May the sun shine bright', it's because a siragonian needs to use the energy of sun or U.V. to use their Ruu. The more brightly the sun shines, the more powerful can they become. See you all in the next one.