Chapter 10 : Coronation

Preparation were underway for the coronation, everyone was busy getting ready for the event. Aeras was restless, knowing that that unknown person, whoever it was, was still lurking around somewhere. It wasn't the fact that this person was unknown or mysterious, but the fact that Aeras didn't know what they wanted made him restless. In his mind, at least knowing their intentions would put him at ease as he could then be prepared for the worse. Aeras pondered on this question for long while getting ready for the coronation, but got nowhere. Few hours later, he met up with Eisen, who was waiting outside his room.


Aeras : Come in, boiiii.

Eisen came inside the room. He shot a weird look towards Aeras for calling him 'Boiiii', Aeras couldn't help but laugh. For Aeras, teasing Eisen was always a delight, and take his mind off of 'stuff' even if for a bit. Of course, Aeras wanted to forget about that strange person for at least today, it was his dear friend's coronation and he couldn't be happier.

Aeras : Come on Eisen, at least smile today.....And tell me, you got a date for today ? There is a ball later too, you know ?

Eisen : Aeras, i'd rather we focus on the strange person than on the 'beauties' that will be present, im sure they pose a threat to Siragon in some way.

The room filled with serious air.

Aeras : I are actually not wrong...for once.

Eisen : once....?

Aeras : Ok, ok but at least for today I don't want to think about any of this, let's just forget about it and enjoy the day. Maybe, just maybe we are overthinking everything, maybe they followed us because they though we pose a threat, but by now i'm sure they have figured out that we don't, and are on their way to wherever.

Eisen : But...

Aeras : oof, Eisen, you think too much.....ok....I'll keep my eyes open and stay on toes....for you, ok ? Let's go find you a partner....ooooo or anyone in mind? hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Eisen just walked out the room, with Aeras laughing loudly behind him. He closed the door to wait for Aeras.

Eisen (To himself) : Yeah.....I do.....have. someone in my heart but.....there is no way they would ever feel the same for me.

***At the coronation venue***

Everyone was was either dancing or having their fill of delicious treats or world class wines. Not a single person in sight was not enjoying themselves. Aeras sat on his designated seat with Eisen standing behind him, with Aileen sitting right besides Aeras. Queen Harmonia entered the room, everyone made way for the Queen to walk. Prince Albus and Erebus Entered right after her. Everyone bowed down to them, and all the royal got up from their seats, to show respect. Queen signalled everyone to rise.

Queen Harmonia : My subjects, today we are here not only for the coronation of the King but also for marking this day as the day we took a new step towards the future of this kingdom. I now present you your king, King Albus Harmonia Prota Defeteros Jean Siragon.

Albus climbed up the steps to the throne, and faced the people. Everyone went silent and once again bowed to Albus. The royal priest. started. chanting the coronation chants and the choir sang. The priest asked the prince to face him, and Albus bowed to the priest. They priest put the crown on his head and handed him the orb and the sceptre. Albus held it for a few brief moments while facing the people and then handed them back to the priest.

Priest. : His eternal highness, his eternal power, from north to south, from east to west, The king of Siragon, His majesty, King Albus Harmonia Prota Defeteros Jean Siragon.

The people present bowed lower to show their utmost support and respect, and Erebus couldn't look prouder of his brother.

Priest : Now, I may present the king with the Elixir of power, which shall allow, his majesty to have full access to his ruu and his power, so that he may become the symbol of power in times of need.

Priest presented the Elixir to Albus and he drank it calmly, without rushing.

Priest : Next, the royal jewel of power....Therapévo, the jewel that bestowed ruu powers upon the first the king of Siragon and its people, passed down generation to generation, will now be bestowed upon his majesty the king.

The jewel was blue in colour, the colour of Siragon, representing its power to heal, and it was at the lower tip of a long dangling earring. A piercing was made in one of Albus's ears and the earring was now in his ear with the jewel dangling at the lower tip of it. Suddenly the jewel glowed and weird energy started flowing out of it, leaving behind the trails of blue light. The energy entered inside Albus and soon the light faded.

Priest. : The light !!!! The jewel has recognised King Albus as its master!!!! Long live the King!!!

It was a big thing in this world to be recognised as the jewel's master as only the first user of the royal jewels of each kingdom were actually recognised by it, and it is not the wearer that chooses the jewel, it is the jewel that truly accepts someone as the master. The Kings/Queens can still use the jewel to dangerous extents without actually getting accepted as the master, but it is only the master of the jewel who can truly use the jewel in ways no one else can and to its full extent. But just then, the lights went out and a woman started screaming.

Woman : Blood!!! BLOOD!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO

She fainted, but what she said caused an uproar and people started running here and there, some tried to leave the room but found that the gates were locked. Aeras and Eisen were looking around to see what exactly was happening. They saw someone jump towards the Siragonian royal jewel. Albus jumped away due to reflexes but still couldn't see anything. The stranger visibly noticed the situation and tried to run away. Aeras and Eisen both had a hunch as to who it was, but they weren't sure yet. Aeras saw them jumping through the window, away from everyone's sight.

Aeras : I know you saw that.....

Eisen : ....

Aeras : Wanna.....go for a quick walk ?

Eisen nodded in agreement and they both jumped out the window, making sure no one was looking.

Aileen : Aeras....son are you ok ? Aeras..? Aeras ? Ugh this kid...where did he go now ?

Using their ruu they climbed up the castle walls until they were at the top. Everything within 50 m radius of the castle was clearly visible, also partly due to their heightened senses. Eisen saw someone suspicious and pointed towards them, he moved his head to signal to Aeras, that they should follow them. They quietly followed the person into the woods but the person came to rest at an empty patch of land in the middle of the forest.

??? : are not as naive as I thought you were, huh?

Aeras and Eisen both held their position, making sure that even their breathing is not heard.

??? : Too bad you saw me having some snack in the forest that day...dont you know....

Aeras : ...

Eisen : ...

??? : ....that its rude to watch someone eating, and with such disgraceful expressions on your face , huh ?

They person looked directly at Eisen even though it would've be impossible with all the branches and leaves covering him....she jumped high in the air and pounced towards Eisen. She punched on Eisen's ribs, Eisen let out a screech and fell to the ground.

??? : hmmmm...You look going to have you for supper!!!

She was about to scratch Eisen but just then Aeras attacked her from behind with his sword in his hand, but she managed to dodge it very easily.

??? : Oh.....dont you know it's even ruder and cowardly to attack behind the back...poor baby....are you hurt ?....ahahahaha, fine if you insist...I'll eat you both....hahaha.

She attacked Aeras at high speed almost reaching his neck, but Aeras was swift too, he dodged it. But she managed to punch Aeras hard in the stomach making him cough up some blood. She used some kind of magic to made the tree branches grow and trapped Aeras and Eisen in them.

??? : Awwwwwww...look at about I stretch you until you split in half?? ooooo just the though of it send shivers of excitement up my spine.

She started pulling them from hands and legs, really ready to split them into half, they both screamed as the felt the pressure.

??? : Is this all? Well I though your kind was much more than this.....well, I guess I over estimated both actually.

distant but clear voice : Oh really ? Well.....take on someone your own size now, will dare....hurt my must I come.

??? : HAHA I would love to see you try, whoever you are.

Aeras and Eisen saw Aileen as he came into light and concentrated all his ruu into his lower half and was in a steady position. He took a leap but he was so fast that the stranger was struggling to read moves that he made. He was just.....that fast. They didn't even see him coming towards them and he cut their hands of in an instant. The person was clearly more shocked than in pain. Aeras and Eisen were shocked too.

??? : AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Aileen didn't stop there, he even cut their leg muscles so now they couldn't even run anywhere. They came down to the ground screeching and screaming in pain.

??? : HOWWW!!!! You pathetic being...HOW!!!!!!! NO....your highness no, forgive!!!!!!!

Aileen looked confused...

Aileen : Who ? Speak right now.....Who are you talking about.... most of all who are you, speak, NOW!!

??? : doom is near you pathetic scum!!!! lets see how much longer you laugh!!!! will all will pay...she will bring you only doom, like before hahahaha.....she will avenge me....She will....avenge me!!!!!! SHE HAS TO!!!!

The strangers's hood came off and once again making Aileen pale. Silver eyes and...horns. The stranger suddenly opened her mouth to an extent that the edge of her lips tore apart and her jaw was hanging loose. Aeras and Eisen were baffled and in disbelief while Aileen stood their getting paler by the second.

??? : She will.....avenge me. You scum...FEAR!!!!!!!!!!! I....AM.....TRIO!!!!!! Remember this name scum....because this name will haunt you and give you sleepless nights you pest!!!!!! I'd rather die than go against her.

She whipped her tongue out and wrapped around her neck, strangling herself to death. Her body suddenly turned to ashes and blew away with wind. The tree branches released both Aeras and Eisen as soon as the Stranger 'Trio' died. Aileen's legs gave out and he came crashing to the ground, still as pale as before and had shocked expressions on his face. Aeras went up to his father and asked him if he's ok. Aileen fainted in Aeras's arms. Aeras looked towards Eisen.

Eisen : Don't look at me, His Imperial Highness needs your help more than I do, I'll be fine, help him up, I'll be up and moving on my own. I'll be right behind you.

Aeras : Are you sure ?

Eisen : Yes! now please take him to safety!

Eisen too somehow got up and volunteered to help Aeras, and of course Aeras didn't let him. They made their way to the castle.

***To be continued**