Chapter 11 : A new friend

As soon as the gates to the castle opened, everyone was shocked to see a fainted Aileen, Aeras with blood on his lips still and a severely injured Eisen. The helpers rushed in to help them all. They were escorted and helped to reach the resting chambers. Eisen's rib cage had to be heavily bandaged, he had 3 broken ribs, Aeras had a big blue bruise on his belly and Aileen was unconscious. Queen Harmonia followed by princes entered the room.

Queen Harmonia : Oh my god, what happened to His Imperial Highness? Aeras and Sir Eisen, what happened ? Tell me exactly what happened ?

Prince Aeras : Your highness, you needn't worry about us, we are fine, and father didn't even suffer any wounds, but I must insist that we talk further when father gains consciousness

Queen Harmonia : Yes....perhaps we should do that. I'll personally come to heal your wounds tomorrow, but till then you must wait, since we cannot heal you right now, since the sun is almost down and we need energy of the sun to heal.. It's a shame that, Siragonians known as 'The Healers' cannot heal you immediately. We must also make sure that all guests are safe as well, I hope you.....understand.

Aeras : I understand You Majesty.

Queen Harmonia : Albus....shall we...

Albus : Yes mother. I too....will come tomorrow Aeras, please take care and you as well Sir Eisen.

Queen Harmonia and King Albus exited the room.

Erebus : Aeras....I think I too shall come tomorrow, when you all are rested and sane, maybe. Right now you look really...insane...I do not know how I should put it, but you get what I mean. Sir Eisen, I'll see you too. Wish you all a swift recovery.

Erebus exits and a familiar yet irritating face entered.

Albion : Oho, if it isn't the strong and unrivalled Aeras and his lackey Eisen...(in a baby accent) Aww are you hurt, want me to heal those boo boos, awwww...pfft hahahahahahhaa, I cant believe you guys look so horrible, oh my god this is hilarious, Mr. Kwik really need to change and set his priorities on someone who can actually fight.

Aeras : ...

Eisen : ...

Albion : Oh my god, not gonna fight back today dear Aeras ? Do the boo boos hurt, hmmm?

Aeras : Prince Albion....all I can say is leave. You don't even know what happened, why were like this....and you were bold enough to come here and tell us how pathetic we look. I don't expect you to ask me or wish my welfare, but at least don't come here and create a scene.

Albion : What are you hiding Aeras.....since a few days ago ? I know you being like this is related to what you are hiding.

Aeras and Eisen's eyes got wide as they both turned their heads towards Albion at the same time.

Aeras : What ?

Eisen : !

Albion : I know you hid something and tried to investigate it on your own...what is it ? I may be a jerk, I know, but I am very interested in helping out, if it's for everyone's safety, specially my sister's.

Aeras and Eisen looked at each other in disbelief. They couldn't believe Albion was capable of saying such words. They both gave Albion weird looks, and Albion shot the look back at them.

Albion : I know what you are thinking ! No i'm not scheming anything against you or anything, I just want to protect my sister.

Aeras : ...

Eisen : ...

Albion. : Hey! My mother's last wish was that I protect her with all my might and keep her happy, and also...I really do love her, she was the only one who stuck with me when everyone was against. Father never paid any attention to we grew close off course. She is important to me, and I must protect her.

Aeras : I apologise.....I.....never knew...

Albion : ...

Aeras : had a sister?

Eisen : Yeah me neither.....

Albion :OH MY GOD !!! Aeras are you blind?? she would spy on you every chance she got, during the training...and she openly declared that she loves you in front of everyone and I had to endure all that sweet talk about you everyday for years.....and here you are saying that you didn't know she existed!!!!! hmph!

Aeras : Wha....WHAT !!!!

Eisen : Why am I not surprised ?

Aeras : Umm...ooooookkkkkk...Lets leave that topic for later...but I never knew you had a sister who ahem....and is that the reason you hate me, because your know...?

Albion : Hate you ? I never hated you...

Aeras : But you would always pick on me and Eisen would you not ?

Albion : Pfttt.....thats because I consider you my rival.....Its not because I hate you.....I... was jealous of had a father who loved you more than anything, you were top of the class, everyone around you adored you, even Mr. Kwik acknowledges you and most of all, you had a general who is also your friend, and would give his life gladly for you, I never had any of it. My generals would run away leaving me behind when the time comes, I know that, and people don't necessarily like me either, maybe because I drew a wall around me and I was rude since I knew people always wanted something from me, since I didn't know affection. I wanted to tear your confidence, for at least once, see you get vulnerable too.....

Aeras : Oh....I....never knew....

Albion : Of course you never knew, you idiot. You're always busy training or fooling around with Eise- Sir Eisen. But I need to know what happened.....i'm scared that it can do the same to my sister....and....DONT TELL ANYONE THIS EMBARRASSING STUFF OK ?! I NEVER TOLD THIS TO ANYONE, I ONLY TOLD YOU SO THAT YOU DON'T TAKE MY ACTION ANY OTHER WAY, NOT BECAUSE WE ARE FRIENDS OR ANYTHING, HMPH!

Aeras : Haha.....let us be friends then.

Albion blushed in a weird way and Eisen couldn't help but make disgusted expressions, while Aeras was amused and started laughing.

Albion : Dont laugh !

Aeras : OOPS...ok.....but you don't need to worry about the thing anymore, father successfully annihilated it.

Albion : What do you....mean ?

Aeras told Albion the whole story of what happened from the way to siragon to today and how today it also tried to steal the royal jewel. He was visibly shocked at what he was hearing.

Albion : mean, it was like a half human and half monster ?

Aeras : I can't be sure, but at least its appearance displayed that.

Albion : Aeras, I don't think we should let our guard down just yet...

Aeras : What do you mean ?

Albion : You can't seriously be thinking of resting just because you killed one of those monsters, I'm sure there must be more of them. If they really do want to get their hands on the jewel, they will try again, possibly when everyone lets their guard night. We must inform Albus of this, for his and for everyone else's safety.

Aeras : No, what you are suggesting is very bold and we don't even know if that's the case for sure. Until we can be sure of WHO the enemy is and WHAT their aim is, we cannot let this information out. Of course i'm not saying that what you said is wrong, what you said makes sense and is may be the case but....what do you suggest ?

Albion : No, no, you are right.....until we are sure of everything, we cannot boldly claim that the life of the king is in danger.....How about we gather some intel, maybe someone saw something...or maybe search the forest, maybe there are many of them and if they plan on stealing the jewel, they cant have been camping much far away.....what do you say.

Aeras : You are right.....we must gather as much information as possible. When do we leave.

Eisen : I'll come along with you, Aeras.

Aeras : Are you crazy !? No way in heaven are you coming with me, you have broken ribs, you must rest.

Albion : And what about you dummy ? huh? Are you not hurt ? You both rest, I'll see what I can do, give me two days's time, and I'll come to you and tell you everything I find.

??? (Voice coming from the corridor): Brother, brother...where are you ?

Albion : Oh, I guess my sister is here.

Aeras suddenly got tense...and Albion looked at him with expressions suggesting he was having some bad idea.

Albion : I'm here Eliza!!

Aeras tried to hide but too late, Princess Elizabeth was already inside the chamber.

Princess Elizabeth : Oh brother you were he-

Her eyes met with Aeras and she just stopped in her tracks and started blushing heavily.

Princess Elizabeth : Oh I think I should-

Albion :Come here sister....don't want to meet your dear Aeras ?

Princess Elizabeth : I....I....Brother !!! Stop teasing me!!

Albion signalled Aeras to do something but Aeras didn't know just...

Aeras : Hello....princess my..n-n-name is A-A-Aeras, it's nice meeting you, until now I didn't know Albion had such beautiful sister.

Elizabeth was a beauty indeed, Golden hair, purple eyes, red lips and fair skin, just like Albion. These features, specially purple eyes, were sign that someone belonged to the royal family of Tyring.

Princess Elizabeth : Oh..umm....uh...T-T-T-Th-Thankyou Prince Aeras...

Albion : Why don't you come and sit here ?

Princess Elizabeth : Can I ?

Aeras : Yeah...sure if your highness want to.

Albion : Hey ! you never called me 'your highness'! Are you trying to do something i'm thinking you are doing ?!

Aeras : What no!! No not at all....Your highness I would never.

Albion :What do you mean you would never? Is my Eliza that bad ?

Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at the conversation.

Princess Elizabeth : Hahahahaha.....pfftt, hahahahahahaha

Eisen (softly): Pftt

Aeras looked at Eisen and Eisen looked anywhere but at Aeras, he was shivering as a result of trying to hold in his laughter.

Princess Elizabeth : hahahahaha, oh my god brother, you sound like a psychopath you know... of course he is not trying to hit on me, he doesn't even know me.

Albion : ....

Aeras : ....

Eisen : pfft...pfft...pfft

Princess Elizabeth : hahahahaha.....

Aeras and Albion looked at each other and burst into laughter as well, at how silly they both must've sounded just then, all of them laughed and talked for a while. Princess Elizabeth finally got to talk to Aeras and also got to make it clear that her love was not romantic but a love a fan has for a star. Aeras and Elizabeth were on good terms now and even became friends. Princess left the room with Albion after her. He stopped on the door and looked back at Aeras....

Albion : I'll see what I find and I'll come to you both in two days.

Aeras and Eisen both nodded in agreement. They both went to sleep, hoping the next day would be different.

***End of chapter 11***