Chapter 6

Theo's POV

"This is our hotel. The only best in the town." Ella threw her hair from one shoulder to the other as our car got pulled in front of one of Francesco's hotels. I wonder how long I have to wait for Dimitri. "I have a meeting in here. If anything a woman like you doesn't deserve to go through such torture." She pouted her lips before huffing out. "Fine, I will go to the salon but tonight the dinner is on me." I wonder if I can do what she actually wanted. I can't even stand looking at her face and her reaction to anything was an instant turn off.

She left me and I soon found Tucker at the hotel's entrance. "I wonder for how long we have to bear these people." He said and I looked at him. "I thought you were a fan of her."

"That was until she didn't open her mouth." He commented and I shook my head.

I got a call from one of William's friends and without picking up I knew it must be some favour. I smiled before picking up and looked at the woman who was working in the corridor. My feet got slower as I stared at her.

It was Meghan. The woman who saved me. Tucker too looked at her and then looked at me. "You want to say hello?" I looked at him before looking at her again. Her hair was tightly secured in a bun while her black uniform with the hotel's emblem had cape sleeves. Someone called her and she walked to the other side giving a view of her long slender legs. I looked at Tucker wondering what she was doing here of all the places.

"I didn't know where she was working. All I knew was agency helped her securing a good job." He said in his defence the moment we got into the elevator and when I didn't look at him he continued,

"It's not like Ms Ella is going to even notice her and the chances of Meghan slipping water on her dress again are slim too." He said while my mind was worrying about something else altogether. If I am not wrong this one is the same hotel where Francesco spends most of his time. And, she…is beautiful.

"And, since when you started checking out cleaning staff? She is not…any special." Tucker's voice interrupted the terrain of my thoughts and I looked at him pissed.

"I wanted to give her one thing to pay for her kindness. A stable job that can work for her." He looked at me before nodding his head. "Of course, I wanted the same but anyone at her place would have done the same. Save your life. And, given how expensive your car was? Anyone would love to help for getting the reward. This job is fine for people like her." He said making me look at him.

Maybe he was right. But we hadn't offered her any reward but a job where she has to work to earn. And, I had every kind of bad vibe for her working here.

"Tucker?..." I called him before our meeting could start.

"...Find her a new job as soon as possible. I don't know how you will get her from one to another but she won't work under any of Francesco's companies. Instead, get her hired in any of our banks," I said and he looked at me shocked.

"You are not going to stop thinking about her? We don't owe her shit." He was really testing my patience.

"No…in fact, figure out if she doesn't ask many questions? I want to replace you." He rolled his eyes before showing me his sucker face.

"Fine…now can we focus on this meeting because…I don't know? She is just a cleaner. I can't ship you both." I shook my head wondering why I befriended him in the first place. But it was inevitable to avoid him. He doesn't stop talking until you acknowledge him.

Before our meeting could end one of my managers entered our room to break the news in my ear. "We have an emergency in South Africa. A politician's account is frozen and the government..." I raised my hand and without disturbing the ongoing meeting I accepted the tablet from his hand and passed it to Tucker. He stared at the tablet and huffed. I smiled knowing how it was the third week in the row when he will be sent to get a detailed report. I trusted him and he sure gets paid accordingly for that trust.

He got up and left while I finalized the contract with the representatives coming from Newzealand. I got into the car that was waiting for me in front of the hotel already. My nerves were wrecked for how I was to leave for Ms Ella.

My car got around the roundabout and I looked at the entrance of the hotel to find Meghan coming out holding a very little baby in her hands.

Please…I have a daughter to feed. Her voice resonated in my ears as I kept looking at her getting out of the hotel. She posed for a picture with her daughter.

"Stop,…" I told my driver.

Another colleague of hers was taking the picture. Holding up my phone I clicked to make a video of the moment. Her smile was addictive. She had a face for a superstar. And, body for a model. She had her hair loose now and they reached past her waist.

I saved the video naming it my saviour. I wonder if she had a man in her life. I had twelve investigators at my disposal. Sure, I didn't have to do the guesswork.

I took out my cell phone and was about to dial for one of my private investigators but refrained. She knew me. And, this is not what I do. It can't work. But then I wonder how the chances for her to hook up with me in a random bar for a night out were so slim.

Or you can put an effort for her to meet you in one. A thought boomed. And, I could do that. But she didn't deserve it.

I didn't leave for Ms Ella that night. I asked my secretary to leave her a message about how I was busy for the night.

The next day I woke up before my alarm could go off. Getting into my theatre room I played the video again. And, there she was like a real goddess. Even if she was single I knew someone will be pursuing her. For saving me once I can offer her to have a life without me. She didn't deserve the kind of fuck my life was.

In the office, Tucker called to inform me how he will be there for an unspecified time. Ella contacted me again and I asked my secretary to find a present for her. Getting a very expensive necklace and flowers I left her a note to inform her about my arrival tonight.

She had one of the most expensive penthouses in the city. One maid served the meals while she looked at me seductively before getting her hair behind her shoulders. The dress wasn't leaving anything to the imagination. Her blonde hair was straight and she had her mouth enhanced more than my preference. She talked about how she owned the most expensive and rarest bags in the world. I took three glasses of Champaign straight. I lost the appetite listening to her narcissist self.

I looked at her again almost passing out in boredom when I imagine Meghan sitting in front of me. In that same dress. Even the thought about her was enough to make me shift in my place. I wonder why I was thinking about her all of a sudden. I tried to recall her social status or how she was just a cleaner but all I could recall was her long legs in that black uniform. Or how I wanted to bend her over my table.

To how Meghan is the woman I will never sleep with I got another glass and raised it to my fucked up life. I wonder how it would be for her to look at me. The same as Ms Ella was trying hard. I smiled...even the thought was too wild.

It can't happen. No woman would spend her whole life besides me only under the tag of my lover. Women wanted a lot of things. And, recognition in society was one of them.

I hated why I was not in my senses to recall how it would have felt to hold her hand for so long. Just a cleaner. She is just a cleaner. And, even if she somehow shows her interest in you. You can't really date her.

I nodded my head to Ms Ella as if I was listening to her while my body temperature was rising. Fuck…I wanted my long legs. It didn't matter if…only for a night. But…will she agree? Fuck, Theo…you know you can't pursue her. She isn't even thinking about you right now. She doesn't even know you.

I wanted that face under me, gasping in pleasure, holding me tight...this was not helping. I twisted my mouth in frustration the moment my cell phone rang.

Ms Ella's voice got interrupted and I didn't care to pick the call.

"Hey…I have sent you a video. It is bound to ruin the image for Francesco forever." I huffed before looking at Ms Ella.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked,

"I wanted you to see the video… it's quite…different."

"I don't care…" I said before hanging.

"No one had ever picked his phone when they are on a date with me." She said really snapping something in me.

"Well, this is me. And, how much time your dad had gotten for you? I am going to be the same."

"Are you even in your senses? I am not to be disrespected." She said and I smirked placing the napkin on the table.

"I am only making it clear. I will not be available for these intimate dinners in the future to hear about your bags or how you got a maid fired. I am only going to be in your life…as much as your father was…if not…you should rather look for a prop husband you can buy…if you will excuse me. I have far important things than this one." Knowing it is the last time I am going to look at her face I got up from there.

My smile was intact as I left her there. I got into my car to look at Meghan's video but found the one Dimitri sent me. It wasn't hard to recognize her. The room in the video was well lighted. And, god damn that height and her uniform. It was her.

I made a call to Dimitri and didn't wait for him to speak the moment he picked up. "Don't…don't…use that video…did you?" I asked and he was silent for a second before whispering. "I was about to."

I let a breath out before asking. "I want everything over this one. Who is she? Where she lives…everything?" I asked and there was silence before he asked again. "Are you sure you don't want to use this video?" I was at my wit ends for his stupidity. "Delete that video…if anyone got their hands on this video…you don't want it, Dimitri. You really don't want it."

I looked at my phone wondering if I wanted to look at that video. All this time I thought she wasn't a woman like this…but…I smiled shaking my head. I wonder how I didn't want to think wrong of her. In the end, she was just a poor single woman trying to make the ends meet with her toddler.

I looked at the video but this time realized how it was only two minutes long. Contemplating for a few seconds I clicked on the video…and, the moment I heard what she yelled and pushed him I knew now what Dimitri meant for it was different.


I wonder what she must be feeling right now. Well, there was a thing common between us. We both hated our father. It was five in the morning when I got a message from Dimitri for her details. Her place was at a drive.

I got out of my bed contemplating how there was every reason for me to not drive to her place versus to I wanted to have a look at her.

I wonder when was the last time I was this restless. I got out for a walk but end up running myself to 66th street. I looked at her apartment building from outside and smiled.

Only if she knew I was here. Theodore Gordon…the one who is known for his insensitivity, tactful nature and merciless ways. I wanted to step in, comfort her, soothe her nerves but I knew it can't work.

Or you can keep her as your lover. The thought boomed again but I smirked, Mistress you mean to say. She will only agree to it if she loves me. And, right now she doesn't even know that I am standing here.

The day at work was packed. I was bound to forget her but I couldn't. The anxiety was as same as the last night. No matter how much I tried to tell it can't work. I can't help it. It has already started no matter how much I deny it. It was suffocating. Knowing I can't have the woman who is ruling my thoughts was making me breathless whenever I am alone. I was mad at everything.

The best I could manage was to stay away from anywhere there is a chance to look at her.

Getting out of my building I asked my driver to step out and got in to drive to her apartment. I had everything. I had millions every month coming. Only offering what I make in a day can get any woman on the knees even Meghan if I get her in situations.

Too bad I didn't want her on her knees. I can offer her everything I have earned so far but won't be able to get her heart. The heart of the most beautiful woman. I smiled at how she didn't have to do anything to get my attention.

She was just a cleaner yet so untouchable. I leaned into my seat wondering how it must be to graze her cheek as she would raise her beautiful eyes.

I wanted those eyes to look at me without undivided attention. And, just for a moment, I wanted to pursue her but my hands were so empty. I had all this wealth to offer her. I could give her literally anything for her mere moments but not a promise to hold her hand in public.

It was eleven in the night and the light of the last apartment turned off. I got into the building and wonder how I could come here. The best I hope for was not to break into her apartment. I got in and took the elevator to the third floor. Getting out I noticed a man coming from the stairs and before I could walk he showed me a knife.

"Get out of here." He told me but I only look into his eyes and when I didn't move he charged at me. Getting his knife from his hand I stood at his back. And, the moment he came with a punch I moved to my left.

Typical buglers run at this point but he came to charge again and I had to punch him right in his face. His nose was bleeding and I noticed how his hand was wounded too.

I got his collar before getting him down the stairs. "Why you were here?" I asked but he remained silent. I had quite an advantage of my height. Even if he tried to move I had a tight grip on his neck.

"We are going to the station," I said before noticing a van in the parking. His struggles got higher as if he was expecting help.

I stood still for a few seconds before looking at the woman who was thrown out of the van. These people meant no good. I cracked his neck before dumping him at the curb.

I looked at the man that came out of the van and picked that woman up. Her long hair, that height…I was still for a moment before my steps got fast-paced as that man turned her and she tried to walk. But before she could manage to take another step he pushed her for me to only lean forward and collect her. I stood tall before holding her up.

"Get your hands off her. She is mine." I didn't look at him. I only looked at her to confirm if it was all real. If it was Meghan in real or my eyes were playing tricks. But the moment she held my collar there was no control left. I held her close to my body the moment she hiccupped and only saw red the moment she sobbed.

"Leave her…" The person standing in front of me came at us but I kicked him in his chest without losing my hold from her shoulders.

Another man came from my back and I got her behind my shoulder before punching straight at his neck. She caught me to say something but getting her down I left her to attack the tallest man and punched his face until he lost consciousness.

I called Dimitri because I sensed they got back and Dimitri would reach sooner anyway. Getting off the call I looked at her. She was lying lifeless and I cleared her hair from her face to only realize her face was battered. She was black and blue with her ear bleeding. Her whole body was cold as if she was taking her last breaths.

"Stay...shh...just stay..." She held my hand to say something but I was quick to pick her up and take her to my car.

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k page: Ashleh Queen

I.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m: theashlehqueen

T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ