Chapter 7

Meghan's POV

I woke up with a bitter taste in my mouth. And, the first thing I heard was Becky crying out loud. Forcing myself to open my eyes I groaned at the soreness in my muscles. I blinked and opened my eyes in a very dark room with only a small lamp illuminating the room from the corner. I had a needle in the back of my hand and taking it out I winced.

There was a huge plaster on my right shoulder and I grazed my cheek to find a bandage on my forehead too. A stabbing pain raised from my lower back when I tried to move up. The constant shrieks of my girl didn't let me worry about where I was right now. I guess Tisha got me to her place. This is what I knew. She was there at my place. She must have called for help. I got out of the bed to get to the door that was already ajar. I opened it to find a very long hallway.

There was one other door but ignoring it I only found a staircase going down. I wonder if it was really Tisha's place now.

I had a black nightie on. I winced at this constant pain in my belly and worried if those killers took me here. But my every thought got static finding a woman holding my Becky. It seems she was trying to calm Becky and I tried to make my presence known but she only took her away.

Ignoring my pain I tried to walk to get where she went to and found a huge kitchen top. She too looked at me the moment I got in and was startled.

"Oh…how are you feeling now?" Not knowing who she was I only walked to my little girl and held her with my free left hand. "Shh…" Becky was sweating hard and her face was red with all this crying.

"She…hasn't eaten anything today…hardly a spoon…I will come with something…maybe you can make her eat?" Only now I looked at that woman and she smiled finding my attention to her.

"Andrea…you can call me Andy." I only got Becky close to my body.

"Where am I?" She looked at me weirdly before replying,

"You are at Mr. Theodore Gordon's residence. I work for him…he asked me to take care of your daughter and you in his absence…" I blinked at the piece of information. I don't remember anything. I only remember how they talk about harming Becky.

"…this…you should make her eat something. You can call me through intercom if you need me."

"How…" I replied but she looked at me before adding,

"He said you were in an accident. Maybe you should rest. I can take care of Ms. Rebecca." I looked at her surprised. I wonder how he knew my daughters' name.

"No…I will stay here. Can you pass me water?" I asked and she smiled. "Of course,"

Becky looked so out of energy. As if she was complaining where I was. I got a spoon to her mouth but she refused to take anything.

"I think you should feed her…if you feed her…I mean…it's a choice." And, before she could feel guilty I shook my head.

"No…you are right. Can you pass me a wipe?"

I sat on the stool and opened the hook to wipe my nipple. I wonder if Andrea was the one who got me in this nightie. And, I wonder to whom these clothes belonged in real.

I sighed finding her calm. I tried to think hard and recalled there was indeed someone who came to help. But how he would have managed to fight those people. Maybe it wasn't Theo. Maybe Theo found me in the hospital and decided to help me to pay me back.

I smiled looking down and rubbed Becky's tear away with my thumb. "I am here, darling."

I looked at the entrance feeling a presence but there was no one. Only a few minutes later I found Andrea coming in. "Mr. Gordon is home. I will be arranging the dinner now. Do you want to eat?"

I wonder what she thinks I am to Mr. Gordon. "No…I will ask you whenever I would need something."

Becky drifted into sleep and I felt soar holding her up. I inhaled looking around and wonder again why Mr. Gordon helped me out. That day he didn't seem generous. And, I wonder how Tisha would hand Becky to anyone. Andrea came back after a few minutes. I was about to ask her to help me out with Becky but she beat me saying. "Mr. Gordon wants to see you."

I looked at Becky and Andrea came to hold her. "I will help you." I looked at my dress. The nighty was long enough but didn't hide my knees. And, thanks to my long legs and the little cleavage that was visible. I wasn't appropriate.

I walked behind Andrea and she took me from the living room to the dining area that was half-covered by a screen. I noticed Mr. Gordon in his shirt and pants only. It was the first time when I wasn't seeing him in the suit.

"Mr. Gordon…" Andrea said and he turned with a half-smile on his face that got frozen looking at me.

Did I have something on me? Was he mad about something? He stood up from his place and nodded to Andrea, "Thank you," His smile was completely wiped the moment Andrea turned and I had to say to cut the awkward silence.

"Thank you…I…don't remember…how…"

"You should have a seat first." He said and I bit my lip looking at him taking the chair out for me. I smiled before walking to take the chair. It was only now that I noticed how my feet were bare. And, was I smelling? I had to stop thinking the moment he asked,

"How are you feeling now?" He asked and I stayed quiet contemplating if I should be honest or not.

"I am fine." I tried to lie but he only looked at my shoulder before adding, "I had been giving painkillers on time. I am sure…they still have the effect."


"Thank you…was it you?" I asked in the end and he only offered me a questioning gaze and I had to add, "There was someone…to help me out. Was it…" He nodded his head and I trailed off.

There were a lot of questions in my head for why he was helping me out but recalling how those men kept kicking me I almost had my eyes blurry with tears as I managed, "Thank you…thank you for helping me out…most people…won't…and,"

"You helped me once too…Ms. Marshall. I did what you would have done." I shook my head at his mention.

"My…case was different." He smiled before shaking his head.

"Ms. Marshall…I am sure it had been a horrible experience but I want you to know one thing…" He paused and I rubbed my tear from the left eye to look at him. He remained quiet before stating, "…you are safe now."

I tried to smile and widened my eyes when he got the plate for me. "No…you don't have to do this. I will eat in the kitchen…"

He stopped to look at me. "You are my savior, Ms. Marshall. And, I…owe you a big time."

"No…you have already done a lot. I was wondering…" I got my throat constricted looking at his face that seemed very focused on filling my plate. He looked at me for me to go on and I tried to manage. "...I wanted…to get back to my place…how Tisha gave you…Becky?"

I asked and he looked at me. He was done with my plate but I tried not to touch anything. "I don't want you to get worried about it. But you can't get back to that place. Those people know where you live…and, it is not safe for you…and, Rebecca." I don't know but when he calls my daughter with her name it seemed different. No one calls her Rebecca. It was as if she was a real person…someone that matters.

"Well,…we had that place on rent. I…will try to find something else then." In the back of my mind, I was planning to contact Tisha or Josh. He should know. He needed to know how Becky's life was in danger.

"I wanted to offer you a job if you are interested. I tried to contact your workplace. It seemed you recently turned in your resignation." I was happy at one moment and scared at the second. What if I reply to this one recklessly and lose the chance to get the job.

"I…that place was quite far. But now…I…will try to find one close to…where I will be placed." And, when he kept looking at me I added, "Of course, it will be great if you can offer me a job."

"Don't worry, I can take care of it." His voice was so husky and low that if I am not paying attention I might not hear him. And, I did try to eat with my left hand and how much I wished I was not smelling.

"Are you worried about something?" He asked and I looked at him.

"No…it's just finding a home is a lot. I really hope this cast…"

"Don't worry, I can take care of it." I looked at him but remain silent. Well, of course, he was trying to pay back for saving his life. But let's just say I can really use help.

"Is there anything else you are worried about?" He asked and I smiled,

"No…nothing at all. It's just…I really should take a bath but given this cast." I laughed thinking it was a funny situation but his face only got serious. What I said wrong?

I don't know why he seemed tense but I had to break the gaze to look at my fork. I was eating with Theodore Gordon. And, I didn't want to make a mistake.

I remember Josh mentioning how Mr. Gordon was hard to please. Maybe he was strict only at work. At home he smiled at Andrea…but he didn't show me his smile. Is he strained because I had been a lot of work for him? Well, this can be the possibility.

Well, I guess I should contact Tisha at least. I tried to get up and take the hold on my plate. I got static when he looked at me in surprise. "Andrea will take care of it." He said and I shook my head. I thought to oppose but then it was his home. "I wanted to make a call to my friend…" And, when he only kept looking at me I added, "…she will pick me up. I don't want to disturb you…anymore."

He kept looking into my eyes and I had to ask. "Is there something wrong?"

"No… it's just you shouldn't disturb your friend. You should stay here. And, work here until I don't find you a placement." I looked at him wondering what he meant. I pressed my lips fidgeting my fingers.

"Thank you but…you don't…" I was really not comfortable at this point. Why he would be so kind?

"I insist…" I tried to smile and limped back.

"Thank you…I would like to have pain killers though."

"Where is it worst?" He asked looking concerned.

"In my back…" I got back and he took notice of my limp. "Let me help you." He announced and I was expecting him to take the chair back. I blinked finding him standing close and didn't dare to look up. He was sure at 6'5. I got my breath stuck the moment he crouched down to pick me up. I trembled to find his hands touching me and got my arm around his neck fearing the height.

I tried to look anywhere but at him. I wonder why he was walking slowly. Was he not in a hurry to get off of my weight? "Mr. Gordon…" I refuse to recognize this voice of mine and why the hell on the earth he stopped mid stairs. "What? Is it hurting?" I looked at him and tried to breathe.

"I will walk." He resumed his walk and I was trembling at this point fiddling my toes. My left arm was wrapped around his shoulders with my fingers clutching on his shirt.

He is only trying to help…helping Meghan…just helping. Why the hell on the earth I am in my nightie? I was thankful he was not looking at me. I tried to stay still but did I just move. Fuck…my nipple was erected.

I didn't look at his way when he was getting me on the bed. This couldn't get any more uncomfortable. He got back to turn the lights on. If anything I got the covers to hide my legs. I accepted the tablets from his hand and didn't look his way as he told me about the room. I feared my cheeks were red.

I am not the shy type. I had seen hundreds of men looking at me. But with him it was different. He was my boss and a very kind person. I didn't want to give any wrong signals. I only nodded my head wondering what he had been telling me about.

"I get it," I said and he got silent. I looked at him and he asked, "I was asking if the room temperature is fine with you?"

"Yea," I facepalm in my thoughts.

He left and I wonder what he must be thinking about me. The bed was comfortable and I got my nightie up to notice even my panties were changed. Did Andrea change me? But why in a black silk nightie of all the things?

I limped my way to the closet to see if there were any decent nighties. There were many clothes and I located decent pajamas with no effort. I wonder why Andrea didn't get me this. Well, I didn't want to show him my cleavage next time. Though I know he won't look but it wasn't appropriate.

I got out of the closet to notice Andrea in my room. "I was here to put Rebecca. It will be better if you have her close. You can call through intercom anytime." I smiled as she managed a little crib in my room. I don't know. I wanted to ask if Andrea had the same room as me but refrained.

"You look great in these." She looked at my outfit and I smiled.

"Thank you,…did you got me in the nightie?" I couldn't help asking. She smiled looking at me before shaking her head.

"No…you were in a hospital gown when they shifted you here yesterday and, I don't know…who got you in the nightie." My feet got frozen. "Was there anyone else? this place?" I asked but she shook her head. "No, Mr. Gordon himself took care of your medicines…he said…you are his friend." I smiled at her and tried not to ask her anything else.

The next day I tried to stay in my room. And, to be honest, I didn't want to talk to him. He was different. I don't know how but it seems as if…he was looking at me though he didn't look at my body.

I took my medicines on time. A doctor did come to have a check-up on me. I didn't have my cellphone. I didn't know Tisha's number and Josh has already changed his number. The only way to reach him was to pay him the visit.

I had an LCD in my room to enjoy Netflix. I didn't even get down when I get to know he was home. I didn't want to disturb him at his place anymore. It was eleven in the night and I walked out to look for water. It didn't seem good to disturb Andrea. I was about to take the stairs down when I found Mr. Gordon getting out shirtless. His shorts hung low and he didn't look at me and got to where the kitchen was. The way his muscles flex I could tell he was into building body. But I wonder from where he get this kind of time. Contemplating for a few minutes I turned to get to my room to only hear. "Ms. Marshall..."


I turned to give him a smile. "Hello,…"

"You were thirsty?" His expressions were serious and I wonder what he meant.

"No," I said but the moment his eyes got to my hand holding the bottle I whispered. "Yea, yea…I am," He took long strides to get to me and I looked away looking at something I shouldn't. How much I wished my cheeks weren't red. I gave him the bottle and stayed there for his return.

"How's Rebecca doing? I hope she likes the place." He didn't give me the bottle and I looked around replying, "Yes, she is loving it here."

"Great,…I was thinking if you want to change anything in the room. You can tell me." I wonder what he meant. "Oh no…everything's perfect. I…I only hope that I get better soon…and, you know…leave. I…I really want to leave. You…already had done enough." I tried to look into his eyes. The last thing I wanted was for him to get any wrong signal from me.

"No, Ms Marshall…I am planning to keep you," He said and I waited for him to smile or laugh it out at how absurd his words came out but he didn't before passing me to get to my room. And, I had no choice but to play it cool. As an employee...he wants to keep me as an employee. I knew...he must haven't noticed what those words were. Well, I really hope so. I knew he was only trying to help.

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k page: Ashleh Queen

I.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m: theashlehqueen

T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ