Chapter 15:

A.N - First of all sorry for the shorter chapter, the next ones are way beefier.

Hey there Chowder here. I really love writing fictions, especially fanfictions. I hope to turn this into a source of income for me so I can do more of it.

If you like what I do, like what you see from me, and want to see more of it, please consider contributing to my P.a.t.r.e.o.n! You'll be helping me build my dream of making a career out of being a writer!

If you support me as a reader or a patron, thank you.

5 advanced chapters are already available on P.a.t.r.e.o.n and will only continue to grow.


The Majestic Lion launched itself off the floor, its powerful leg muscles twitching with explosive might as it aimed for the exposed ridge of the Ants head.

It channelled its spirit energy into its claws and slashed down with deadly intent. The curved steel like claws whistled through the air before deeply biting into the back of the Ants head armour. The Ants thick armour plating helped avoid death but that would only be a matter of time.

The Lion did not remove its claws and stuck close as it used its impressive bulk to add more force and rip the piece of armour off. This fully exposed the Ants head and now it would simply need a finishing blow.

The Lion seemingly smug gracefully intended to land on the ground. However, large spear like roots shoot out from the forest with the lion in aim. Driven by sheer instinct it attempted to twist its body in the air, however it had over committed to the attack and there was no leverage to use to move its body far enough from danger.

The Lion used its impressive paw to swipe the oncoming projectiles as it landed gracefully on the floor. At least It though it did but for some strange reason it continued to fall and the earth that should be beneath it rapidly became eye level. The lion struggled to clasp the edges of the earth but its impressive bulk lead it to simply remove the dirt.

It mustard all the force it could to cling onto the side wall but thick roots covered the soft dirt like curtains and shook the clinging Lion off. Scared in its peril the Lion used the momentum to spin and look below which helped to see the real danger.

Thick spikes littered the ground with cunning barbed edges glistening with deathly glows. The Lion swiped at the dangerous pikes removing many in the process however its legs still got impaled with a few running through it stomach. It had survived but for how long, no one knew.

Shane who calmly observed the spectacle from deep within the thickets simply saw the overly prideful Lion dodge his roots attack and then falling into the hole.

"Surprise motha*fcka"

Shane had been waiting for the right opportunity when the Lion had exhausted its strength to send the first attack. He did not conceal this attack to let the Lion use more energy and defend itself before falling into the quickly made death pit. The pit was now Shanes official self-made skill as he was able to put it together in record braking time.

A painful howl tore through the sky and signified the Lions recent impalement. Shane using his roots to make sure the Lion was down for the count came out of dense bushes and moved towards the Ant.

Using his friendliest face, if he had one, Shane approached the Ant like a dodgy salesman going to an old defenceless granny. The Ant acknowledged Shane with a quick bob of the head after sensing no killing intent from him. However, before Shane even got the chance to communicate it simply turned on its heels and left.

As Shane was about to speak in a plantain way, seeing the Ant effortless turn and walk away made him choke on his own words. It seemed he wouldn't be communicating with this one.

Sighing at the lacklustre response Shane wasn't disappointed. He knew this scene was very likely to play out and thus actually wanted to follow the Ant. Ants back on Earth were colony creatures. They stayed in burrows and worked with each other for the preservation of the colony.

If these Ants acted similar, they should also have a colony and this was what Shane was aiming for. Since he couldn't enslave ehm befriend an Ant he would simply take some eggs and grow his own minion ehm colleague.

Sensing that the Armoured war ant was still within his searching distance Shane turned to collect his spoils of wars. If he remembered correctly from the novel severe pain was a great help for gaining soul bones. Shane peered into the abys like hole and saw the once majestic Lion whimpering rather poorly at the bottom.

"Awww we wouldn't want you to die now would we"

Pretending to be caring Shane forced his needle like roots into the lions body form its exposed wounds spreading them around its inner organs. Shane had already attempted to pop soul bones from many 1000-year-old soul beats but the results were unfruitful. The Lion tried twisting and howling due to the pain but Shane simply bundled it into his roots tighter.

After making sure the Lion was neatly tied up and had roots entering its body to supply the minimum nutrients to elongate it suffering ehm quality of life, Shane turned and began to follow the Ant. His concealment was activated and he moved in a gentle steady pace trailing the Ant with his expanded senses back to its nest.

And so, in the forest one would see a rather helpless Lion cocooned by a cacophony of roots being dragged deeper into the maws of despair with the no evidence of who was pulling it along the uneven surface. All the bumps and turns simply adding to its misery.


A.N - First of all sorry for the shorter chapter, the next ones are way beefier.

Hey there Chowder here. I really love writing fictions, especially fanfictions. I hope to turn this into a source of income for me so I can do more of it.

If you like what I do, like what you see from me, and want to see more of it, please consider contributing to my P.a.t.r.e.o.n! You'll be helping me build my dream of making a career out of being a writer!

If you support me as a reader or a patron, thank you.

5 advanced chapters are already available on P.a.t.r.e.o.n and will only continue to grow.