WebNovelMHA: Code12.06%

Bullying the Bully

Bakugo stands opposite of me head held high, grinning full of confidence. The sad part is he really believes that he will win. Like I didn't just demolish 9 other kids before him, all older than us.

"Get ready to lose to the future number 1 hero!! HaHaHa!!"

...Lets get this over with


Bakugo rushes at me with a punch "Dieeee!!"

I side step, put my foot out and trip him. He falls, but does a front roll and avoids landing on his face

"Bastard! Stay still!!" again like a wild animal, he tries to hit me with stupid wild swings.

I just keep dodging and take a look at the crowd, the other kids look at him like an idiot, Bakugo talked a lot of game, but now they realized that most of them can kick his ass to UA and back

I try to end it with a chop to the neck but he ducks. Damn even as a kid, he still has crazy instincts.

"Ha you need to do better than that" he says looking so smug, like he achieved something great

... I don't have the words.

"Now stand still and DIEE!!" he goes for a punch again

This time i actually stand still, as soon as the punch comes near me, i slap away his arm and do a palm strike to the diaphragm. Which knocks the air out from his lungs

"Gahh" he loses the air in his lungs and collapses on his knees

Just a bit more and he will go berserk, as a kid his patience and self control should be close zero.

"So this is the future number 1? I am not impressed, pick another career kid, you won't be a good hero" I mock him, but I say it so only he can hear it.

But sadly its true, he won't go far as a hero, he would make a great Demolition Expert though.

"Shut up!! I won't LOSE!!" he stands up and telegraphs a swing with his arm again, i wanted to use the opening he made with that wild swing, but I see the look in his eyes, cross my hands in front of my face and jump backwards.

Just as I do that he uses his quirk with the swing

*Boom* the crowd stands up and gasps

He uses his quirk to create a small explosion, I my clothes are a bit singed but I am otherwise unharmed, the attack had a lot of smoke but not force. I honestly didn't expect him to be able to do this much. He did have a year and a half to get to this level so I'm not that surprised, he is a talented kid despite his attitude.

The crowd is speechless, everyone except his mother, she is red in rage and looks like she is about to go and kill him.

"Bakugo is disqualified! Winner Shinichi!" the creepy instructor and acting referee says with glee, guess he had a grudge that Bakugo left the dojo and insulted them

The look on Bakugo's face is pure despair, he is a 5-year-old, this will probably be on his mind for a long time

"Shinichi are you alright" My mother comes and keeps checking for injuries

"I'm fine.. just some scratches" This gives me an idea, increased regeneration, its impossible to be used in battle, but I think i can use it for the aftermath, when I'm laying down, to code it so all my energy will be used to speed up the healing process.

Yosh another good plan for the future. I'm going to be such a BEAST!! By the time I enter high-school.

I look at Bakugo who is getting his ear pulled by his hot mother.

"How could you be so stupid!! They said no using your quirk!!

You are grounded mister!!

And no using your quirk for a month!! You will learn how to be responsible"

I highly doubt that, Bakugo won't change a bit. His mother definitely did the same when Bakugo was young and look how he turned out in the show. This is definitely an embarrassing moment for her, her idiot son embarrassed her in front of a crowd. Ohh here she comes

"I am so sorry for what my son did." she bows down a little, and her hand is on Bakugo's head forcing him to bow too.

Before my mom has a chance to say anything I beat her to it

"It's no problem Ms. Bakugo, but he needs to be careful otherwise he will hurt somebody if he keeps acting like that" I say with a polite smile, First impressions are everything and since I'm plaining on banging that, its even more important

"Oh my, what a polite child, you are totally different than when you are fighting, which was very impressive for a boy your age." then she turns to Bakugo and smacks him "Katsuki why can't you be like that"

That seems to snap him out of it, he has been avoiding reality until now

"Haa!!? Don't hit me shitty old hag, why would I be like this Sissy! He only runs away!!"

Wow how did this kid even learn those words.

"Bakugo you shouldn't talk like that to your mother, first it isn't polite, and second she is your mother you should never call her names" I say it in the most polite way I can, my face is probably sparkling

"You don't tell me wha.." his mother smacks him again,

"Katsuki that's enough out of you. Shinichi you are welcome to come visit anytime you would like. You'd be a good influence for this stupid son of mine." she smiles at me then grabs Bakugo by the ear.

Oh, I'm definitely visiting when I'm older.

"Now lets go, your father will be very disappointed in you once he hears about this" Ms. Bakugo pulls him away

"Ouch, stupid hag , Oww, stop pulling, Owwwww!!" I'm not going to lie this is very entertaining

"Ehem" the stupid ref again, what does he want now

"This has been very exciting, and Shinichi remains undefeated, if he is up for it, our dojo would love to do more events like this" he turns to me and so does the crowd expecting an answer

... Okay this has gone long enough, he is a dead man, he will find himself in a very bad situation in the next few days.

"Ummm" I tilt my head acting like a cute kid

"I'll tell you next time, I'm tired now, so I'm going home. Byeee!!" I say my piece, grab my moms arm and run to the exit. With him looking speechless that I stranded him there

Word Count 1125

A/N I can't exactly make the fights any better since they are 5-10 year old's right now.

Plus I didn't consider Bakugo important enough to actually make his fight better, once the MC gets old enough, then the real stuff will happen. I want him to be extremely proficient in fighting, that means martial arts, swords, knifes, even street fighting. I want him to be 2-3 levels above Stain(levels in fighting, like ranks). So when the plot comes along, he can just casually destroy everyone and their so called 'great quirks'. Deku the Wimp will have a mental breakdown when he loses with OFA to a 'quirkless fighter'. Muhhahaahah