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I exchanged contact info with Yuuki as soon as I left the Dojo. Then I went home, took a nice shower and jumped on my fluffy bed.

"Ahhhh this is heaven" and I fell asleep for 12 hours. When I woke up I was feeling lazy so I went back to sleep another 4. *

General Pov-

While Shinichi was sleeping blissfully the news of his fight has reached the whole city. It's rare that someone of his age shows so much talent.

A lot of people reached out to him offering various things and deals.

The public was eating up all the things that were written about him.

Mob1 " Hmm 'Once a century martial genius', defeated 10 kids in a row all older than him

Cute girl "Wow he is soo~ cutee~"

Her friend "Lets go see him the next time he fights"

Mob Groop "What do you say? Let's go watch him next time." "Yea" "Sure"..

Everybody in Musutafu knew his name and his title "The Rising Star". It was quite fitting the rising star of martial arts. Everybody was impressed, even the Villain's, everybody except the Hero Society.

Mob Hero "Such a shame he has a useless quirk, I would have taken him as a sidekick"

Mob Hero2 "Do you think he would be willing to take a desk job in my agency in the future"

And on and on, all hero's looked down on him because he had a 'weak quirk'.

Ironically people noticed Bakugo and Yuuki. One because of his potential and Explosion quirk, and the other for his martial arts and Strength quirk. That's just the way the world works, the winner doesn't necessarily mean that he will succeed in the end. How little did they know.

MC Pov (Day 265 , Fight day was yesterday)

"Haaaaaa, that was a great nap"

"Nap? NAP!?" my mother screams into my ears

"You call this a nap, you slept for 16 hours!!! It's 1pm"

"Calm down, I was tired, plus I'm fine now aren't I?" I just smile back at her, now that I know I can act my unusual self within certain limits of course . I'm not going back to acting like a kid, this way it will just be a 'genius' thing and people will leave it alone.

She just sighs and shakes her head "What am I going to do with you?"

"Hmmm you will make me pizza?" I tilt my head cutely and ask with puppy dog eyes

She chops my head

"Ugh" damn that hurt

"Stop acting so nice, I saw the way you fought, why did you hold back on us?" she looks at me sternly and stares down on me

Well. Shit. Now how do I get out of this one... Looks like its time for the Emergency Code.

"I thought you wouldn't like me if I didn't act like a kid" crocodile tears start streaming down my cheeks.

God I love my Quirk, maybe I should consider an acting carrier as well, everybody wants to meet an actor, right?

She quickly hugged me "Oh silly, you are our son, we will love you regardless, but you should have told us, I could have bragged to the other housewife's that my son is a genius much earlier if you did" I sweat-dropped at that

"I promise I won't do it again" yeah right, like I'll keep that promise

"Then its fine, but if you want pizza you are going to have to help" she seems so smug saying that

"OK, I'll help, but I decide on the toppings for my pizza. " I'm completely fine with that, there is no better pizza than the one you make yourself to your own likeing *

-(One cooking montage later, Shokugeki no Soma Style)-

"Oh my, you are such a good boy, that looks great" she says as she pats my head,

"What can I say, I'm a genius" I look up to her with the smuggest face I can make

"Yes, Yes, you're my little genius" she says sarcastically

Oh yea before I forget

"Mom, do we get money from the dojo for what I did? I fought like those people on TV right, they get money when people watch them" just a little spark, a good mother like her won't let her child's efforts be unrewarded

"Hmmm, your sensei/ instructor didn't mention this" she stakes a thinking pose, this woman...

"He said that I will bring more people to the dojo, and wanted to use me for 'pro-promotion'"

"Oh did he now" she smiles darkly "Shin-chan wait here, Mommy is going to call a close friend of hers to fix this" and she walks away to make a call, probably to her lawyer friend

Well lets tap that call. 'Wire Tap' code copied from the internet, I had to manually look through every line of code for each new thing I copy from the net so it doesn't screw me over. But it's worth it in the end.

*prrrrrrr* *prrrrrr*

"Hello?" a voice answers

"Hi Eri~ Its me~" my mom says in a sing~song voice

"Of course its you, no one else answers the phone like that" She sighs

Hmm so her name is Eri, I may or may not have met her, I can't remember. I usually ignore and forget the guests that my parents bring home, my mother is a social butterfly, how can a person have so many friends is beyond me. I keep track of the cousins and people who have good positions, but for the life of me I can't remember any lawyers

"So what's wrong, you are calling on my business number, who is getting sued?"

"Well one of the instructors in my sons dojo is trying to make profit of him, marketing and setting up things in his name, without me knowing"

Eris voice on the phone turns cold "Ohhh someone is trying to take advantage of Shin-chan's newfound fame, well we can't have that, I will sue him for everything he owns" Wow she is no pushover, I like her already

"This is great actually, I have been meaning to come visit you but I have been swarmed with work, so you're the one that comes to visit me. I can finally meet Shinichi in person, we can make it a play date, I'll bring my kid too."

"That's great what do you say about 3 days from now" my mother was getting excited

"Sure I can't wait. See you soon"

"Bye~Eri~" my mother ends the call with a smile


* True story, been there done that

*This is so true, store bought or restaurant pizza is nothing compared to what I make for myself. I make it exactly according to my tastes,

Chan just sounds better on kids, lets see what they do, I know for a fact that Akikan40 uses Japanese Honorific like -chan, -san

I Launched my Pat reon today, Alcoholic_Panda, it still isn't ready yet, working on the advance chapters, I'll let you know when they are ready, so if you want to support me please go there 🍺🐼