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Zoo 1

Today started out in the worst possible way. I woke up at 4:40, left for work at 5:20. Started work at 6. I was there for 10 min, before my boss called me and told me there was no work today, and i should head home. Got home at 7:30.

So that was a giant waste of Time. No money earned today, and ironically today is my BDay, and the day started out great(Sarcasm)

Sorry for the rant, writing this part at 8am.

This was on MS as well.


Word Count 1000


Day ??? ( I forgot)

Night time 3am

The weather is cloudy and blocks out the moonlight. A perfect night to do some crime.

Sneaking in the Zoo was a lot easier than expected. There is no sign of the police or the Hero

Good and even if they were I ate a lot before coming here, I'm currently at my peak performance.

My gear arrived in time, to make it less expensive than it already is and to pay homage to Garou, I will be wearing similar clothes to the one he was wearing,

The first thing I did was double-check the map that I got with the map on the billboard in the Zoo. Actually triple check

As for my preparations.. well I did it, I made Geppo Soru and Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist though they are not satisfactory. Both Geppo and Soru drain my stamina WAY too fast. I can only jump/dash for about 7 times max before I get too tired.

It's showtime. I extend my senses to their absolute limit, where I can use them, but the drain is not too high.

I start sneaking around and heading to my target. The first spot is the Tiger cage.

Tranquilizer darts hit 2 in each tiger. these are some of the strongest tranquilizers I could find, I don't have time for the normal ones, those take 10 minutes to work minimum.

I pick the lock on the Gate of their enclosure, syringe and similar objects are going to waste a lot of time

I just use 'Cat claws' to puncture their skin and absorb some of the blood through my skin,

[Tiger DNA Acquired]

Nice, I take the darts that I shot with me and lock the gate again.

'Start simulations with the Tiger DNA'

[Starting Simulation..

Were-tiger mode will be ready in 1 week]

Yeah like I'm stopping here. I get more DNA from the rest of the Tigers to speed up the simulation.


Simulation shortened by half]

Ha it really is great, the more DNA I have the faster it goes because it can burn through the DNA, if I didn't have DNA, it will have to create it which will slow down the process

Now on to the Lions, this is the Big Cats sector of the Zoo.

[Lion DNA Acquired]

Get more DNA and shorten it down...


Simulation shortened by half]

'Combine Lion and Tiger DNA with the schematics I already have to from the Liger'

[Combining DNA... Combination Successful, Liger DNA acquired]

'Change the Tiger DNA with the Liger and Start running Simulations'

[Liger transformation moved to the front of the queue. The estimated time until completion with current blood supplies is 4.5 days]

This Basic AI does the job well. It can't learn new things and it will only follow my orders and isn't capable of making any decisions on its own. It's not even an AI because it isn't capable of thinking, it's more like an NPC.

[Jaguar DNA Acquired]

[Cougar DNA Acquired]

[Leopard DNA Acquired]

Where did they get these guys from? It's like a freaking savanna in here. They have every type of Big Cat on the planet...

[Cheetah DNA Acquired]

I wonder why they consider Cheetahs a Big Cat when they aren't. To be one of the Big Cats you need to roar, something which they can't do. They are even worse than regular domestics cats. Instead of roaring, they squeak like birds.

Okay, a few more and the Big Cats are done.


Primate Zone, AKA The Monkey House

Now comes the tricky part. One of the most muscular if not THE MUSCLE of the animal kingdom. The Gorilla...

The cats are one thing, but I'm not sure if my darts can act fast enough, before it makes a lot of noise..

Monkeys are going to be a pain, if one starts making noise, the others will follow and they will wake up the whole goddamn zoo.

Which means I have to waste a lot of expensive sleeping gas on them.. No I need the gas for the birds, honestly, it might be better if I just go in and K.O. them.

Whatever let's start with the ones that make the most noise, The Howler Monkey.. How did they even get these


I first oil the hinges then unlock the cage. thanks to the Oil it didn't make a sound.

I actually don't need a lot of their DNA, knocking out one of them and taking a bit just to put it in the database is enough.

I needed a lot from the Big Cats because they are predators and are immediately useful. Monkeys and Baboons.. Not so much.

One hit to the neck is enough to knock them out, and I just press my sharpened nail in them and absorb the blood through my fingertips. Manipulating my cells to allow their blood to flow into me. 'Seimei Keikan/ Life Return' is probably one of the most useful things I created or recreated.

( i did it again, lost like 300 words kill me, why don't I just press the save button..,)

Now for the most important thing in the Primate Zone, The Gorilla.

More specifically they have the Silverback Gorilla in here. This is an endangered species, I'm not even gonna try and find out how they got him here. These guys can grow from 1.6m to 2m and weigh up to 180kg. They are extremely muscular.

I'm going to have to waste some of the expensive sleeping gas for them. Because there is no way I'm going to knock one of these guys out.


Carefully open the gate, it doesn't even make a squeak. Expensive is the way to go for these things. Buying 3rd rate gear will get me caught or killed.

The few gorillas that are here are cuddled up. I put my gas mask on and put the sleeping gas down. I press the button and an internal fan starts spreading it in their direction.

Word Count 1000

If you liked it drop some stones

Zoo 1/7.

Be patient the fighting starts at zoo 3 i think