WebNovelMHA: Code31.91%

Zoo 2

Did it. Now there are 10 advance chapters for this fic on my Pat reon

Noticed that people like Code more than MS. Can't really blame them, I'm the same. So I didn't think it was fair so here it is.

Tier 1- 5 advance chapters for MS and Code. Tier 1 gets you up to 5 advance for other fics or what's available.

Tier 2- 10 advance chapters for MS and Code. Tier 2 gets you up to 10 advance for other fics or what's available.

For the other fics. Let's say there are 6-7 ch available. Tier 1 can only read 3.

People have also asked me when I will start releasing the other fics. It will be after MS is finished. Which should be in like 50-70 chapters I think. Then the Patr eons will vote on what fic gets released next.

Btw go on discord if you want to get announcements when there are releases

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And if you want to support me and read ahead

[ pat reon .com/alcoholic_panda ] - - Remove the extra spaces


[Gorilla DNA Acquired]


Primate Zone finished.

In all honesty, I was only interested in the Gorilla, other monkeys not so much. At most I can use them to optimize my palms and feet for climbing.

Now for the next Zone. the so-called 'Australian Zone'

First thing I found here were the Sloths. Contrary to popular belief they can be dangerous Their curved, sharp claws are 8 to 10 centimeters long. If Ice Age was accurate the Sloth would have maimed the Sabretooth Tiger.

And I want those claws. 10cm extended range is no joke. That's the length of some daggers.

[Sloth DNA Acquired]

Getting their DNA was pretty easy,

Next to the Sloths were the Koalas. They have no real purpose and are pretty useless to me but i still got a drop of blood from them. They are quite the vicious animals when they want to be.

Now come the Kangaroos. These muscular boxers are very useful, especially for modifying my legs. Getting kicked by that will leave so much more than a bruise.

But at the end with their necks exposed like that knocking them out wasn't that hard. They did hear me coming even though I was practically silent.

[Kangaroo DNA Acquired]

The next habitat made me facepalm.

Pandas. They put freaking Pandas here.

They were probably just too lazy to make another enclosure with bamboos so they combined the pandas with the Koalas...

Whatever got a drop of blood from them and left. I didn't even have to use anything.

Just a small prick and it was over. How they survived up until this point will forever be a mystery to me.

Now here is the real stuff I'm here for Australia is notoriously dangerous for its venomous animals. There are literally too many to count, and only a few are here I will need to go pay Australia a visit.

A Inland Taipan, that small snake has a venom that is potent enough to kill 100 humans with just one drop.


Tiger Snake-Extremely venomous, bites can kill within 15 min

Eastern Brown Snake-Extremely venomous, bites can kill within 15 min

Sydney funnel web spider- Extremely venomous and painful, bites can kill within 15 min


Poison Shopping has never been easier.

I keep moving and I spot a picture of a Jellyfish and a fish with some information underneath.

[Box jellyfish, named for their body shape, have tentacles covered in biological booby traps known as nematocysts - tiny darts loaded with poison. People and animals unfortunate enough to be injected with this poison may experience paralysis, cardiac arrest, and even death, all within a few minutes of being stung.]

[Stonefish The most venomous fish in the sea. The stings produced by the spines induce intense pain, respiratory arrest, damage to the cardiovascular system, convulsions and skeletal muscle paralysis, sometimes leading to death. Victims sometimes say death would have been a mercy. The pain is strong enough to leave lasting psychological damage]

[ 66 venomous species call Australia home]

I really need to visit Australia.



Are they mad, This is Japan, why would there be hippos here,

They are one of the most homicidal animals in the world. A hippo can snap a crocodile in half with it jaw, and randomly kills animals that go near it. It has killed more humans than any animal on this planet. And these idiots have petting pin and feed the Hippo event...

The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. Hippo big..so hippo must be slow.. freaking Neanderthals hippos can reach 50km per hour, I saw a video where they looked like they are swimming after a boat while doing the butterfly technique.

Hippos are too heavy to swim, that thing sank to the bottom of the river ran and jumped up in an attempt to sank the boat.

Whatever, hippo jaw strength could be useful in some combination, now the question is how do i get its DNA, even if i pierce their hide, the tranquillizer will take more time to spread because of their sheer size. I'm saving the strong stuff for the elephants.

... Hippos. Honestly it's like putting a wolf in a cage with sheep. Its a recipe for disaster.

Moving on..

it's a..


And its one of those Spanish Ones that are Buff as hell.

Egyptian Hippos and Spanish Bulls next to each other.

Whatever the Bull is more than welcome.

[Strongest Bull in the World. Will be here for only one month. A mixture of Belgian Blue Bull Colosseum Bulls with their signature deadly horns. This bull has killed 5 people. People are not to feed him, or try to taunt him.]

[Weigh=1,780 kg (3,920 lb) and Height 1.85 m]

Wait What?!

I get a better look at the bull, and Holy SHIT.

Its ginormous. How the hell is it still alive..

(Just google Chianina Bull and look at the photos, I did not know this existed. That thing is taller than me.)



Oh we are back in Africa again,,.

These homicidal maniacs are blind and they overcompensate by choosing to attack every time. They attack trucks, lions and butterflies, they are born with a disability and they make it the entire worlds problem

So do I want tank with a deadly horn and bad eyesight... I can fix this so Yes. Yes I do.

[Rhino DNA Acquired]




The African Elephant. That's something you do not want see up close.

That thing can weight up to 7-8 tons , has a height of 4 meters. and run 50 kmh..

Its a fucking truck. I was already Iseakied once, the second time will not be happening, especially by an elephant. But I'm still getting the DNA. It's sheer size and the type of muscles they have will be useful. And just recreating their tusks will make a nice weapon if i form it in the shape I want.

Wait.. Can i make bones stick out of me. Kimimaro? Is that you giving me guidance?

Mental note. Look into recreating the 'Shikotsumyaku'

Word Count 1180


There are frogs that stick out the bones in their arms and attack with them. The Wolverine Frog. But to do so it first breaks its own bones and sticks them out through the skin. Nature is weird.