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Zoo 3

Elephants are done so the next area is Giraffes.

Hmmm, not very useful, but I did read somewhere that they have pumps in their necks that help push the blood up. If I were to use those pumps on my arms and legs. Doesn't that mean I will 'upgrade' the 'Advance'?

Food for thought. Whatever

[Giraffe DNA Acquired]

I keep walking in the Africa section and there is another small building here that Says 'Snakes & Spiders'

So they did make separate buildings for the snakes. I mean they are smaller, so the cost shouldn't be that much.

But it would have been better to just make a big habitat only for snakes. It would be easier to handle them this way.

They need to find the guy who designed the Zoo and sue him. This is a horrible way to structure a Zoo.

[Black Mamba DNA Acquired]

[African Bush Viper DNA Acquired]


Okey got the few cobras and vipers that are here. If I want any more I'm going to need to go to Africa. Which I will have to do eventually. Why would I limit myself to Japan's quirks. I need to go all over the world and just prick any interesting person with my claw. One drop of blood. is enough to get the Quirk Factor in the DNA, of course, building then growing the Quirk is a different matter.


Okay, this is just STUPID, How the fuck did they get a Grizzly Bear Here? These guys live only in North America for a reason. I know I shouldn't complain, but I'm losing brain cells trying to comprehend how the fuck are they doing this, and in broad daylight too.

No way they got all the animals with different climates here legally. A big proof for this is that Grizzly Bears are a freaking endangered species.

I mean it's like someone stole a painting and hung it on his front door for everybody to see...

No, this is not my problem... File all the incriminating memories from tonight in a new blackmail file. Who cares if they smuggle and poach animals. I might press on them a bit to give me a cut from the cake for keeping silent, and help cover some of their tracks.

I enter the cage, and the fucker actually woke up. I have no idea how he did it, i am completely odorless and I'm wearing special shoes that make my footsteps almost completely inaudible.

*Graw?* It lifted its head and looked straight at me, still drowsy from sleazing.

'Divine Demon 10%'

I rush in just as it was starting to get up, I did a 'Seiken' a straight karate punch straight between its eyes. The thing lost consciousness before it could even make a sound. I rush in and grab its neck.

Its weight makes my knees buckle but I preserved and slowly and gently lowered it back on the ground.

I just Knocked Out a bear, Cool,

I stab my sharpened nail on my index finger and stab it in its shoulder.

I absorb the blood through the skin on my fingertips, as I have been doing all night.

[Grizzly Bear DNA Acquired]

On to the next one.,..


That continued all night, I snuck around the whole zoo, getting DNA from every single animal. One drop from most of them and a lot more blood for the useful ones, that will speed up the process of making the Demi-Beast form.

Now am at my final pit stop

Bird Cage,

For some bright reason, or to save costs somehow, they put all the birds they could find in one big ass building.

I look at all the birds in there and there is no way I'm hitting all of them without them making any noise. Sleeping Gas slowly spreads in the Cage.

The Birds that are active at night like Owls start to feel that they are about to go to sleep and their instincts force them, to tighten their leg muscles, to not fall off of any surface they are resting on. This is how almost all birds sleep, with a vice-like grip on any branch they might be resting on for the night.

It's really hard to even get up to where they are, some birds prefer to be as high as possible and those were a pain in the ass.

But in the end..

[Owl DNA Acquired]

[Eagle DNA Acquired]

[Raven DNA Acquired]

[Falcon DNA Acquired]

... there were loads of different kinds of birds. And you know what this means?

Wings Baby!!! I will be able to FLY!!

Of course my weight will make it almost impossible for my Animal Wings to make me fly. But a Quirk here and there, and it will work out. Ochako, Hawks Quirk, and anyone with wings really. I need the Quirk Factor that makes their wings and back stronger so they can actually fly with them.

Real birds have lighter bones, they are designed to fly.

A bird can fly because its wingspan and wing muscle strength are in balance with its body size. It has a lightweight skeleton with hollow bones, which puts a smaller load on its wings.

On the other hand. An average adult male human would need a wingspan of at least 6.7 meters to fly.

I made my bones denser so I can fight better. That is the opposite of what is needed to lift off the ground.

And I won't be able to pull off a 7-meter wingspan even if I could I am way heavier than a normal person. I designed my body to fight, my bones and muscles are harder and denser even compared to other martial artists. But that's a problem for another day.

Sadly there weren't any fish or marine life in this Zoo. I'm going to have to go to another one.

Now that I'm done with this place, let's go home and start making combinations with the DNA that I got. I got hundreds of new puzzle pieces and I'm excited.

Just as I was about to leave I heard a loud thud.

The first thing that came to my mind was FUCK! A BIRD FELL!!

Just as I was turning around there was a loud *CAWW CAWW CAWW*

The little bird from the tree fell on a raven

Fucking Hell!

It had to be a raven.

I didn't even wait a single second, that little shit is going to wake up the entire Bird House. And once they start making noise someone will come to check to see what's wrong

5 seconds after I leave the birdhouse. I'm still running at top speed then the Bird House exploded with noise.

Every single bird was awake, the noise was at the same level as a music festival. I need to leave and fast.

Halfway towards my predetermined exit place. The lights of the Zoo all turned on simultaneously. I dashed towards the shadows and immediately used ''Chameleon Camouflage" to blend in with the wall. Because of the special gear, my clothes changed color as well.

I enhance my ears. A single footstep every half a second. There is only one person.

Probably the lame-o Hero that was assigned to this dump.

As soon as he comes near me I'm knocking him out and leavening.

He stops 20 meters away from me and looks directly at me.

"You in the shadows, Show Yourself, Right NOW!"


Oh Shyte!

Word Count 1250