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Zoo Final

Okey I'm not dead. This is not dropped and no i was not isekaied.

So for those that are not on my discord or don't pay attention to it. I am in a different country right now. I took some off days from 24-29 January. My passport is running out so came here to get a new one. Turns out my Corona Vaccine ran out as well. So i had to get a new one. Then Friday I was getting ready for the Plane. Took the Plane on Saturday and here we are Sunday. This week I don't know if there will be any releases i will be dealing with the passport thing and meeting old friends who I haven't seen in months. So don't go panicking if I don't post.



He yells out as flames started coming out of him, I tried to dash away as fast as possible but my right arm, which was stabbing his heart took a lot of damage.

Everything from my elbow downwards was charred black. As soon as it happened, I cut off all pain receptors in my arm.

"This is my Final Form. One that burns everything I have left. I will not let a threat like you survive. I must end you here for the sake of everyone"

With that little speech out of the way he dashed straight towards me, his flames hotter than ever.

Damn it! The worst opponent really happened. An AOE flame type.

The one type I can't really deal with yet. My only choice is to keep dodging, with my arm like this I'm not in any situation to fight.

The Water Stream is useless now. It requires both hands to parry and to counterstrike effectively.

"Get Back HERE!!!" He keeps rushing at me like a wild beast

Like hell I'm taking a hit from you. You are putting everything you have left in these hits.

I'll drag it out. It's better if he exhausts himself first. If he really started to burn his lifeforce for this he ain't gonna last long. Right, where he will put the final strike that's when I counter.

I kept dodging for almost a full 10 sec before he realized my intention. He then decided to give up the chase and took a different approach


A primal cry of the phoenix echoed across the Zoo. Every animal hid out of fear, Their instincts screaming at them, telling them of what's about to come. My own instincts are screaming at me to dodge this by any means necessary.

"Phoenix Style: First Strike"

"Dawn of The Phoenix: Solar Flare!"

His hands compress all the fire around his arms, he thrusts his hands in my direction, and the compressed fire leaves his hand like a laser.

There was no way I was dodging this, if I went left or right he would be there to attack me. So I went the only way I can.


I crouched down a bit, focused all my energy on my legs. And jumped. When I started falling I used the move I prepared for this occasion.


I jumped again on thin air, and left behind a small shockwave where my foot stepped on


Well, there goes his first move, which must have taken a lot out of him. Not like I'm in a better situation, I have used Soru and Geppo, one time each. I have about 3-4 times left before my legs give out from the stress.

"Huff Huff,.."

His breathing is heavier a little more and he is finished.

"Phoenix Style: Second Strike" Is this dude seriously going to call out every time he attacks, what it these heroes and their special attacks. The only reason I name mine is so I can categories them and add statistics to them.

"High Noon: Flame Burst!" from his wings, four attacks launch like missiles. Each took a different direction before they arched and started heading straight for me

Shit! A homing attack.

The flame missiles followed me no matter where I ran, each aimed at a different position.

My mind raced as i saw them coming in slow motion all my focus was on calculating their trajectory and ways to survive the attack. Blocking with my body was out, The power behind them would leave me with serious if not fatal wounds.

After many calculations, the best possible action was to use physical objects in the zoo to take the attack for me. But then again the problem was that I had 4 attacks to block.

So I went ahead and broke a Metal Sign with my fist I was forced to use 'Divine Demon' for that second. Further lowering my stamina, not by a lot but do it too many times and it adds up, and I am running on low.

I quickly use Soru, ignoring the strain in my legs. I hide behind a fast food store and position myself so 2 of the hits go there and I take the 2 that come from behind me. I wave the sign at the first Missle which did its job completely decimated the sign part, all I'm left not is a metal pole and a missile incoming.

With no other choice, I grip the pole like a throwing spear and focus every bit of my strength on this throw. 'Divine Demon' activates as I throw with all my strength right at the center of the missile. My calculations and the fact that I copied the spear-throwing motion from the old Olympics.

The metal pole flies true as it hits the center of the missile with great strength as the attack starts to dissipate and completely stopped just half a meter in front of me.

Just as I was about to relax my aching muscles. My instincts started going all over the place

"It's not over yet! Solar Eclipse!!" Suddenly I hear Animal from behind me as I try to jump forward, then I feel pain in my back.

While I was busy dodging the bastard sneaked up on me. It was a two-part attack, distract and hit when they are running. Not a bad plan to be honest. Definitely didn't expect this from a Hero. The attack had the same strength as one of those missiles but I positioned myself so I dodged most of it. I'm just glad it wasn't a ranged attack or I would have been a goner.

"Damn you are one tough bastard" Animal slumps down a bit, he is weakened even more, his breath is more ragged, he has one attack left.

I don't say anything as I focus on making 'Seimei Kikan' work overtime on healing my wounds making my already low stamina drop even further. Damn it, it had to be a fire type. Why couldn't it have been earth so I can at least hit it.

Animal looks at me before he clicks his tongue

"Tsk, looks like I have to use the Third Strike. ' I was hoping to avoid it, so at least my family has a body to bury, but I have no choice' "

He mumbles the last sentence to himself but I hear it clearly making my Guard go on an all-time high. If his corpse won't make it then it's a suicide attack, well the whole Phoenix from is a last stand, but this one will most likely be the strongest.

Think GOD DAMNIT. THINK! How do I dodge it?

All of a sudden Animals' fire wings disappear.

"Jet Flames!" and like a rocket fire explodes from his upper back pushing him straight at me with no guard whatsoever.

He reaches my position in no time at all.


A phoenix cry was heard like it is crying from sadness.

Animal closes his eyes, as tears start to fall.

"One Last Sunset"






A bright flash could be seen inside the zoo carefully contained inside a 10-meter radius so it wouldn't harm the animals. As the flash was fading a bit of green could be seen in the ball of fire.

The Green Flash. Signaling a soul has left the world of the living.

Word Count 1236


'Hmmm in the Pirates of the Caribbean the Green Flash meant a soul has returned to the land of the living. Idk I wanted to make it like this, what do you think?'



=Strike one, dodge with Geppo

Dawn of The Pheonix: Solar Flare

=Strike two, dodge, get hit with minimal damage, and try to hurt him, dude heals

High Noon(4 flame shots from 4 directions, like missiles, a Jhin ulti reference)

=Strike three final and strongest one, get damaged, but return with a fatal attack to his head.

One Last Sunset: Supernova ( a little green flash in the end. says it in a sad tone)

=Leave before other heroes arrive.

A/N (Fuck throw down some ideas, I can write the chapter quick, but I'm stuck on the names)

At first I wanted, Dawn, Noon and Dusk, for the sun positions, now I don't know. In all honesty, this was inspired by Might Guy's 8 Steps when he was all Red. He used the Death Gate, and Animal used his Pheonix Form

Ideas for attack names: Suzaku, Vermilion, Eclipse.

Solar Flare, Solar Burst, Solar Explosion, Strom

Hallowed Dawn ( Hallowed, revered, prominence)

"Coming of the Ra", "AMON RA!!"