WebNovelMHA: Code36.17%


Well, I'm back. Everything will be going back to normal. MS will still be a little late. Man, you won't believe the pain it is to write the unboxing chapters. Hope you enjoy the chap


After the attack faded, the 20-meter wide fireball started to shrink. All that was left was a giant hole of scorched earth. Not even a corpse remained.

That was Animal's plan.

But plans don't always work out as intended.


*Cough. Cough*

"Hahahaha, I almost died, you bastard" a soft voice was heard from the crater

Out of the sky fell Garou. He looks down to his legs, only to see that everything below his thighs was gone and the thighs themselves were cauterized.


Fucking bastard. If I didn't use every bit of energy I had left on a stupidly risky combination of 'Soru' and 'Geppo' I would have died.

It didn't even work as intended. The fireball was 10 meters high. I was supposed to go above that, but since I haven't done much testing on this stupid technique it failed and only got half of me there, when the fireball hit, it burned at my legs and lifted me up further. Not that the loss of legs happened from the fire, they were already broken by the insane jump that I did. Oh, the Irony. I'm Deku 2.0

That was a freaking close call. I'll take this as a painful lesson not to underestimate people. And I should have cut off his head at the start. Instead of messing around. 'Seimei Kikan' won't be able to heal this alone. Ughh What a pain.

I won't be able to leave like this, and there is no way nobody saw that attack.

I enter Autophagy to slowly turn into a snake. I don't have time to do first aid. I need to leave before this place is crawling with heroes. Animal's Camera was burned with that blast. So nobody will see me transform.

As soon as I turned into a normal snake, the ones whose DNA I got from those exotic petkeepers. I slither away in what could be called a failed mission. I got the DNA from the Animals, I got the DNA from the Heroes. But the injuries I sustained are unacceptable. Luck played a small role in my survival. Something I don't want to ever happen again.


The police and Heroes arrived soon after Garou left, or slithered away in his case. Even the Number 1 made his appearance. He is currently standing in front of the crater.

"...Animal. You fought bravely" All Might says sadly as he looked down

"You knew him All Might?" Detective Naomasa questions with a tired expression on his face

"Not Much.. He once asked for a favor from me to appear on his son's birthday. He was a family man, yet despite that, he chose to make the ultimate sacrifice" All Might turns to his long time friend

"Naomasa, tell me truthfully.. did he get the one who did this to him?" All Might gaze contained so much rightful rage that he made the Detective look down and sigh

"Right before the camera was destroyed from Animals' final attack. We saw the Villian Blur suddenly. Now that may be from the heat messing with the camera but..."

"But it can also mean the Villian did something. And the fact that we didn't find the slightest bit of remains from him is pointing at the scene where he survived" All Might finish his sentence

"Yes" Naomasa just nods sadly

"... Put a Bolo on him. Villian Garou is responsible for the Death of Hero Animal and his sidekick Scan. Extremely proficient in martial arts, Quirk: Unknown. Extremely Dangerous. Rank A threat"

"Are you sure? Rank A seems to be an exaggeration" Namomsa did not question All Might, the bolo might not be his call to make. But he can easily do it with his connections

"The fact that he didn't use his quirk the entire time makes for 3 scenarios. He doesn't have one, which is highly unlikely. There are Quirkless masters but the ones that turned to crime can be counted on one hand" Nomasa nodded at that

"The second is that his quirk isn't combat-oriented which is a possibility. Or the third is that he thought that they were too weak to use his quirk on them, and only used it when he was about to die. I'm thinking it's the 3rd scenario" All Might gave his thought on the matter.

"What about the thing that he does to make his veins bulge. Could that be his quirk?"

All Might shakes his head "No. That is a martial arts technique.. When I was studying in America, there was a hero with a weak quirk, who relied only on marital arts. He wasn't very strong but he did good work. He used a similar thing, it's where the user speeds up his blood flow, resulting in increased strength and why he looks like that,

It's an extremely risky thing to do. But almost all top-tier martial arts are able to learn and do it. But the consequences of weakening the heart stops them."

"Great. Just great. A suicidal maniac whose quirk we don't know, and is able to kill a strong Hero with his bare hands. So what now?"

"... Now I need to go explain to Animal's family why they have to bury an empty casket..." All Might takes one look at the crater before he turns his back to do one of the most difficult things a Hero can. To tell a family their husband/father won't be coming back.

Naomasa sighs. He has told All Might many times that he doesn't have to be the one to do this. But the man refuses every time. It's his way of seeking forgiveness, by suffering through this for the failure of not arriving on time. That man carries too much weight on his shoulders, and it will ruin him one day.

Word Count 969

A/N haven't had one of these in a while. Less than 1K words I mean. I usually end the chap where it feels like it should end. But the word count is still funny. I laughed when I saw it at the end.