WebNovelMHA: Code38.30%

Chin ChinChin

Sorry for not updating for a while. This week has been one of the saddest, most depressing, sleep-deprived ones I have had in my life. And nothing major even happened. I was doing the mini-job as a favor from my friend. He had some pressing manners so he asked me to fill in for him. I was like 'Sure it's only one week'. But when you leave home at 5 am and come back at 5 pm from work. I usually write after work. But I had to sleep because the mini-job is like 2-3 in the morning. and it takes me 1 and a half hours to finish it. I relied on coffee and energy drinks to get through the week. I finished yesterday and siped into a fucking coma. Waking up at 1 pm. Finally had a decent sleep.

I will hopefully be writing a lot this weekend. HOPEFULLY. PLEASE!! This week has been shit. Give a man his much-deserved time to spend on his writing hobby.


Mother FUCKER!!

I spent the last week looking for anyone with a Quirk remotely similar to Fat Gum's.

I hit a dead end with the Hero or Sidekick route. Then I thought about maybe someone in the food Industry might know a guy. Because if you eat that much, you spend a lot of money. So there must be some rumors about you.

So a few emails here and there. It's nice to have contacts, and I freaking found the guy.

Who turned out to be Chin ChinChin. A character from Toriko..

First, it was Detective Conan now Toriko. Stupid Morgan Freeman lookalike what's next? I meet Naruto?

Turns out the dude has the ability to store energy inside his body from the food he eats.

He is an old ass man of short height with a stout body who wears traditional Chinese clothing. He has a round face, is wearing small round glasses that conceal his eyes and a scruffy mustache that hides his mouth, and apparently he doesn't have a nose.

Despite his short height which at max he would weigh 40-50 kilos. The man weighs ONE TON. And he can also survive without food or water for months.

That is his quirk 'Food Immersion. '

I want it. I NEED IT.

So I'll get it. But it's easier said than done. Chin is very rich Gourme Enthusiast and an avid explorer. So he stuffs himself with expensive food then goes on an adventure on foot. And because of his wealth, he has a security detail on him all the time that constantly rotates to keep up with him.

The man tracked the Sahara on foot. Two of his bodyguards died during the trip. They just couldn't handle it.

So getting a drop of blood from a man like this will be tricky. The good news is that he is currently in Kyoto for the annual festival this week. The bad news is with his VIP Status, there is a high chance there will be more Heroes there to 'uphold justice' and patrol the festival.

What a pain...

This is gonna need a lot of preparation and planning. Forget Kaito Kid and stealing Jewels. This is the real Mission Impossible. I'm going to need some real Ocean's 11 shit right here.

Those bodyguards are trouble too. They follow him everywhere, Desserts, Mountains, Oceans. They are tough as nails. Quite literally the best of the best. I think they are even better than the Yaorozu bodyguards. Mr.Yaorozu hires people that are mostly ex-military and have good quirk synergy. He has 2 teams one that defends the property, and one that moves with them.

Chin on the other hand has only one team. That constantly moves with him 24/7. He is the Hardcore setting for bodyguards. If they survive 6 months with him, they get a reputation boost in the security industry.

That short bastard is the head of one of the biggest food companies in the world. And his word can mean life or death for a restaurant. He is freaking Gordon Ramsey with a Billion Dollar Budget.

It's said that owners and chefs actually pass out when he enters their restaurant. I would usually say bullshit, but there are videos and photos online taken by the Michelin Staff in secret. This man makes the Michelin Star thing so much easier, if he is happy then it means that the food is good.

He has no known residence. He constantly travels around and sleeps in hotels or anywhere he wants to. If he wants to sleep on the beach he will. He once slept on the highest tree in the 'Rockefeller Forest', the forest with the biggest trees in the world. Just because he could.

And I have to take a drop of blood from him...

Wonder if I can bribe his doctor for a one drop?


Okay, the doctor thing is a bust. Turns out his personal doctor has been a family friend for decades. And they are finally tying the knot between the families. Both of their grandchildren are getting married together. Well good for them. Bad for me.

So that leaves me no other option. I'm going to have to steal it.

It's quite surreal that his drop of blood to me, is worth more than any amount of money in the world right now.

... Didn't Tetsuya say that he is going to Kyoto for the weekend? Hmmm

*Beep Beep*

"Yo Shin, What's up"

" You said that you are going to the festival in Kyoto right?"

" Yeah, you interested?"

" I'm going too. I have some business in Kyoto, so we can meet up"

"...Businesshuh? Who are you scamming this time? Please leave the gyms and dojos in East Kyoto alone. They are actually friendly to me. You can do what you want with the West."

"Nah this is about my programming thing."

"Oh. Yea sure.. doesn't change the fact that you are going to scam someone. By the way, invite Momo and Ran to come with you."

I raise an eyebrow at that

"Why, I assume you are going to pick up girls on the day of the festival. Why would you want little girls to come with you? They are 9... well I'm 9 as well but I'm your height."

"Momo is well known everywhere, and her bodyguards follow her around. I want to use the bodyguards to make me look important. They will make it so much easier to pick up girls"

"That.. Is actually not a bad idea. Wow so you can come up with something good"

"Fuck you. You MILF Hunter. Teenage girls are practically throwing themselves at the 'Martial Genius' and you just ignore them." he spits out

"You are just jealous that you are not considered a Martial Genius. and she doesn't have to be a MILF. Just older than 18. I have no interest in moody, self-centered teenagers."

"You bet I am jealous. I'm just lucky I'm kinda popular in my town. So it's not that hard to do it in the first place.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that you were born with a more mature mind. On one hand, you are better than your peers, on the other you don't want to date people remotely close to your age, and you have had plenty of opportunities to do so"

Yeah, that's because I am not a lolicon.

"Whatever. Just keep winning, play some sports, dress well and you will have all the girls you want. Teenagers are simple-minded. How am I supposed to seduce a woman when I look like 13?"

"Idk find some that want a Shota boyfriend." I can practically hear him shrugging his shoulders over the phone

"Sigh... I'll see you at the festival. I'll call Momo and Ran"

Word Count 1124