WebNovelMHA: Code39.01%


Yea sr for no releases. I have been dealing with documents and legal shit

Day 200- Day of the Festival

Word Count 1290


"Thanks for inviting us Shinichi" Ran says while skipping. She was dressed in light blue yukata for kids. The ones with a lot of flowers on them.

"Thank you Shinichi" Momo follows up dressed similarly except hers is a bit more expensive and it's red.

"No problem" I smile at them while looking at the bodyguards that are subtly scattered around us.

"Yeah you two are a good company," Tetsuya said while scanning the crowd

Both of us were dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Except his was white and mine was black.

Convincing them was not that hard. The parents even less. Momo's parents were happy she was going out with friends, and the bodyguards would take care of it if anything shows up. Mine were happy I was going out of the house and doing something with friends. And Eri-san just wanted Ran to have fun time.

Then Tetsuya comes near me and whispers to me "Yo when are you going to do your 'business'?"

I look at him weirdly "In a bit, then I will come back. Why?"

"Coz those chicks are starting at you" He slightly tilts his head to the left

I turn my head to see two girls giggling while looking at me

"They look like they are 19-20 years old. Right up your ally. What do you think?" He was so much less annoying before puberty hit him. But I can't really say anything coz I'm just as much as a horn dog as he is

I enhance my hearing and focus on their conversation


"They were in that martial arts tournament right?"

"Doesn't the one in black shirt look adorable?"

"I think the one in the white looks cuter"

"They will be hunks when they grow up"

"True, but they are still kids. You think they would let us take a picture with them?"

"Please look at us, I bet they would jump at the opportunity"

"You are rig..."


I tune them out, I should have honestly expected this

"Sigh.. They aren't interested" This isn't the first time this has happened either. Honestly, it gets more annoying each time an attention-seeking person wants to take a photo with you because you are a little famous, so they can post it on their Social Media Story

Tetsuya lifts his eyebrow judgingly "How would you know? Are you chickening out? You Pussy"

I just look at him like he is an idiot. His attempts to rally me up are pathetic, ironically he is doing something similar by using Momo's bodyguards

"I read their lips, you moron. They think we are cute, but not cute enough to do anything with us. Plus they want to take a picture with us to brag about it with their friends,"

"So they are that type huh. Man, they never stop do they?"

"No. No they don't?" I look at the crowd trying to spot my target. We are nearing the food stands. So it should be happening soon. I should at least spot one of his bodyguards.

I spotted one of our bodyguards and I remembered the conversation I had with them when I went to pick up Momo and Ran, at the Yaoyorozu Mansion.

### (Flashback)

"Chen? Why do you want to know about him?" asks one of the bodyguards I gathered to get some info

"Well, it's said he has the best bodyguards in the world. How do they compare to you guys?" they are trained pros, they will obviously see through me but I'm their Young Miss's friend. So they have to tell me whether they like it or not. Well, they won't tell me everything, but they will give me something good.


The group of trained bodyguards looked amongst each other and smiled wryly

Here I am, the guy that beat the crap out of them one on one. Asking them information on their fellow colleagues.

"Well where to start.. You know that we are split into two teams right? One of us protects this estate, while the other follows the family when they go out. You beat up us, the team that protects the estate."

I nod at him

"Truthfully while we can fight fairly well in close combat it's not our specialty. We are a group that uses guns and teamwork. Our quirks were chosen for our ability to hold down the fort in case of an attack" He looks at me, probably expecting me to be shocked.

I was unphased by this news. Momo told me this a long time ago. Well, she told me what she knew, I figured out the rest. No way the real bodyguards will get beaten that easily by a child.

Seeing that I already knew this he clicked his tongue passed some money to his friend on his left who now had a shit-eating grin, but kept quiet.

"The group that goes out is a lot stronger then us, all-around better combat specialist than us. And the gap is not small. Even then they can't really match Chen's guards. Just keeping up with the man is a challenge in itself, let alone fighting people and protecting him in an exhausted state."

That reminds me. That Fucking old monster geezer.

I found out that he actually SWAM from Japan to Hawaii!! That's 6000KM. Across the Pacific Ocean. Do you know what he said when he got to Hawaii?

"That was a good workout. Now to get the 'Poke' I ordered before I started swimming "

The man swam, 6000km because he wanted to eat Hawaiian Poke. He swam for 13 days straight. Stopped only once because he caught a rare breed of Tuna, ate it and continued.

He is a freak of nature.

"All of his bodyguards are elites. But Kanoh Agito is a whole other story. He has been with Chen ever since he was a teen. He followed that man through the toughest terrain on Earth. He apparently trained himself in underground fight clubs, where even weapons are allowed." Another bodyguard took over the conversation. before they started talking amongst themselves

"Hey didn't they say if he decided to be a hero he could easily enter the Top 20?"

"Oh yeah, they did say that a few years ago"

Then they turned to me

"Well, there you have it kid. You might have the luck to meet the man yourself. Probably a dream come true for a martial artist like yourself"

.. Yeah a real dream come true..


Just Great...

Kanoh Agito is here...

That wasn't on the internet..

(Kanoh Agito- Kengan Asura. Bodyguard Leader)


I made several plans for today, While I was banging my head on how to get a drop of blood it suddenly hit me. I don't have to be the one that gets the blood. I van hire people to do it.

So I put out an open contract. Anyone who can get me a drop of his blood will get a certain amount of money. Depending on how much and in what way they get it to me. The highest amount they can get if they bring it to me in a syringe or in a tiny bottle.

So a few crews will be attacking him independently and I will try to take advantage of it and get some myself if I can.

There will be fireworks later.

So some of the crews will mostly strike then, when everybody is distracted. That single moment, all or nothing. It will come and leave just like a Firework in the night sky.

I wonder how many of them will die tonight?



What do you guys think?