WebNovelMHA: Code48.23%


Well since it's a new month I should mention it's the best time to become a Pat-reon.

As usual 5 chaps for Tier 1 and 10 ch for Tier 2. That applies to all my fics. Well since MS and Code are the only ones published. The others only go up to ch 10.

I made it this way so that when MS finishes people will vote for the next fic. I think 10 ch are enough for people to grasp on how the fic will form.

I'm actually hoping DxD: Re Kiba Yuuto is the next fic. It's easy as hell to write and it will be quite short. 40-50 chaps.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] - - Remove the extra spaces

Btw Biology chap bois. You learn something new every day. I sure did when I was writing this chapter. (I knew most of the stuff because I like biology. But i still learned some interesting facts)

(Word Count 1450)


Y4 Day 221 (3 weeks after the Festival)

[ The 4 largest warehouse in Musufasu has just been cleaned out yesterday. This is the 3rd hit on a warehouse this month. Police are still investigating but have come up with no leads. But they do know a few things.

The first is that no merchandise was moved out from the warehouse. The culprits ate everything in the warehouse. This was determined by the empty bags of food they left behind. When the police first arrived they were expecting merchanded to be stacked on top of each other. But all they found was a warehouse filled with trash. By this, it was determined that there were several people with quirks enabling them to eat a large amount of food.

The second is that one of the culprits has hacked into the cameras of the warehouse and put all of them on loop. So there are no photos of the criminals.

Since they have not harmed anyone directly they are not considered Villains. But indirectly they have caused great damage to the city's food line. The first week was pure chaos in the supermarkets. Since there was no shipment of food from the warehouses people started to fight on who will get the things that are still there.

This was easily solved by contacting other warehouses in different city's. But that just proves to show how easily people panic. So we ask you all not to be alarmed and if such a thing should happen again just remain calm. As you can see the problem will be fixed shortly

Thank you for your time. This is Diane Fowler from the 12'oclock News.]

Things are looking good. They think a group raided the warehouses. When in fact I just disabled the cameras and went on an eating spree. I was careful not to leave any traces behind.

At the first warehouse, I used Seimei Keikan to speed up Tabe's Quirk. That was the first one I got. After that, I just used that Quirk for the other warehouses. I helped to eat and metabolize food faster. Not much I can do there with training. Most of the quirk works passively. Which is good for me, all I have to do is eat.

I got Chin's quirk second and Charlie's third. Using Chin's Food Immersion. I have been storing the energy I get from the food. I got more than enough to fix my legs now. I can even upgrade them a bit.

I have been practicing with Charlie's Healing Quirk. And it has been difficult. Even with all my medical knowledge using a quirk like this is hard. Especially since the Quirk itself is in its infancy. All quirks I get have to be 'grown'. Which means time and practice. It just so happened that Chin and Tabe's are mostly passive quirks.

But Charlie's is an active one. Where I can only get better by practicing it a lot.

But that isn't important right now. It's good enough to act as a supporting role in my healing. Most of it will still be done by Seimei Kikan/Life Return. As I am most familiar with that at this point in time.

I'm very anxious to get my legs back. All the preparations are ready. I'm starting the healing process tomorrow. God Fucking Speed.(A/N Good luck on your journey)


Y4 Day 224 (3 days later)

Okay I made sure to tell everyone I am on a training trip and they won't be able to contact me for a while. I don't need people panicking about me and calling the police. That's just bad reputation and is something I won't allow.

I'm in one of the new apartments I 'acquired'. I'm so glad I learned to hack. It's one of the new fancy apartments too. I stole some wealthy millionaire's identity and make him pay for it. He has a lot of apartments like this so he won't notice another one. I made sure he cant see it. There is a paper trail and all of his real estates is paid by a separate fund called "For Real Estate". He is not very creative. I just linked that fund to the apartment and was done.

Now for the real reason, I came here. To finally heal my legs. And with the amount of 'Calories/Energy' I got I can even upgrade them.

Well, it's time.

I lay down in the designated area. I made a pin. Like you do for kids. The first layer was a lot of plastic sheets than normal clean white sheets above it.

I lay down and grab the knife.

'Pain receptors off' 'I turned off all the pain below my thighs.

Then I took the knife and made a deep slash on one of my stumps. I winced a little. Not from the pain but from the sight. Seeing my leg with a deep cut and blood gushing out is not a pretty sight.

Okay, first I seal off almost all inner blood vessels. The ones that are left are mainly in the skin. Then I start making my skin expand. I'm quite literally growing the skin.

Usually, regeneration starts from the bone outwards but I am making the skin first for many different reasons. First of all, is to make sure nothing is contaminated when I do the bone and the muscles. The last thing I need is some dust to enter when I make my bone marrow. Worst case I will get cancer and have to amputate the leg again. I am not dealing with that again.

So skin goes first and acts as a cover protecting the insides while they are being grown. And it wasn't even proper skin. I will change it again later once the muscles are formed. This is a temporary cover.

When that finished it looked like an empty leg-shaped balloon. It was kinda creepy. Now for the base of the bones. Since I am creating them from scratch I'm making them, even more, denser than when I modified my bones before. I ate a lot of minerals for this. Most of it was not even from food. Tabe's quirk allows me to eat and digest almost anything. I got a lot of carbon as well. I'm calling the quirk 'Gluttony' It seems fitting.

I used all of those minerals in the creation process. Now the bone is made from Compact Bone. It's the hard bone on the outside. Then there is the Sponge Bone and the Bone Marrow. The Bone marrow creates bone marrow stem cells and other substances, which in turn produce blood cells. The Sponge Bone stores those.

Now the bone is mostly made from Calcium and Collagen (the glue and foundation of the body. it can be found almost everywhere inside the human body). The collagen makes a soft framework while calcium and other minerals and cells harden that framework.

So I redesigned the whole fucking framework.

(A/N This next part is pure bullshit without any scientific backing.)

Instead of the normal framework which is simial to a honeycomb. I changed it so its diamond structured. I put a but a load of minerals and carbon combined with the calcium and all the other things I ate to form it. Since its organic of course, it won't be as hard as diamond.

But here's the thing. A diamond is created when heat and pressure are used to compact carbon. So what did I do?

TELEKINESIS QUIRK! I compressed the Compound Bone even further. Then it already was I got steel for bones now.

Then I used the same honeycomb structure to form the inside. The normal human body has a similar structure to it. But I used and compressed the real structure. Now my body can store more marrow than it was able to do before. There was much to do with the Actual Bone Marrow. I improved and optimized the process. But other than that I didn't change a lot.

The blood vessels inside the bones were made to be more elastic and rubbery than normal so they could handle the pressure when I use Divine Demon.

The growing of the bones took a slow 2 hours. I had to move the empty skin as the bones form. For the foot, it was like putting on gloves. I carefully put the skin on each toe.

When that was finished I grabbed a water bottle and drank it all. I have more water in me than I could ever need thanks to Chin's Food Immersion. But the stress of the procedure made my throat dry.

Now for the Muscule