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Chapter 65- Toxic Chainsaw

[The Hero Hunter Garou claimed his 10th victim. Fortunately, he hasn't killed any of them besides the first two. His goals are unknown. When asked for his motives. He only replayed that he is taking out the trash.

From the cameras, on the pro Heroes, we learned many things.

Garou is a young man approximately 19 years old with sharp features, yellow eyes, and long silver hair that spikes upward in two large prongs. He has a lean muscular build and stands at 180cm. He wears a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellow sash around his waist, and tai chi slippers on his feet.

He has shown to have a great deal of martial arts experience and most surprisingly of all. Has shown multiple quirks All from the heroes he defeated. But it seems the quirks are cheap imitations of the originals and are quite weaker.

immediately hide and contact the authorities...]

I found out that Toxic Chainsaw was going to make a ruckus to attract some attention to fight off some Heros. Showing how strong he was.

I think this is a perfect opportunity for the Martial Genius of the Century-Shinichi Kodo to have his quirk awakened. By fighting in a 'very dangerous situation' where his quirk was 'forced' to evolve.

The public will eat that up, even without me interfering. Of course, I will still make sure they only write what I want. God, I love my SpyFlies. Best decision I made. Blackmailing people makes life so much easier.


"Hahahaahah. Come out Heros. Or all of these people are going to die!!!" Toxic Chainsaw yelled out

ToxicC has shoulder-length hair that appears to be slimy. He has a long jawline and a pointy chin. He is very well-built and muscular.

ToxicC was topless as he rampaged in the city. The only clothes he was wearing were baggy pants with skull-shaped kneepads and army boots.


"Hahahaa Get ready to be shredded by my pal DOKU!!" He raised his chainsaw which had the words DOKU painted on it and started waving it around. Shredding and slashing everything in his path.

He saw a woman tripping on the sidewalk and ran towards her.

"NOOO PLEASEE!!" the woman yelled out

"One Shredded Meat Bag coming right up!" he raised his chainsaw above his head and swung it down as he smiled like a maniac.


Suddenly just as the chainsaw was halfway there a figure appeared. He raised his right hand slightly and hit TC's forearm. The blow looked weak, but it knocked off the chainsaw's course completely missing the woman.

"HUH?!" TC glared at the newcomer. A young boy. Around the age of 14. He was wearing a black sleeves hoodie and had headphones around his neck.

"Oi. Get your ass up and get away" He turned his head slightly to the woman. Who had soiled herself. She didn't need to be told twice as she first started crawling away before standing up into a full sprint.

"Wait I know you. You're that kid from the news. Kodo-Something. The one that wins those fighting contests. You just cost me my prey. So I guess you'll have to take her place" He raised his chainsaw again fully intending to cut me to pieces.

"They were martial arts tournaments, you imbecile. Not a fucking beauty contest. I guess your tiny brain can't comprehend that. Actually, I don't think you even know what comprehend means. And it's Shinichi Kodo, remember that when your soon to be crippled ass is sent to prison." Kodo enters his fighting stance

#### MC POV

Wow he is weak. Like really weak. I expected him to be a lot stronger. Judging by his hair and the way it's starting to ooze some liquid. I'm guessing that's where the 'Toxic' part comes into play. So he can create and attack with toxic ooze. It kind of counters me. Since I'm barehanded at the moment. I mean I can end him within the next second.

But that's not the goal. I need to make it look like I'm losing. So my quirk can 'awaken' in the last stand. The cliche heroic moment.

I look at the corner of my eye and see that people are filming us. I lower my strength but still use my moves.


*Tak x7* ( hit sound)

I use a low-power Soru to close the distance and hit him 7 times in a single moment.

"Gah" he stumbles slightly before regaining his balance.

"Ha! you call that a strike. I have had girls hit me harder than you" He yells out but his face was twitching. If I had used more strength he would have fist-sized holes in the areas I hit

I really hate when I have to do shit like this. It doesn't suit me.

But we all have to do this we don't want because it's the smarter choice. People don't want to go to work. But they have to. The same thing applies here.

"Stop running you brat!" he starts getting angrier and his swings become even wilder

I'm waiting for some heroes to arrive. I already have my little spies in every Agency in the area. The first the Heros will arrive first are weak as hell. And Johnny Bravo is still too far away.

I need him to attack the Heros so I can save them. People just love shit like this.

*Boom* I give him a weak roundhouse kick to the chin. His head flies back, and he stumbles before regaining his balance. He shook his head a bit to get rid of the dizziness and spat out some blood. Guess I must have cracked a tooth.

"Stop in the name of the LAW!" A man in a black spandex suit with a white S on it yells out

"Civilian get away to safety. This is no place for a child"

I just look at him for a few seconds before backing off. Internally I'm debating whether to save him or let him die. What situation would be better

"Now I am Syndrome! Surender now Villian!"

Toxic Chainsaw just jumps at him and screams out "DIEEE"

#### A/N

Word Count 1040

One month after getting healed

Toxic Chainsaw

Fight between Jhonny Bravo and One4All soon. MC won't involve himself with it. It's suicidal/.

And yes the Syndrome from the Incredibles.

Btw I will be changing my Patr eon to 18+. Working on DxD: Necro System and it's time for it to really go.. ummm.. dark and perverted.

There is also the sex scene in YJ:SB that I have yet to write. Live is going. The new kitchen is almost done. Just need to move a few more things (freaking finally).