WebNovelMHA: Code58.87%


If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

Tier 1- 5 chaps ahead on everything, 1 vote

Tier 2 -10 chaps ahead on everything, 2 votes

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Word Count 1066

Cannon has started! Officially from ch 88. So in 10 chapters. Cannon/ Start of the Plot.

Freaking finally after 87 chapters. I made this way too long. Enjoy the chap. Btw started a Chatgroup fic. One of the chaps hit 3800 word count. But on average it's 2000. Glad to see I'm improving.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!



"You have got to be joking me?"

I'm just standing there and looking at the people around the corpse.

That god is really taking this Shinichi Kudo thing way too far.

First was the Name. Then Ran and her mother Eri.

Now I'm involved in murder cases. Someone really likes Detective Conan.

Who the fuck gets stabbed in a stadium? This is definitely not a coincidence. The Black Organisation might be here too. Those are slippery bastards. I haven't managed to find any trace of them since the Festival Incident. Now I have to search this whole place for them.

I subtly press my hand on the nearest electronic device. And use my Quirk to backtrack all the way to their systems. And I move away

A few minutes of extensive searching and I found their system. Now it's just a matter of time before I break through their firewall and protections.

I see two people rushing at the body

"Clear the way" Detective Naomasa shouted

Behind him was a skinny blond man. He was skinny. Sickly thin. His cheeks were sunken in and had huge eye bags, possibly from the lack of sleep.

He looked like he was about to collapse from a little push.

"Damn" Naomasa looked at the body and cursed.

"Nobody is allowed to leave the building!" He yelled out as he grabbed his phone and started to call his colleagues.

Great just great. We will be stuck here for a few hours.

Momo and Ran grab my arms both of them shaken up from the scene

"How terrible" I hear Takako mumble, Tetsuya quickly wrapped his girlfriend in a tight hug

Even the usually cheery Shu had a grave expression on his face

" Sigh wait here for a bit. I'll go see if I can speed this up a bit. If we leave it to them we could be here all day" I turn around and pat Momo and Ran on their heads to call them down further

"It will be fine, just leave it to me"

I leave the group and walk up to Naomasa and All Might

"Hello Detective Naomasa. Good to see you again. Though I wish it were under better circumstances" I chose my words carefully. This man's quirk is a giant pain in the ass.

"Ohh Kodo-shonen. It's good to see you. Congratulations on winning the tournament. You really are something special" Naomasa tries to laugh but it sounds fake. You cant expect a man to joke in this kind of situation.

I turn to All Might who was next to him. God he looks so weak in this form

"Oh this is my friend Toshinori Yagi" he points to Skinny Might

"Young man that was an impressive show of strength. You will make a fine hero someday" He gives me a bright smile

I smell the air before grinning at him

"Ahh Yagi-san good to see you again. If I recall the last time we met each other was two months ago." That's when the last spar was.

Skinny Might's jaw dropped. He shakily pointed his finger at me "Y-you know?"

I just shrugged my shoulders"You really shouldn't be so careless. You have the same scent in both forms. So I easily recognized you. You need to fix that before you are found out"

Skinny Might slumped. Mumbling 'How could have I been so careless'

(Shonen=Young Man)

"Kodo-shonen this has to stay a secret. Very few know about this. If the public eve-"

I cut his rant

"ever finds out. There will be death, chaos and destruction by people who would use your weak health as a sign to let loose. Is that about right?"

Skinny Might sweatdropped

"W-well yes..."

I smiled and shrugged

"Don't worry about a thing Yagi. I won't say a word about this to anyone. But man All4One sure did a number on you. Hope you got him back"

His expression instantly changed. Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on

" How do you know about that Kodo-shonen?" He said in a grave deep voice

"You must be joking. It was all over the net. You just need the brain to figure it all out. A little while after I got out of the Hospital. I looked for you for a spar. Your secretary said you were unavailable for everyone at the time. Some family emergency. Then there is that huge forest that was decimated around that time."

"But how did you know it was All For One?"

"People like to talk. Especially businessmen. If a big player like All For One suddenly disappears from the underworld. There is going to be a lot of chatter. You just need to be able to find that. Something I'm assuming you didn't do."

Naomasa and Skinny Might were totally dumbstruck. Their mouths were open and they couldn't find the words to reply.

All of a sudden a group of people in blue uniforms were rushing in.

"Detective Naomasa! We came here as fast as we could!" The lead police officer was a bit out of breath.

"Ahh Yes!" Naomasa snapped out of his trance

"Hurry up and make a perimeter. Seal the exits. No one leaves the Stadium. I want statements of people who were in the hallway when the body was found. I also want video camera footage. "

While Naomasa was giving out commands I just facepalmed. Now we have to wait even more. Fuck my life.

"Sir the body has been dead for less than 10 minutes! There is not a lot of blood around the body. And it's still warm." The mortician shouted out

"That's great!" Naomasa shouted and people looked at him like he was a creep

"What I mean is that the culprit might be in the hallway. We don't have to search the whole stadium!" The result was a lot of released sighs by the policemen

"I want statements of everyone in this hallway!"

Which will take at least an hour. Sighh it looks like I have to get involved.

"That won't be necessary" I say a bit louder than I usually do to make sure everybody heard me

"What do you mean Kodo-san?" Naomasa was confused

"I'm saying I know who the culprit is" I say calmly while looking at his stupefied expression

"You what now!?"

I point my finger amongst the crowd

"The Culprit is him!"