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Murder! 2

"The culprit is HIM!"

Everybody's head snapped in the direction the finger was pointing at.

The person in question was a normal middle-aged man. He had sandy yellow hair. He wore normal rectangular glasses, along with a blue shirt and brown trousers.

When everybody's attention was on him he paled and shakily brought his finger and pointed at his face.

"M-m-me?" he squeaked out

"No no no. There has to be some sort of mistake" he started to panic

Everybody turned back to me.

"Ano.. Kodo-san. Are you sure it's him? Do you have any proof for your accusation?" Naomasa asked me quite clearly not believing in me

I ignore him and turn to the culprit

"You what's your name and where were you 10 minutes ago" I said in an 'answer now or I'll slam you into a wall' tone

"Hii.. Ahh yes. My name is Morimo Tora. And .. Ten minutes ago I left my seat and started to climb down the stairs"

I just nodded at that "Good. Now see here. I just won the tournament and would like to leave with my friends. Which won't happen until the culprit is found. So to speed things along I used my quirk to find out the murderer"

"How would you do that?" Naomasa asked me clearly confused I used my quirk at all

" I did it in 2 ways. First I used my increased sense of smell to find the scent on the corpse. The scent led back to this man.'"

The culprit started panicking "I could have just bumped into him!"

To which I calmly nod "True. But that doesn't explain the scent of his blood on your hands. The second way I checked was by asking you questions. When you started to talk to me your heartbeat rose a bit. You lied about where you were. Something Detective Naomasa should have picked up on if he used his quirk" I sent a pointed look at the man who only looked down in shame

"Ehem. Would you please answer some questions for us" Naomasa coughed in his hand before activating his quirk

The culprit started to panic

"Were you the one who killed this man?" Naomasa looked at him dead in the eyes. So was everybody else in the hallway

"I-I- I di.." Slump

The culprit's knees gave out and he fell on his ass

"Well it appears that we have our killer," Skinny Might said in a grave tone. Surprising everyone. That such a thin man could speak like that.

Yeah like it's that easy. Just as I was about to question him more I heard footsteps



The doors flew open. A tall man in a dark blue suit showed up. He has high cheekbones, a short mustache, and short black hair. Sleeping Kogurou has arrived.

"Mouri Koguro has arrived to solve the case! "

He then looked around and spotted Ran who facepalmed at her father's actions


"EHHH! RAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" he shouted out shocked by what he was seeing

"Daaad. You have known for weeks that I will be watching Shin fight in this tournament"

Ran had a blush on her face from the look the others were giving to the father-daughter pair.

"Ugh this is so embarrassing" With that she hid her face in her hands

"Ahhh. Ha..ha..ha" Kogurou awkwardly scratched the back of his head. He completely forgot about where his daughter was going

"Ehem. How about we continue the questioning?" I snap everybody out of it and their attention turned back to me

"What do you mean Kodo-san? We have found the killer" One of the police officers asked

"True. But there are many other things that we have to ask" I turn back to the killer

"Are you working alone? And did anybody else have a hand in this?"

He froze for a second, just a slight stop in his movements

"I did not have help. I killed him myself" he said with his head held down

Naomasa turned to me "He is telling the truth"

"That's nice but you did not answer my question. I repeat. Are you working alone? And did anybody else have a hand in this?" I stand in front of him and use my 'aura' to intimidate him

He just bit his lip and kept quiet

"Damn. He has accomplices. But won't sell them out. Fuck now I have to do this the hard way."

"Kodo-shounen what do y-" Before Skinny Might could continue I grabbed the killer by the neck and slammed him in the wall

The police instantly reacted and pointed their guns at me "Shinichi Kodo put that man down!"

I turned back to them and gave them the coldest look I can manage "If anybody tries to shoot me I will kill him before the bullet has even left the chamber. I will be using an investigation technique on him, you morons."

I turned my gaze back to the killer

"Now you pathetic piece of shit. I will be using a pulse measuring technique. I tell you my version of events and my measuring your heartbeat and you body language I will see how much of it is correct.

You kept quiet when I asked you if you worked alone. That means you are protecting someone" I carefully looked at his body language while I was measuring his pulse

"You are relieved.. that means I was wrong. So it's not an accomplice.. an employer perhaps." he flinched and his heartbeat spiked

"Bingo. Your heartbeat spiked. And it's currently beating faster and faster. Showing signs of fear. You were protecting your employer. This was a hit. You were paid to kill that man. But it was done in such a sloppy way, so I assume it's your first time. I guess you are desperate for money." he looked down ashamed of his actions but said nothing

"Your employer is in the stadium, hiding somewhere?"

Hmm mixed results. Let's change the question

"You met him here in the stadium but he left before you killed the victim" he looked away and tried to calm down but his heartbeat told me everything. I lifted him up by the throat and threw him at the police

"There you go. His employer was here, check all the footage from the security camera and from the game. Even clips from the fans. Find his seat number and focus the search there. Now that this is over I believe we are free to go. You are welcome"

Everybody was looking at me like I grew a second head

"What? Get to work so we can leave!"

The police scattered at my words.

"Kodo-san" Naomasa aproched me

"Naomasa-san I have had a very long and tiresome day. I would like to leave so I can spend some time with my friends and family before I leave for my world tour. If you need anything else I will stop by the police station before I leave. Is that acceptable"

Detective Naomasa stopped to think for a bit "Yes. That would be all right. I'm sorry for the trouble Kodo-san. You and your friends can leave"

I just nodded. Me and my group soon left the Stadium.

"Yo Shin where are we going?" Tetsuya asked while yawning

"I don't care. Any restaurant that has pizza. I'm starving" I could use my spare energy but that would be a waste

" Sensei were you serious about the WorldTour?" Momo looks at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes. Ran was also looking at me expecting my answer

" Yes. I finished my education. Even the high school stuff. The only reason why I haven't passed the tests is because I want to go to U.A. I will be going around the world to experience different things and meet interesting people"

In other words. Go copy some interesting shit and steal some stuff. Time for Garou and Kaito Kid to go International. I can make it look like Garou is following Shinichi. But Kid will have to rob different cities. So I will need to grab a teleport quirk or warp quirk. But those are rare.

"Then Sensei can I come with you!" Momo stood in front of me filled with resolve

Hmmm now how do I handle this?

"Momo I will be going in a lot of dangerous places. If you are serious about following me I will give you a test. If you pass it I'll consider letting you come with me"

Momo brightened up "Hai Sensei"


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Word Count 1486