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Momo's Test!

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Yo. On ch 90 The Entrance Exams are beginning. We are finally starting with the plot. Sorry, it took so long. Anyway, this is mostly a filler chap I made for Momo.

Enjoy the Chap.

Word Count 1356


Now ever since I told Momo she would have to take a test. She has been working really hard to prepare herself

Ran on the other hand has been depressed. And started to distance herself from me.

Well, I expected this honestly. Ran is a normal teen. Sure she practices karate. But her goal is to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a lawyer.

I think the only reason she didn't ask to come with me is because I emphasized that it will be very dangerous.

I'm actually glad she isn't like normal brain-dead teens that just rush into danger without any plans whatsoever.

So here we are me and Momo are dressed in street camo gear. Mainly dark grey and blackish colors. It's retarded to think that dressing pitch black will help you hide better. True it helps with the shadows. But only there. You go anywhere else and it's pretty noticeable that a black shadow moved.

Most buildings are brightly colored in general. Even if its night you put a black figure there and it will be easily spotted.

"So you ready Momo?" We are standing in the shadows on top of a building

"Hai-Sensei" She said it calmly but her body language was the total opposite. She was excited and a bit impatient.

Well, I get the feeling. This is the first time she has been on a night patrol. I usually do these as Garou to get more blood samples to develop more Quirks.

That reminds me. I need to fill up my Energy Reserves. I have been using a lot of energy lately developing interesting quirks.


So me and Momo are patrolling for about an hour. We met some punks trying to mug people. Momo put them down fairly quickly. Then just made some special cuffs for them. I took it a step further and stripped them naked and tied them with a rope in front of the doors of nearby houses. They will have quite a surprise when they open their doors.

It was after that, that things got real.

We are standing on a rooftop looking down at an ally. There was a woman is about to get raped by a gang and a hero is standing there taking money from the boss.

"Pleasure doing business with ya, hero-san" The boss smirked as he watched his men tear the clothing of the woman

"Meh a guy has to eat. Being a hero doesn't bring any money in unless you are famous. It's a rough industry" The hero shrugs his shoulders while counting the money "Oh and don't forget to finish her off. She has seen our faces"

"Yeah no problem. Hey wanna stick around and have a go? This one is very hot. She looks like a model" he smiled lecherously as he looked at the woman

"Well now that you offered" The hero starts to unzip his pants

I turn down my hearing and look at Momo who was Red with Rage. She was using her special spying equipment so she heard everything.

" This is the real truth of the world Momo. There is no good or evil. Just varying degrees of gray. Someone can become a hero to satisfy their need to help someone, to earn money, or just to abuse the position. Just as someone can become a villain because they like to inflict pain or cause panic. But there are those that become criminals just because there is no other choice for them or just to feed their families."

Momo looked like she was listening to me but i could see her creating weapons in her hands.

"Go. Do what you think is right, I will be right behind you. watching your back"

Momo jumped from the top of the building using cables to lower herself down.

"Hey what's that sound" The gang stopped themselves and started looking around when the hero finally noticed and yelled out "It's coming from ABOVE"

But it was already too late. Momo was moving with grace rivaling a professional.

She quickly dropped 5 flash-bangs. Each is positioned in such a way that it would catch all of them in the range. While they were looking down at the flash bangs as they hit the ground. Momo threw paralyzing daggers right in their chests since she was less likely to miss in comparison for aiming for a limb.

She took out 4 of them before she even dropped the ground.

As soon as she landed she assembled her bo staff and started knocking them down. Since the Hero and the boss are the most dangerous she eliminates them while they are still blinded by hitting them in the balls then on the neck with an overpowered taser.

The rest were taken down quite easily as well.

The fight lasted less than 2 minutes. Very impressive for her age even if they were the weakest criminals possible.

But here is where she snaps back to reality. She goes to check on the gang members she hit with the daggers only to find one of them dead.

This results in Momo starting to shake and cry before falling on her knees

I used some metal quirks to nudge her thoughts in a certain way from the start. She uses all the training I have her and the weapons she created to defeat them. I knew she had it in her. But she doesn't have the mindset to deal with the aftermath. That's why I made sure one of the daggers would hit right near the heart. Killing that lowlife.

That is the real reason we are here tonight.

Once she realizes what she has done. She starts to cry and panic.

I kneel down beside her. All she was saying is that she a murderer.

"Momo." I say softly, but she doesn't react.

"MOMO! Look at me" She raises her head, tears still streaming down her face.

"You did nothing wrong." She immediately starts to shake her head

"No. I-I killed him. I'm a murderer" she starts to cry even harder

"Momo if it wasn't for you that woman would have been reaped than killed. You saved a life. An innocent LIFE. These monsters were going to take that life, defile it then throw it away like garbage to rot. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You killed him by accident, it wasn't your fault"

I knocked out the woman as soon as Momo threw the flashbangs. She hasn't seen anything.

"But what would my parents say. What would my friends say!"

"Nothing, they will say nothing because we won't tell anyone. Momo if anyone other than us knows about this it's a risk. You will go to jail."

No, she won't. With mine and her father's influence, she won't even go to trial. But the damage to her reputation would be done.

"But if that happens what will happen the next time another woman is assaulted? Who's going to stop them? Heros? We saw what kind of heroes exist tonight. You going to jail means more people are going to suffer. Are you going to let that happen?"

Guilt tripping her. Yeah, I'm the worst.

But this needs to happen.

" You wont think any less of me?" her voice starts to crack

"Momo do you think I haven't killed before? My control over my powers wasn't always so great. I have had my fair share of accidents. But i knew if I stopped. Hundreds if not thousands more would suffer at the hands of these animals. So I kept pushing on. That to me is a true hero.

Someone that keeps going forward. Keeps saving lives. Beyond the law. Beyond morals. That is what I must be to save the most lives."

My speech needs a lot of work. But it's enough for the distressed Momo.

She threw herself at me and started to cry in my chest. I hugged her and started to rub her back.

After this. A lot of things are going to change. And the next phase of my plans is going to begin.