WebNovelMHA: Code65.25%

Prehistoric Gladiators

In the control room, a person dressed in black was sitting in a chair. He had long silver hair, and was wearing a black trenchcoat and a black hat. He was smoking a cigarette.

"You are a thorn in our eyes. Hero Hunter. We will not allow you to continue your ways. Sayonara. Garou"


Now one of the problems will disappear and only Kodo will be left. Damn those two for making and spreading those marital arts. Our organization got stronger as well, me especially. But they also increased the strength of both those mindless Villains and Heroes.

They started a Change. Gave normal people hope that they could be something more.

A change that is making our Organization lose both money and prestige.

That was unacceptable.

The current world must stay the same. With US at the TOP.

Our organization has controlled a large part of the world for centuries.

And a few upstarts WILL NOT CHANGE THAT!!!

Bang. A guard enters the room.

"Sir the evacuation is over" He quickly reports

"Good. Cut all the announcements and start the self-destruct sequence.. I don't want him to leave this facility alive."

The guard nods and starts running to start the self-destruct sequence.

The man turns back to the screen and takes a deep smoke. He then processes to cut the gas pipe with a swipe of his hand and throws his cigarette at the ground.

Just in case the guard fails to start the self-destruct sequence.

"See you in hell Garou"

### Kodo Pov

Meet my maker?


And I thought I was arrogant.

The Raptors started to surround me

Him ending the call was the signal for all the Raptors to attack.

I activate my quirk. I start to see them all in slow motion. My brain processing every bit of information it can.

Hmmm now, how do I do this?

The Raptor nearest to me jumps at me. I quickly turn my hand into claws and boost my strength. I shove my hand in its chest and rip its heart. This is done in less than half a second.

I do the calculations in my head.


Their quirks are troublesome. The quirks make their skin resistant to slashes and piercing. It takes too much force for me to injure them this way.

That makes the majority of my martial arts kinda useless. I made them to be deadly. That means piercing and slashing were most of them.

Rokushiki is out. Same with Whirlwind fist.

Maybe Bang's martial arts? Beat them to death?

No some of them had Low Shock Resistance.

You know this is actually a solid tactic. It is possible to kill them. But since they are somewhat resistant to punches, cuts, and stabs. It takes more effort to kill them. Around 30% more effort.

So eventually If I was normal I would be exhausted and ripped apart by their sheer numbers. They are built to be expendable.

Its been a long while since I was in a pinch like this. I mean without using my full powers. It was a pinch. A tiny one.

Defending is out of the question. Their sheer numbers would rip me apart.

The raptors were a foot a way from me. All of them were ready to bite me.

'Shinra Tensei'

I use telekinesis to push them all back with incredible force, with me as the center of the attack. They are too durable for this to do any actual damage.

Realistically I could tap into my reserves and kill them all by ripping their throats even if it's inefficient. But I avoid using my 'Food Emersion'. This is a 'Hero World'. I honestly expect someone like All For One to pop out of nowhere.

I want to keep my reserves up so if it comes to it I can use it all to run away.

I'll just keep things simple and go for their eyes. Its skin might be tough, but I highly doubt they managed to protect the eyes.

As first I thought to use Momo's quirk. But I decided against that. There are definitely cameras here. Even if this place is self

And I start making them in large amounts.

I use my processing powers to calculate the force and angles needed. As well as predict their movements with my sight and sound. Being in an open space like this really helps me out. With the raptors pushing each other in the small hallway they mess up the calculation.

But in an open space like this, they can efficiently position themselves. This works in my favor since I can clearly see their next moves.


Huh? The alarms left in the system are going off. They started the self-destruct system.

Damn. Really!

This place cost a fortune to build. And they are just blowing it up. Just like that?

I search through the cameras and look at the people left here. There is the stupid guard who started the sequence.

His face was being eaten by a dinosaur. Well deserved.

And then I saw him. Long Black trenchcoat. Black fedora. Long Silver Hair.


That fucker is Here! The bastard that wanted to kidnap Momo!

I searched for him these past few years and I got nothing. And now? He was right under my nose this whole TIME!

He was calmly walking away. He kept a good tempo but it wasn't running. Any dinosaurs that got near him fell unconscious.

Fuck this shit!

Pop pop pop...

My hands started glowing as sparks started flying.

I hate using this quirk. But right now I am so pissed off I don't give a shit.

"RAWWWW" The raptors jumped at me again. I just pointed my open palm at them

"Get LOST!"


The explosion rips them apart as chunks of flesh and blood are sent flying.

This place is going sky-high anyway. Might as well be the one to blow it up!

Even if I hate using this quirk, because of how loud and flashy it is. It didn't stop me from developing it further.

I start sweating all over my body. It was actually pouring off me. Like I was in a shower. You want a big explosion? Take this.

'Tsar Bomba!'


The explosion shook the Building. Everything within 100 meters was blown apart. The building started collapsing. This was built inside a mountain. So everything was collapsing.

I do a quick look around As debris was falling all around me. Tsk.

Gin got on a helicopter.

Food Immersion.

God Speed.

Lighting started to crackle as it engulfed me. This was the combination of a few speed quirks and lightning quirks.

I started to run. I go by my mental map of the Facility. As I entered the tunnel I sneaked in I used Bakugous's quirk to blow a hole upwards.

As I go above ground. I see a few big helicopter carriers fly away.

Damn it. Better luck next time.

Now I know that he is involved. So is the organization behind him.

Both my identity as Garou and Shinichi Kodo are targeted.

One way or another they will come for me. And when they do I will rip them apart. But for now. I got dozens of Dino DNA to simulate. And I should start to go hunt people with stronger quirks.

They were willing to make Expendable Super Dinos to kill me. They will probably partner up with All For One. If they do. Hundreds of Nomu's will be made.

And I have to be ready. Just because I am Strong. Doesn't mean I can't be countered. Even now. That explosion took a lot out of me.

Time to get back home. I only have a few years until Plot starts. I need to make the most of it. Because when it starts. All things will go to Hell. And I plan to be the last man standing.

Date and time(I will calculate it later)


Word Count 1350

Next chap Time Skip. Plot Finally Starts! After 87 Chapters.

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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