WebNovelMHA: Code65.96%

Canon Starts

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Canon Has officially started. Its gonna go fast from now on. Sadly Webnovel doesn't allow Bolded words. It would have made it so much easier for you guys. Since I used it to high light All Mights English words.

I blame Webnovel.

Enjoy the chap! 🍺🐼

Word Count 1280


Date. April 10. Year ???? ( no idea what year canon starts)

All Might Pov

I'm looking at the fanboy who grabbed my leg right as I jumped. The kid was shaking in fear.

"Th-that was scary..." he squeaked out while trembling


"Good grief. If you talk to the people downstairs. I'm sure they will let you down.

I'm seriously out of time, so I really must go" I start to walk away. I'm seriously nearing my time limit.

"Wait! Um" I hear the boy stutter

"NO! I will not wait"

"But-" the boy stops for a second. Good. He must have realized how rude he is

"Even if I don't have a quirk, can I become a hero?"

His desperate voice makes me stop.

"Can even someone without a Quirk be like you?" the boy yells out

"Without a Quirk...?"


Holy Shit. Goddammit. I'm out of time. Smoke starts coming out of my body. NO. Not in front of a civilian

"It might have been because I don't have a Quirk. But I'm always being made fun of. Maybe that's why... I don't know..." The kid keeps talking.

Smoke engulfs my whole body. Shit!

'Take it easy old man. You are not as young and strong as you used to be'

Damn it why do Kodo-shonen words always pop up in my head at times like these? He even broke my nose right after saying those words.

"But I think saving people is super cool. Saving people with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you..!" As he says those words the boy looks at my skinny form and screams out.

Why meee...

"Y-Y-You're deflating..!!!"

Man this kid can scream. He starts looking left and right before he calls me a fake

Sighhh. Why today?

" I am All Might-bleh" blood comes out of my mouth.. Again...

'AHHHHHH. NO WAY!!!" The green-haired boy is still screaming

Now how do I explain this?

"You know how the guys at the pool are constantly flexing and posturing? It's like that" I think this is a good explanation


Does this kid always scream those words out? It's getting repetitive.

"No way. All Might is fearless. Someone who saves everyone with a smile. He is the greatest.." the kid is getting paler and paler as he keeps talking

Which one of us is supposed to be anemic?


"A fearless smile, huh?" I haven't been that man in a long time.

I slowly sit on the ground

"Now that you have seen me like this, young man.. make sure you don't tell anyone or write about it on the net."

I lift up my shirt to show him my scar. The boy flinches back. Guess it's quite ugly to look at.

"It's an injury I got from an enemy attack 5 years ago. Half my respiratory organs were destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. I look like this because of all the surgeries and aftereffects." I don't even know why I'm telling this kid all of this. Guess I need to let it off my chest.

"Right now I can only work as a hero... for about 3 hours a day."

The boy tears up a bit. "No way.. 5 years ago. Was it after the incident with Toxic Chainsaw? The one where you fought his brother?"


"You are well informed. After Shinichi Kodo defeated Toxic Chainsaw. His brother tried to get him out of prison. But No. A punk like that couldn't possibly defeat me."

The kid looked like he was about to fall down.

"This fight was not made public to the world. I asked that it wasn't made public. I will save people with a smile. The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil. I smile to treasure the heroes and the public. And to trick the fear inside me"

I look carefully at the boy. He is skinny. Too skinny. It looks like he hasn't done a push-up in his entire life. If he trained and learned One of the Rokushiki. He might be able to become a low-level hero. But the way he is now? He would get himself killed.

"Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say "You can become a hero even without powers"

His face showed utter betrayal. I'm sorry kid. But someone must tell you this before you get yourself killed.

"I see.." He says weakly. Damn it. It never gets easy to tell kids this kind of stuff.

"If you want to help others, then you can also become a police officer. They are often teased about having Villians delivered to their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation." I get up and walk to the door that leads downwards

This is going to hurt. I'm afraid to even look at his expression. Especially since I was like him once.

"It's not bad to dream. But you also have to consider what is realistic, young man."

I close the door. Sigh.

Cough Cough

Damn it. I am getting weaker by the day.

I have to go and drop the Villain off at the police station.


Tap, Tap, Tap



I see an explosion in the distance.

Don't tell me...




Midoriya turns to the explosion

"Villain? What hero will go to the scene?"

Midoriya starts running before remembering All Might's words

Midoriya sighed then slumped before he started to slowly walk away


Boom Boom


"It's a villain!'

"Run away"

The heroes arrived on the scene. There was fire and explosions everywhere. In the middle of it was a Dark Green Sludge Monster. He took Bakugo as a hostage

"He took a child as a hostage?"

"You COWARD" The muscular hero rushed at the villain. He punched the villain only for his hand to sink in. He tried to use his other hand to push away

"What is this? I can't grab a hold"

The villain punched him away

Bakugo broke some of the bindings holding him

"I WON'T LET SEWAGE LIKE YOU SWALLOW ME" Bakugo unleashed powerful explosions that pushed the heroes back. But did no damage to the Villian.

Further away from the civilians a crowd was forming. They were just standing there commenting and pointing at the Villian

"Whoa. Is that some big shot Villian?"

"Why arent the heroes doing anything"

"They can'"

Mount Lady arrived which got some cheers from the crowd. But only to be stuck between the buildings " Emm I need at least two streets"

Kamui Wood was saving civilians "I'm not good with explosions. I'll leave it to someone else"

The heroes couldn't get close to the villain because of Bakugo. And even if they did they couldn't harm him.

"All we can do is wait for someone with a suitable quirk" all the heroes were thinking this, while Bakugo was being sufocated

All Might arrived. But he was already past his 3-hour limit.

'I can't believe I let this happen. Pathetic. Pathetic! I'm so pathetic!!!'

Then Suddenly a young boy with green hair dashed toward the Villian. Midoriya shocked everyone. The Heroes. The Villian. The Crowd!

"YOU IDIOT!" The muscle hero yelled out



Midoriya desperately threw his backpack at the Villian stabbing him in the eyes. Making his grip on Bakugo weaken

"KAcchAN!" Midoriya desperately started to claw at the Villain

"What are you doing here" Bakugo growled out

"My legs moved on their own! I don't know WHY" Tears started to leave Midoriyas eyes

"You looked like you were asking for help"

All Might's eyes widened. He started to grow his muscles but then heard a voice behind him.

"What the hell is going on?"

Skinny Might quickly turned around to see a tall muscular teen.
