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USJ Attack

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Been working 2nd shift this week. Didn't have a lot of time to write. I'm working from 2pm to 10pm . I'm slow in the mornings and tired when I get back from work. Even now I'm half asleep while writing this. Second Shift isn't for me. Even if I get a solid 8 hour sleep out of it. Can't write like I used to. Since I usually write around 6pm. Gona grind out some chaps during the weekend

Well enjoy the chap.

Word Count 1370


"Everybody! The Bus is here! Please Line up by seating order. Enter in an orderly fashion!" The Robot yells out.

Everybody was in their Hero Suit. Except for Deku. His green bunny suit got blown up so he is in his PE uniform.

It's finally time for the USJ fight. I have been waiting for this day.

Decay, Warp. Nomu's Quirks. All those mob Quirks as well. I should be able to bag around 100-200 Quirks today. Depending on how many mobs they brought. The exact number wasn't specified in the anime.

But Nomi's Quirks are a must!

Super Strength and Speed. Shock Absorption. High-Speed Regeneration.

I have made Quirks similar to those but they are still weak. These are high-grade quirks chosen by All For One to combat All Might. They are much better and more efficient than the ones I got.

"Shoot. I didn't think it would be this kind of bus" Iida snapped me out of my thoughts

"There was no point in doing that way" Mina laughed

"I say whatever comes to my mind. Midoriya.."

"Ahh, yes... Asui" Midoriya starts panicking,

Has this man ever talked to a girl before?

"Call me 'Tsu'" Frog girl insists (Tsuyu-chan) (I'm going to use this, sounds better)


"Your quirk is like All Mights"

"Huh?.. You t-think s-so? But.. I.. so.." He starts to panic again. Man, this kid is a mess.

Kirishima laughs "Wait a sec. Tsuyu-chan, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kinda look the same"

Midoriya sighs out in relief. This kid can't lie to save his life.

Right didn't he spill the beans to Shigaraki? Even more reason not to let him know anything

"But it's nice to have a simple strength quirk. You can do a lot of flashy things. My quirk is good in combat but it's kind of boring and doesn't gather attention." Kirishima hardened his hand

"Don't worry about things like that. Do your best and bring in good results. Fame will follow after that." I nod to Kirishima. He is one of the few that is trying hard to learn the Rokushiki. And is willing to tough out the painful training.

"My Navel Laser is both flashy and strong" Laser boy buts in. Honestly, if he kept quiet people would just forget him.

"But if it gives you stomach aches it isn't that great" Mina patted him on the arm

"Well if you are talking Flashy and Strong. It Todoroki, Bakugo and Kodo." Kirishima spoke up.

Asui spoke up "Bakugo is always mad so it doesn't look like he will be popular"

"HAA? What did you say?! Wanna fight!?" He jumps from his seat

"See?" Asui just points at him

"We haven't known each other for very long. but it's amazing that everybody knows his personality is shit" Kaminari messes with him

"HA!!!! I'll kill you Pikachu!!" Bakugo looked one step away from jumping at him

I proceed to ignore the rest of their conversation

We arrive at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint and the Hero Thirteen was waiting for us. Like how stupid are you to pick a number for your Hero Name? I mean I get the reference Apollo 13 Space Ship. But really Thirteen? That name reminds me of the hot chick in Dr. House.

Hmmm I don't actually know what this hero looks like under the mask. Imagine if she really looks like the one from Dr. House.

I have X-Ray. I can take a sneak peek. The X-Ray quirk was one of the first I got.

I don't give a shit about the haters. X-Ray is a man's romance!

I look Under her Astronaut suit.

Meh. She is average. Maybe that's why she wears the suit? The Pro Heroines are usually very pretty. So by not showing her looks at all she creates a mysterious vibe.

I ignore her speech about being careful with quirks.


I turn my head towards the fountain.

"Momo get ready"

Momo was startled but quickly composes herself

"What's wrong?" Momo's guestion turns the attention to us

"Something is coming" I continue to look at the fountain.

Suddenly a purple portal appeared and started to spread.

"Huh is this like the entrance exam where the lessons already started?" Kirishima looks at them and asks.

"GET BACK" Aizawa yells out

"Those are Villians" his words shock the students

"That trespassing the other day was done by them huh,, They probably did it to steal our schedule to plan this attack"

"Huh Villians."

"No way!"

The whole class starts to panic.

"Did they only appear here or around the whole school? Either way the sensors aren't working. They knew we would be here. They may be fools but they are not stupid. This is a carefully planned attack" Todoroki breaks it down

"Thirteen start evacuating. Call the school. Those villains did something to the sensors. The school doesn't know about this" Aizawa takes command

"Got it" Thirteen nods

"What about you Sir! Will you fight by yourself? With that many even if you erase their quirks... Your fighting style is to capture after erasing their quirk. But with so many of them.. " Midoriya speaks up

"A hero can't be a one-trick pony" Aizawa says while putting on his goggles. Getting ready to jump in

"Momo sniper rifles! Real bullets," I call out

"Got it!" She quickly makes two rifles for me and her.

"Huh what are you doing? Go Evacuate!" Thirteen yells at us

"Shut it! They aren't just going to let us run away. We need to take down their numbers. Momo focus on their legs"

"Wait!" Aizawa tries to stop us

"OK" Momo answered and started to shoot and I followed

Bang, Bang, Bang...




We hit each Villian in their thighs. The Hero Commission will complain if we just killed them.

Close combat is different. I might be able to get away with that. There can be accidents. But killing people with sniper rifles is a whole other thing.

We already took down 20 of them.

I have my SpyFlies secretly go to them and get a bit of their blood.

"Ahhh snipers? Kurogiri take care of them" I hear Shigaraki give the order.

"Understood" Kurogiri disappears

"Get going!" Aizawa calls to the other students

"Kodo, Yaorozu do you know what you are doing?!" Aizawa comes near us with an angry expresion

"Shut it. I'm culling down their numbers. After this I will join you down there. You know I'm stronger than you right?" I cut off his hero speech.

"I really hate you" Aizawa jumps down and we give him cover.

Kurogiri appears right in front of the students.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villians." Kurogiri introduces himself



I dash behind him


And unleash a shockwave to clear his mist a bit, so I can see the metal thing on his neck.

Got it



My entire palm pierces his neck

"Cough... Wha.. " I don't give him any time as I grab his head and rip it off his body"

The students panic. Some even vomit. I did just kill a guy

"YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Thirteen yells out and points her hand at me

"SHUT IT!" I unleash my bloodlust at her

"I overheard them. This guy was supposed to warp the students to the other areas where they will be ganged up and killed. The girls would have had it even worse. I acted accordingly and saved them. He had a mist-type warp quirk. They can negate and warp attacks away from them. Killing him was the only choice we had, Now shut up and start evacuating. Who knows what else they have"

I leave the students and jump in to join Aizawa.

Heh, Warp Quirk acquired~


Boom Boom

I turn around and see Bakugo and Todoroki following me. I expected this from them. Their pride won't allow them to run away.

If they get injured it's not my problem. I killed the Kirogiri so Momo can just keep sniping the mobs.

Time to get Nomu and Shigaraki.