WebNovelMHA: Code72.34%

USJ Attack 2

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Word Count 1600


"Kurogiri! Damn you! Nomu Kill that brat" Shigaraki instantly goes into rage mode

His plan was stopped right at the start. And as any gamer child, he starts raging and screaming.

Nomu the big ugly brute screams with his bird beak. He dashes straight at me.

I use my quirk to start processing things faster. Nomu and everything around me slowed down.

Hmmm Fast. He really is made to fight All Might. Even his speed is almost equal to him.

Now fighting him head-on is suicide. That's what I would say if I was a muscle idiot. I didn't train my swordsmanship to such a high level for nothing.

I make a kangaroo pouch. Frankly, it's just an aesthetic. I'm actually using other quirks to pull out items. I'm doing it this way because people really don't try to look into it.

Thank you, Doraemon. Almost 3 centuries after you were created and you are still messing with people's minds. And even if they look into it I have a convenient excuse ready.

I grab out my specially made katana. I made this thing with Momo's Quirk. 'Creation.' I have had a long time to practice it and it pairs well with 'Food Immersion'. The ability to create and ability to stock up energy.

My sword is made from a special metal alloy I designed. Having a SuperComputer for a brain helps with that.

The sword is practically unbreakable and weighs a lot. Like normal katanas are usually 1-2kg. Mine weighs about 50kg. Thanks to my strength I can wield it like a normal one. At first, I planned for a European sword. But then I realized it wouldn't suit me.

They are made for praying and using their length to pierce targets. Some are made for slashing but the katana excels at slashing attacks. Which is what I need.

Just making that thing molecule by molecule was a pain in the ass. It took 3 hours to make it even with my brain.

This thing can cut through steel with little difficulty. With my strength and skill. It can do a lot more.

I boost my strength, lift my sword and slash down.


I giant blueish-white sword slash cleaved its way toward the Nomu. Anything in its path was cut in half. There was a long cut in the ground starting from me all the way to the Nomu.



Bakugo and Todoroki looked shocked at the scene, the latter even more because he couldn't say a word.

"Oi stop staring like idiots, he is still alive, go take care of the mobs."

The Nomu quickly pulled the separated parts together and regenerated.

Hmmm so one cut won't do anything. Wonder if it could heal if I dice it up.

I jump up and start sending slashes at Nomu's head.

I don't understand why the brain is exposed. I mean he heals the damage up but the slashes slow him down for a bit. Each time I slash his brain open he has to heal up, remember his commands and follow them.

That leaves a small gap when he stops. Well because of his super regeneration it's barely noticeable. It's less than a second. If he had normal regeneration it would have taken a lot longer.

I throw around attacks at different angles but he shrugs them off. I use soru to get in the middle of the grouped-up mobs. The Nomu keeps slaughtering them while trying to kill me.

Hahaha killing them would cause unnecessary trouble for me. Kurogiri was one guy but if I slaughter a bunch of weaklings it will be a pain to handle later on. So Nomu killing them is really helping me out. But normal slashes won't work against him. So let's try it this way.

I grab my katana and wait for Nomu to get close enough. Just as he got in my range I unleashed the ultimate blade technique.

'Divine Demon 100%'

'Tsubame Gaeshi'

I slash at him from the left, quickly pull back and slash from above, I do the same and slash from the right. 3 slashes were done at the same time.

This technique is impossible to avoid. The first slash distracts them, the second from above stops them from defending against the first and the last one traps them.

Tsubame Gaeshi Is too fast to defend against in the first place, that's without the blade arcs trapping the opponent. The result was already decided the moment the technique was used.


The Nomu was beheaded.

I heard people scream out. I totally ignore their words as I focus on the Nomu. The flesh on the neck started to squirm it was already regenerating.

Imedienty some tendrils form from my back and stab Nomu in the back. I start draining his blood. He can't move before he regrows his head. I should get as much blood as I can.

It started to regenerate from the neck up at incredible speed but I didn't just stick around and wait.

I made strong Tentacles and grabbed its hands and feet to stop it from moving, then I raised the Nomu in the air and spread its limbs.

Time to slice and dice.

I used my full speed and strength to start mincing the Nomu. Flesh and blood were spraying from it.

Frankly, this was like those combo strikes in old fighting games.

After a minute of nonstop slashing, I stop.

There is no other way to describe this.

The Nomu was butchered.

The chest and stomach were slashed open and bleeding, the guts were barely hanging from its stomach. Its limbs were hanging on to the torso by a few small muscles.

I got enough blood to speed up the Quirk Simulation. Time to end this.

"Goodbye you sad excuse for a punching bag"

From my shoulder, a snake formed and bit the Nomu.

The infected area immediately started to blacken.

'Basilisk Venom.'

I stole the design from that Dinosaur Base and improved it. Doesn't matter how much you regenerate. If you are bit/infected you are dead within a minute. I put it down and start walking to Shigaraki who was getting crazier by the second.

He was breathing heavily and scratching his neck until he drew blood.

"No, No, No, NO! This is all WRONG! Nomu is the perfect killing machine! It can kill All MIght! Defeating it is impossible!" Shigaraki started yelling like a madman

Since the Nomu was taken care of I started to make my way toward him. I beat up the mobs in front of me. Momo still kept shooting them in the legs. There were dozens of mobs moaning and bitching on the ground.

"GET HIM!" Shigaraki yelled out but the mobs were frozen, after all they are not suicidal,

"If you don't fight I will kill you MYSELF!!" With Shikaraki threatening them they all attacked me. I didn't want to waste time fighting them so I kneeled down and just did a circular horizontal air slash. (Kite from HxH)

The attack cut off all their legs. If they die from blood loss it's not my fault.

*Boom Boom* ''DIEE!"

Well Bakugo and Todoroki seem to be doing a good job at cleaning up the mobs.

I continued to casually walk to the trembling Man-child.

"So what did you say again? 'A perfect plan to kill All Might'? It was something along those lines. Well, apparently your plan sucks. GG Loser" I added a few gaming terms and it was quite effective

"FUCK YOU!" At superhuman speeds, he closed the distance between us and attacked me with his hand his other hand was also ready to react to whatever I would do.

Despite him being a Man-child. He has been properly trained. But still, he is too slow for me.


"AHHHHHH. MY HANDS" Shigaraki falls on his knees.

I cut of both his hands. I give him a neck chop and he passes out

I turn around to see the mobs looking at me in fear. All of them fell on their knees with their hand in the air.

"Yo Todoroki freeze all of their limbs, their wounds as well so they don't bleed out."

Half and Half stops for a second. Probobly to contemplate something before nodding to himself and going from mob to mob to freeze them.

From the corner of my eye, I see Aizawa coming for me. He was a bit banged up, I already got some blood from him.

"Yo~ Aizawa good to see you alive." I wave at him

"Shut it! I had to run away most of the time with you bringing that monster near me." He points his finger at my chest. His eyes were bloodshot and he was breathing heavily. Everybody could see that he was dead tired.

"Me? Noooo~, You must be wrong, I would never.." I dramatically grab my chest

"Sigh..I hate you so much... Is that the leader?" He lets out a deep sigh and points to Shigaraki who was knocked out.

"Yep" I know he doesn't mean the hate part. Okay, maybe a bit. He has major headaches that he gets from the stacks of paperwork that he has to do as my classroom teacher. Like with the Villian I shoved halfway through a wall. He had to deal with the school, police and the press. I salute you sleep deprived soldier.

*Blob, Blob*

Huh? I turn back to look at the Man-Child only for black liquid to start flowing from his mouth and started to surround him.

I swung my sword at him.



Tsk, missed by half a second. Fuck. Guess Plot is still a thing. I should have killed him when I got the chance. I forgot about that Liquid Warp Quirk.

Meh. Until next time I guess.

"Have you ever tried Shawarma? I wanna eat Shawarma."

Aizawa just facepalms and groans. I could hear him mumble something about paperwork and problem child.

Not my problem~

Food First.

"Momo, let's go eat!"
