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If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Sorry for the Late Releases. Christmas Rush is murder. And I was working 2nd shift. From 2pm to 10pm. Not a lot of time to write. I'm practically a zombie in the morning. And what time I did have I was barely able to write for DxD: Kiba.

Should be better this week. 1st shift. I will be able to write more.

Sadly Webnovel doesn't allow Bolded Words. The ones in the Brackets are bolded [ ]

That's the Commentators speaking

Word Count 1800


[Time's up!] (English)

[The Second Round is over. Let's reveal the top teams that will make it to the final round.16 people will advance to the next round] Mic yelled out

I look at the screen

[1. Team Kodo: Kodo and Yaoyorozu

2. Team Todoroki: Todoroki, Kaminari, Tenya and Mezo

3. Team Bakugo: Bakugo, Kirishima, Ashido and Sero

4. Team Hitoshi: Hitoshi, Mashirao and Tensei( Random Scrub)

5. Team Testutetsu: Testutetsu, Juzo, Ibara and Yosetsu

6. Team Midoriya: Midoriya, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Mei]

[Hmm combining the first 5 teams and we get 17 contestants. One will have to drop out from team TetsuTetsu.]

Their team looked a bit depressed. Wondering how they were going to decide which one will leave.

(Mashiro and Tensei decide to quit. Same as Original)

Mashirao(Tailboy) raised his hand"Excuse me. I would like to resign"

"Me as well" Tensei the guy from the Normal Class did the same.

This surprised a lot of people

"You do know you are wasting your chance to get noticed by Pro Heros. You only get one chance per year" Midnight said seriously

"Yes. But I don't remember anything from this entire round. I started to look for partners and before I knew it the round was over. There is no honor in winning this way."

"I agree. I want to go to the hero course more than anything else. But I won't be able to hold my head high If I continued on like this." Tensei

"Mmm~ such youthful energy. I accept your resolve"

[Well now we have 15 people. Only one person can come from Team Midoriya] Aizawa sounded like he was about to die. Get some sleep man.

Heh, Plot Armor strikes again. Midoriya will definitely make the spot. I really want to be the one to fight him first. I'll destroy his entire worldview.

[It appears Ochako and Mei have forfeited. Midoriya and Tokoyami have decided to have a match for the final place. How exciting. YEAH] Present Mic was doing a good job as the hype man judging by the cheers from the crowd.

~ Fight for the Final Spot Midoriya vs Tokoyami

Both of them step on the stage.

"Midoriya. May the best man win" Tokoyami says in his usual dark chuni tone.

"S-same to you Tokoyami-kun" Deku stuttered as usual. He was a nervous wreck.

" Start!" Midnight yells out

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami sends Dark shadow straight at Deku but he sends a strong shockwave at him breaking his middle and index finger.

But Tokoyami saw it coming right before Deku flicked his fingers Dark Shadow buried his arms into the stage. Acting like an anchor. Stopping Tokoyami from getting blown away.

But the shockwave still pushed them back, Dark shadow was holding on the stage even while being dragged by the force of the shockwave.

Seeing as his tactic was somewhat successful Deku proceeded to break both his index and ring finger. Sending Tokoyami flying off the stage.

The result was that Midoriya broke 4 of his fingers, especially the thumb as it was broken each time he unleashed a shockwave.

Tokoyami was unharmed. He look dissatisfied with his loss but didn't say anything. A loss was a loss. But he thought that he had a better chance at winning this tournament than Midoriya. He won't go far if he just breaks his fingers and limbs in each fight.

~MC Pov

"Called it" I whisper to Momo

I knew the twerp would get saved by plot armor.

"Yes that was quite... disappointing" Momo pursed her lips

"I expected a lot more. Judging by the way he used his quirk in the Team Battles. I assumed he had a very late quirk manifestation. But it's already been more than a month since then. And he hasn't improved his control over his quirk at all. He will probably get switched out of the Hero Course once this Festival is over"

Ouu right on the nail and cold as hell.

I don't have the heart to tell her that plot armor will make sure he stays in the Hero Course.

[Here are the results of the Randomizer] Present Mic yelled out


Tournament Preliminaries

Kodo vs Todoroki

Yaoyorozu vs Tetsutetsu

Kaminari vs Ibara (Just coz its too funny)

Midoriya vs. Juzo

Kirishima vs Bakugo-

Mezo vs Yosetsu

Tenya vs Ashido Mina

Sero vs Hitoshi


[Now we will have a break for lunch before we start again in One Hour. See YA]

Huh I'm first? And up against IcyHot no less. This is gonna be fun.

But Deku is dead. Juzo can Soften the entire ring. Midoriya will be useless. Unless he breaks his entire arm to blow apart half the ring. I can see that happening.

Stupid kid will destroy his own future for one lousy victory. If he is really this dumb, manipulating him will be easy as hell.

I heard Momo muttering beside me

"TetsuTetsu. He can turn his skin to metal. I should be able to handle him" Momo smiles a bit as she thinks about the combinations she can use in her fight.

I bring out my phone

"Yo Lunch Rush. Get 100 meals ready, and try not to pass out this time"

"YOU LITTLE SHIT! I'll make so much food that your STOMACH BUSTS. I brought Chefs from around Japan. I hope you choke and die from the food" Lunch rush ended the call

I turn to Momo "Dinner reservations are made. Shall we?" I offer her my arm

"Sensei why do you torment Lunch Rush so much?" Momo links her arm with mine.

"Because his food is delicious and he cooks faster when he is pissed off."

As we were heading to the cafeteria I saw Deku and IcyHot step into an empty hallway.

Oh yeah, didn't they have an emotional talk about Todoroki's childhood?

Totally forgot about that. To be fair it isn't even that important.

~ 1 Hour Later

[Hey guys! Are you ready?!] (english)

The crowd cheered. They were all waiting for the fights. Honestly, grown-ass men and women sitting in a stadium watching kids beat the shit out of each other.

And they called the Gladiator fights barbaric.

[Preliminaries Round 1, from the 1A KODO SHINICHII!!!]

The crowd goes wild. I wave my hand at them as I get on the stage

[ His opponent, also from 1A Todoroki Shoto!]

Todoroki glares at me as he steps on the stage. Guess he is pissed off. maybe it was Deku, maybe his abusive father. Don't care. But this should be an entertaining match.

"I will stop things if they get too far" Cementos sat on his chair, taking the role as the referee.

[ Ready?... Start!!]

"Take this!" Todoroki threw an ice wave directly at me.

It was his regular ones that freeze anyone from the neck down. He was trying to make me move and attack when I am doing these 'jabs'. But I just smirk and let the Ice freeze me.

[HUH!! Kodo is Frozen] Mic yells out in surprise

[What is that brat playing at?] Aizawa grumbled

I was frozen below the neck. and not just by a thin ice layer. It was like I was buried in ice. You could skate on the surface of the ice.

I could practically feel Aizawa narrowing his eyes at me

"How disappointing" Todoroki shook his head

"Kodo can you move" Midnight looked confused but still did her job

"You must be joking. Is this the best you can do? 'Shivering' " I started to shake rapidly my skin turned a bit red. Steam and cracks started to form on the ice. I just flexed my muscles and broke out of the ice.


"..How?!" Todoroki was stunned

" Shivering. When the normal body temperature drops. The skeletal muscles start to make small involuntary contractions, by doing so they create warmth by expanding energy. I just do that but in overdrive. My body heats up melting the ice so my skin doesn't stick to it. And the shivering is so fast it vibrates the ice making it crack. Then I just use my physical strength to break the ice. No quirk required"

[Amazing! Kodo got out of that pinch without using his quirk.]

The crowd cheered wildly. Really selling it there Mic. Thanks.

Todoroki was pissed as hell "You plan to beat me without using your quirk! Are you looking down on ME!"

" Well you aren't using your fire. So why should I use my Quirk when I can beat you without it"

IcyHot made a huge ice wave. The same one he used on Sero. But this time I didn't wait.

I slammed my foot on the ground, cracking it a bit. Getting a good solid stance.


I unleash a big-ass shockwave but it was focused and didn't spread out. As soon as it collided with the Ice Glacier. The central part of the glacier started to crack and crumble at high speeds.

Inside the Glacier was a tunnel made from the shockwave.

Todoroki used a massive amount of stamina to make a Glacier this big. He already has frost forming on his right side and he was shivering slightly.

"Again. Is that the best you can do?"

Todoroki glares at me like he wanted to set me on fire. Which he could, if he got that stick out of his ass and used his full potential.

"AGHHH" He swung his arm again making smaller ice attacks at me. But they were a lot slower and had less power than before. I easily dodged and sometimes just kicked the ice apart.

I causally walked to him by doing and destroying his attacks. By the time I got there his right side was frozen over, he was panting hard and I'm pretty sure he was about to pass out.

How disappointing. I grab him by the neck, quickly drawing his blood through the small stingers on my palm. They leave no trace when I do this. I lift him up by the neck. Drag him to one of the corners and threw him off the stage.

Is it disrespectful? Yes.

Do I care? Nope~

In all honesty, I expected more. He was already angry and distracted before the fight even started. He has a good grasp of his ice powers but only has three good attacks. His big ass Glacier. His normal-sized attacks. And freezing someone by touching them. That it. If he used his fire he would have had a better shot.

[Winner Kodo!]

Yeah yeah. Heard that a thousand times.

I was wrong. What a boring fight. I at least expected some small AoE attacks. Like throwing ice shards. Maybe throw a glacier in the air so that it will break apart.

Sigh I was wrong to get my hopes up.

[Next match Yaoyorozu vs Tetsutetsu]

# A/N (Wait for the entire mini arc to end. Then you can decide to chase me with fire and pitchforks if you think it was bad.)


Quarter Finals

