WebNovelMHA: Code76.60%

Preliminaries 2

To whoever thought it was a good idea to rush everything in front of Christmas step up so i can shoot you. Brah its first shift. I thought I would have more time to write. I'm practically living off Coffie and Energy Drinks this week.

I come home and fucking drop on the bed. I barely got enough willpower to write Kiba.

Adult life sucks man xD

Word Count 1850


[Next match Yaoyorozu vs Tetsutetsu]

Momo Pov (I don't think I have done this before)

"Good luck Momo. Try not to end it too fast. Give us a good show" Sensei(Kodo) pats me on the back. His voice showed complete confidence in me.

I tried hard not to let out a big grin. It would be unbecoming of me.

"Hai. Please look forward to it. Sen.. Shisho" Damn it.

"Hahaha you still get them confused. Why don't you just give up and call me by my name" he laughed at me

Never. I promised myself.

"I will only call you when you accept me" I step in, in front of him and look up to see his eyes

"I told you It won't happen anytime soon." he says in his serious tone, which was rare.

"Then I will just have to wait until you do" I'm not giving up. You were my light. You guided me, protected me, and made me the woman I am today. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth.

"You are really stubborn. I wonder where you get that from?" Shisho smirked already knowing the answer. I got it from you, you numbskull


[Preliminaries Second Match, from the 1A Yaoyorozu Momo ]

I get up on the stage and do a little bow. Sensei said to work the public as much as possible. Otherwise the media will nitpick any weakness you show.

[Versus Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from 1B]

"BRING IT!!" Tetsutetsu yells out as hard as he can

Ahh, he is basically Kirishima with Bakugo's Personality.

Well. Since he is steel Electricity and Heat are out. I don't have enough time to build something that has a strong output. Guess I can only trap him or throw him off the stage somehow.

[ Ready?... Start!!]

He activates his quirk turning his body to steel and dashes straight at me. He goes for a standard right hook. Which is a terrible move.

I grab his wrist and pull a bit. I turned my body so my back was to his chest and put his armpit on my shoulder. Then I just pull down hard as I can, as I lean forward.

I slammed Tetsutetsu into the ground. Denting the stage.

[Sugoi! Yaoyorozu did a perfect Judo shoulder throw!] Present Mic yelled out

The shoulder throw was one of the first things Sensei thought me. After kicking or hitting a man in the balls and hitting anything above the shoulders.

"Damn that stung" Tetsutestu grumbled as he got up

Hmm. Durability as steel as well. I activate my quirk and light shines on my plan

"No you don't!" he tries to reach me but the Creation was complete. I raise my hand and slam down the purple ball in my hands


Purple smoke engulfs us both

[Smokescreen. Very Clever. Now she has time to plan and create something else while Tetsutetsu searches for her blindly] Aziawa-sensei actually complimented me...

Yay~! Even if It was for such a simple tactic. I got a compliment and I will use it... To prank him! Sensei loves to mess around with Aizawa-sensei.

I just might do it to get some bonus points with Sensei.

I feel the air in the smokescreen move.

"No fair!" Testutetsu swings wildly hoping to get a hit

Hmm. Don't think I will be able to get him with the same trick twice. Plus hitting and smashing things is Sensei's thing. I'm a mid to long-range fighter.

Open up my zipper to start Creating something.

I'm so glad Sensei beat out my stupid idea of having more skin exposed. It was really embracing when he paralyzed me with just a small scratch.

My original costume design had more than 60% of my skin exposed.

'That's just begging for someone to poison you.' were his exact words

I remember the day vividly. There I was paralyzed on the ground from just a small scratch. Sensei kneeled down and sighed. "What are you?" I started to grumble. We had a bet before the 'spar' started.

"I'm stupid.."

"And?" he raises an eyebrow at me "I should stop watching TV and do real research before I decide on anything"

"Good. The paralysis should last 30 minutes. Now as punishment I'll play the most annoying songs possible. Enjoy!" Sensei put down a speaker and left


"Sensei? SENSEI!. I HATE YOU!"

*Shudder* "Brrrr"

Worst 30 minutes of my life. Now I avoid striping as much as possible. I'm not like Sensei. Stupid bulletproof muscles and stupid poison immunity. But his muscles are really hard and delic- NO! FOCUS!

" Stop hiding!" Tetsutestu yelled out. The smokescreen started to clear.

"Hey, Metalhead!" I yell out as my creation was finished

"GOT YA!" He ran straight at my voice

"No, I got you!" I aim my net launcher at him.


Two nets hit him and he falls to the ground.

"What is this!" He started to struggle, tying up the nets even further

[ Ouuu what is this?] Mic-sensei wanted to make some suspense, but Aizawa-sensei ruined it

[A net launcher. Good tactic. Fighting him in close range is a risky and unnecessary decision. Traping him like this is the most efficient and logical course of action]

[Man you are no fun. I was gonna say that] Mic-sensei slumped and started to pout. At least I think he did, judging by his voice.

"Tetsutetsu can you escape!" Midnight yells out

Tetsutetsue started to roll around in hopes off getting the Nets off him.

"Grrrrr. Damn it!"

"Tetsutetsu can no longer continue. Winner. Yaoyorozu Momo!"

The crowd starts cheering. I give a little bow as I start to get off the stage. I started to decompose the Net launcher to get back some of the calories I spent making it.

I can't wait to see who I'm going to fight next.

~ 3rd Pov

[Okey time for the next round. Preliminaries Third Match.

The Assasin from Class B. Pretty things have thorns, ya know. Here comes Ibara Shiozaki!]

Ibara calmly walks on stage.

[Versus ...

Sparkling Killing Boy! From Class A! Kaminari Denki!]

"Yay!" Kaminari waved at the crowd getting a few cheers

[Well, well, looks like we will have a flashy battle this time to-]

"Umm.." Ibara interrupted him


"Please excuse the interruption. What do you mean by 'assassin'? I have only come here to find victory, not take my opponent's life" Ibara says gracefully

[I-I'm sorry!]

"In the first place, I wished to enter U.A not for wicked reasons, but for the salvation of others.." Ibara put her hands together to pray as light shined down on her from out of nowere

[I already said I'm Sorry! My Bad! Okey?!]

"Thank you for understanding" Ibara smiles and bows, grateful that the situation has been solved

[..Anyway.. Start!] Mic says awkwardly hoping people would forget about that misshap

Yellow lightning covered Kaminari's whole body.

"Sorry about this. But It will be over in an instant" Kaminari grinned

"Indiscriminate Shock... 1.3 Milion Volts" he yelled out, already assured of his victory. Kaminari threw his arms forward and the lightning followed. Going directly at his opponent.

Ibara calmly clasped her hands in prayer and turned her back on the attack.

Her hair stabbed the stage and grew enough to form a wall to protect her before the hair separated from the newly formed Vine Wall.

Kaminaris's attack was totally neutralized by the Vine Wall.

"Huh?" Dumb Kaminari looked at the wall in shock.

From the Vine Wall, cracks started to form and quickly made their way to Kaminari.


Vines rose up from the ground, tied up Kaminari and raised him in the air.

[ An instant! The match was decided in an Instant!] Mic yelled out

"Shiozaki advances to the Quarter Finals" Midnight announces with a whip strike at the end

"Are, are. Didn't he say it would be over in an instant? But he was the one to get defeated. Isn't that strange? Class A is supposed to be better than Class B, so isn't that weird? HAHA! See! That's the power of 1-B! HAHAHAHA! "


Monoma gloated at Class A over the wall before Kendo gave him a neck chop

"Sorry about that. This kid isn't right in the head" Kendo apologized and went back to her seat leaving a confused Class A except for Kodo and Momo who smiled at their antics


[Now time for the Fourth Match, from the 1A Midoriya Izuku ]

Deku the nervous wreck got on the stage while mumbling non-stop. He had bandages tied up around his fingers and hand.


Juzo Honenuki from 1B, is he's gonna show exactly why he entered by recommendation?]

On the other hand Juzo calmly. He wasn't even fazed by Mic's commentary. He confidently stepped on the stage. He looked at Midoriya straight in the eyes. Hoping to intimidate him. And it was working.

[Ready? GO!]

Midoriya quickly raised his hand to fire another 100% OFA flick. But froze when he saw Juzo. His opponent was already halfway submerged into the stage.

[There it is! Juzo's quirk 'Softening' makes it so he can soften any substance and turn it into gelatin or liquid temporarily. Now what will Midoriya do?]

Mic's words snapped Midoriya out of it. He quickly flicked his fingers on his other hand breaking the thumb and middle finger. The shockwave hit the spot where Juzo was before he completely submerged. The Liquified Stage trembled and splashed around but Juzo didn't show up.

Midoriya nervously looked at the stage. His eyes darted from side to side. Trying to find Juzo.

"I need to move." He mumbled to himself before going right trying to avoid his opponent and give himself time to think up a plan.

But things didn't go his way.


Midoriya heard the sound and quickly turned around and flicked his fingers again. The shockwaves quickly hit the Stage in their Gelatin form. It was about the size of a person before it was destroyed.

"A diversion?" He turned behind him expecting an attack only to see nothing

"Correct" A voice below him sounded out. Juzo wasted no time before grabbing his ankles and dragging him down.

"Noo!" Midoriya teared up thinking he was going to lose. He desperately used OFA on his arm and smacked the liquified stage. The shockwave sends most of the liquid flying away and hit Juzo.

"GAHH!" Juzo screamed out. But most of the shockwave was nullified by the gel-like stage around them. Juzo quickly dragged Midoriya down further, until everything below his neck was submerged.

He quickly canceled his quirk turning the stage back to normal and trapping Midoriya and himself.

He used his quirk again, and swam back to the surface carefully avoiding Midoriya.

As soon as he stood up. Midnight slammed her whip on her platform.

"Midoriya is immobilized. Winner Juzo Honenuki!"

Juzo gave a big scary smile as he heard the crowd cheer. While Deku was crying and sobbing at his loss.

### A/N

What do you think of Momo Pov?

And the Juzo vs Deku fight. I think it was pretty fair. Juzo counters him pretty heavily. Well, this early version of Deku.

Opinions? Plz comment

Fights left.

Kirishima vs Bakugo-

Mezo vs Yosetsu

Tenya vs Ashido Mina

Sero vs Hitoshi



Quarter Finals

