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If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2070


(A/N I like Miruko instead of Mirko. Mirko is a male name. A kickboxer. Rumi's hero name comes from him. Every time I hear Mirko I immediately think of a dude so I'm making it Miruko)


I could hear Screaming and Fighting, in the distance. Those weren't Nomu.

Stain. It's gotta be him.

Finally. I thought the dude would never show up.

"Miruko I found him" after saying that I disappear using Soru.

I followed the Sound of fighting

Iida and Native were down. But still alive. Man they are lucky

Deku was getting his ass beaten.

"Well looks like I got here just in time for the party"

"Huh. Ko- I mean Typhon. Go get help!" Deku yells out

Is this kid for real? He is one delusional bitch.

I ignore his whining and the bleeding Iida as well.

~~3rd Pov

Kodo looks up and down as he analyzed Stain. He walked confidently toward him.

"So you are Stain. Very Impressive. Few can say that they have harmed or killed as many heroes as you have. Now you are a real Villian"

"You.. You are Shinichi Kodo" Stain says in a calm voice. But Kodo narrowed his eyes, there was something else there

"Yes. Yes I am"

"I see. I would like to thank you. If you hadn't spread the Rokushiki and those training manuals. I would have likely failed somewhere on my current quest. But when I learned the Rokushiki. The chances of completing my mission increased exponentially" Stain said with his creepy ass face

"What Mision" Kodo asked offhandedly, but inside he mused 'I honestly forgot about his ideology'

Stain grinned "This society is full of fake heroes and villains who wave their power around like children, should all be purged. This is all, to create a more just society!"

"... Shouldn't he be killing politicians to do that? And where do I stand on your list?" Kodo asks curiously. Is he a real hero or a fake like so many others

"You are a fake and you know it." Stain growled making Kodo chuckle

"Perhaps. But what about you? You keep this up and you're going to have a very painful death.

"The only one who I'll let kill me is the True Hero! All MIght!!" Stain releases an absurd amount of bloodlust.

Kodo just chuckles at him as he matches his bloodlust, surprising Stain.

Deku and Iida looked like they were about to pass out.

"I highly doubt that. Garou can easily kill you for example.

You know the difference between you and him is Garou is strong enough to survive anything they can throw at him. He walks in the streets without a care in the world. You on the other hand hide in the shadows, resort to sneak attacks and kill heroes off one by one. Kind of pathetic if you ask me." Kodo just shrugged

"That man has no IDEALS! He just goes around and causes mindless chaos! I am fixing Society!" Stain gained a crazy look in his eye,

His skin started to turn reddish and his veins expanded. His blood started to pump faster and faster.

"Hoo the 'Advance'? You are also capable of this? You have got about 60% of this skill mastered. I on the other hand have an even more powerful version mastered" 'Divine Demon 50%, a combination of Advance and Removal'

Kodo's skin started to turn purplish red. His veins bulged. They looked like cables under his skin. He raised his hand and something blue started to come out of his palm. Little by little the shape started to form.

It was a swordfish 'nose'. When the blade was formed. the guard and the handle came out. They were made from bone.

Kodo lightly swung his sword to the side. Testing the 'feel'. "Shall we?"

Soru x2

Both Kodo and Stain disappeared.

Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang...

There weren't even afterimages only sparks when their blades crossed. The ally looked like someone was setting off fireworks

Crrr. Crrr. Crrr

Kodo and Stain got even more serious. Air slashes started cutting up the wall.

"Deku. Run away!" Iida and Native were still paralyzed, and rubble was starting to fall on them

"No! A hero must save people!" Deku tried to pull both of them up, he even used his quirk all over his body, because he couldn't do it in his base state.

"You are not getting away!" Stain flashed over to them ready to cut them apart.

"Where the hell are you looking!" BAM

But a shoe hit his face sending him flying out of the ally. Kodo kicked him away

"Why are you idiots still here? Drag yourselves away with your head if you have to. You are in the way!" Kodo didn't waste any time as he used Soru to go out on the street where Stain is

"KODO!" Stain yelled out as he raised his sword, it started to let out a bloody aura.

~ Messed up this is all written in First Pov... First Pov

Hoo. He has reached this level?

That's beyond impressive. It's the same thing I do with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Which is still a ridiculous name. I'd rather call it Water Fist or at least Bang Fist after the creator.

"Blood Walk!" Stain jumped on the air and accelerated. He started to appear and disappear in different spots in the air.

Kamisori ( Geppo + Soru)

No. He is doing it differently than me. It's a footwork. He is using his own special foot-work in combination with Kamisori

My eyes had no problem with tracking him. SuperComp brain for the win.

Then I noticed his arm went limp, and started to bend in awkward positions

Kami-e as well.

"Pierce!" Stain thrust his sword.

From the tip of the sword an air spear headed straight at me. I slowly moved my sword and cut his attack in half.

That was a fencing thrust. That reminded me of Brook from One Piece. Well kind of.

Pof Pof Pof

Stain kept using Geppo to raise in the air. If he tried to escape I can easily catch up. But it looks like he is preparing an attack.

Let's see if he made something new. Stain sheathed his swords and grabbed a pair of daggers.

"Rankyaku" He set out 4 kicks, but the air slashes were aimed at the ground around me.

"Blood Rain" He used Kamie on both his hands. They blurred sending hundreds of tiny air slashes. Those impacted the big ones. Scattering them, and together they rained down like needles.

Interesting. Creative as well. His goal is to make his opponents bleed. And this is practically unavoidable. But as most Area of Attack moves it's only effective on the weak.


I haven't tried this with one sword before, so this should be a good test. I put my hand on my wrist.( The hand that was holding the sword obviously)

I pull and slash upwards. From my sword, a big ass slash appeared. It climbed in a spiral all the way to 'meet' the air needles. Once it hit it detonated. The needles were all destroyed on impact.

Yep~ Worked fine~

Making a tornado would be overkill. Especially in the middle of a city. So just a little something I hid in the air slash. Nothing special.

Stain slowly descended back on the street. But he was heavily sweating.

"Not a bad attack. Very Creative. You are quite talented. I don't think I have ever seen someone do that. But it's still an attack used to immobilize and injure grunts. You didn't seriously expect it to work on me?"

Stain scoffed as he stashes his daggers and drew his sword again.

"Not at all. But I was hoping to draw blood at least" He turned off the Advance. Probably to stop the strain on the heart

I did the same

Stain was quite obvious that he was disheartened that his attack didn't work.

"Well looks like you are going to have to try harder. Your quirk works with blood right?" Stain kept a good poker face, but his eyes dilated for a second

" You have a lot of throwing knives on you and the two that were on the ground had slash marks on them. While we were fighting I noticed you tended to go for shallow cuts instead of attacking my Vital spots. You need the opponent's blood to activate your quirk. It paralyzes them. Judging by the mutation on your tongue you need to taste the blood for it to activate." It was honestly very obvious if you looked carefully.

" Correct. I developed Blood Rain to draw blood from multiple opponents. Yet you destroyed it so easily. As expected of a master swordsman, welding big ass sword" Stain raised his swords

"Big ass sword? You think I need this sword to beat you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Okay. I was going to play the hero role. But if that's how he is going to act. Then I'll put him in his place.


I drop the sword on the ground

"What are you doing? Don't screw with me!" Stain growled when he saw that

" I'm showing you exactly how much effort I need to put in to beat you" From my pocket I take out one of his throwing knives

"I'm only going to use this to defeat you" I started to juggle the little knife in my hands.

"You BASTARD!" the veins on Stain's forehead and neck started to pulse

"Do try your best now. After all, it would be a pity if you regret not going all out after I crush you"

My speach makes him even angrier.

"So be it!" Stain takes out another sword "I studied the way you fight. That fight where you used 7 swords gave me the idea to make a sword style with 3 swords. If i have a sword in my mouth the chances increase of me getting a hit on my opponent."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I could hear his heart. He was using Advance to the max. His skin turned dark red. His veins looked like they were going to burst

Stain crosses his two swords across his chest and places the blade in his mouth horizontally behind them. He used Soru to dash toward me



A 3-way simultaneous attack. Was stopped by a tiny knife. Right at the point the blades were lined up one after another.

Stain widened his eyes. I use my Telephaty Qurik to read his mind. 'Impossible. I can't move my swords. This can't be happening. I knew he was the best. But the skill level can't be this far apart. No. I can't lose. Not to a fake like him. I just need one scratch'

Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang...

I kept parrying his attacks with the throwing knife

Stain was attacking like a wild beast. Due to him using the Advance his speed and strenght increased.

But I see the world in slow motion, and my own skills are far above his.

I do have to admit this has been fun


People were rushing over. more heroes? Didn't I tell those idiots to run away?

On the front was Endeavor along with dozens of heroes and sidekicks who followed

"It's been fun Stain" I raise my knife and slash down diagonally.

Splat! Clang. Clang. Clang

His chest was slashed open. And his 3 swords cut. The cut parts hit the ground with a loud clang that echoed across the street. As people looked speechlessly at the scene

"Hurry up. Capture him!" One of the heroes yelled out


Stain stomped the ground hard as he regained his balance. His bloodlust froze the heroes in place.





I flashed and appeared in front of him, delivering a strong kick to his face



"You talk too much"


"He sent him flying.."

"Move. Move! Someone go capture him"

The heroes started to move again. Mr. Forever Second Place was giving out orders.

I grab one of the sidekicks.

"Where is Miruko?" I stare down at him

"Umm she was rushed to the hospital. The Nomu she was fighting was rigged to explode" He quickly run away

"Typhon. What were you thinking fight Stain al-"

"Shut it Second place. I have no time to waste on you"

I quickly disappear using Soru and rush to the hospital