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Hosu Aftermath

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] -

Word Count 2150


"But we can't! It's against the law!" A tall person with a dog head complained on the phone

"Did you not hear a word that I said? We cant antagonize that brat. Plus the footage of his fight with Stain is Viral. What do you think will happen if we deny his credit for the capture? The Police would become a laughing stock!" the loud angry voice on the phone made the Dog Person flinch

" So we just do as he says? We bow down to a teenager?" The Dog Person growled

"FOR THE 5TH TIME! YES!!" the voice on the phone yelled louder

"Fine I'll get it done" The dog person grumbled as he ended the call

"Spineless cowards. Stupid ass kissers, afraid of a teenager. What has this world come to?" He asked himself as he reluctantly went to give out the new order

~ Hospital MC Pov

"And do you mind telling me how this happened?" I was standing in front of the hospital bed. On it, Rumi was lying down as the doctors worked on the wounds on her legs.

"One of the freaking Nomu's had a bomb in his stomach. When we were battling he punched me with both hands. I grabbed him on the writs and planned to use it as leverage to kick him in the chin and blow his head off. But the moment I touched his wrists the bomb blew up. Sending shrapnel everywhere. My hero suit protected my torso. But my thighs and butt weren't so lucky." Rumi sighed out

"I have been wearing that leotard for years. And it never failed me. Well except for Garou. But he is a freak of nature so he doesn't count. Do I need to consider a redesign?" She asked herself

"And Done." The doctor spoke up "All the Shrapnel has been removed. Now one of the doctors with a healing quirk will see you. Once he is done there shouldn't be any scars. But you will be feeling very tired. So take a good long rest. You got it" She pointed at Rumi

"Hai. Hai." who only waved her hand. Not caring at all.

"Well now that you can move again. What do you say we go grab lunch? I'm staving" I suggest casually to her.

She stops and raises her eyebrow. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Hmm, trick question.

"I'm asking you out to lunch. You can call it what you want. You in?" I smirk at her

"Sure. But you're buying" This time she was the one smirking

~ Restaurant

*Nom Nom Nom*

*Clang Clang*

The manager of the restaurant watched this scene with disbelief on his face.

Two people a man and a woman were eating so fast that their plates were piled up and were a meter in height. His waiters didn't even have time to collect them as they immediately went back into the kitchen to get more food.


"Sir another chef collapsed!" One of the waiters yelled out

"How is this possible..." The manager rubbed his temples. This was a nightmare

Then all of a sudden the noise in the kitchen stopped. And a disheveled head chef came out. He was so pale that he looked like a corpse. "All the ingredients are used. The pantry is empty" And with that, his eyes rolled backwards


"Oh thank GOD" The manager put his hand over his heart. He took a deep breath before walking towards their table

*Nom Nom Nom*

*Clang Clang*

"Excuse me, dear customers. I'm afraid we are out of ingredients for the day." He says in a professional tone

"Hahahahaha. You actually cleared out the restaurant Kodo" The bunny girl laughed as tears fell from her eyes

"Like you are one to talk. You ate 24 Salads and 27 Vegetable dishes with some meat in them and you ate 34 carrot cakes between meals. 34..." Her companion pointed out the ridiculous number of cakes

" Seimei Kikan/Life Return is really convenient."The woman grinned

" And everybody knows there is a separate stomach for dessert." She crossed her arms. This person was Miruko or Rumi Usagiyama. A Top Hero in Japan. She was wearing white pants. a black blouse, sunglasses and a hat to hide her identity.

Which worked as no one expected the Famous or Infamous Miruko, depending on who you ask. To ever go to a restaurant date.

"No there is not. I should know since I have a degree in biology and you are only at the beginning stages of Seimei Kikan. You can only metabolize food faster and a little increase in your natural healing. And stop pouting" The young man next to her was Kodo Shinichi. He was eating food with great fervor and stacking the empty plate

Rumi froze just as she was about to pick up another piece of cake" Oh yeah. You also have degrees in biology and programming. Forgot about that. Actually, I think most people forgot as well. Since your identity as the Strongest Martial Artist overshadows your other achievements. AND I DO NOT POUT!"

"Yes you do. And it's adorable honestly. The Gap Moe is cute"


Kodo calmly caught the fork in front of his forehead with his index and middle finger


Kodo put down the fork and his utensils. The final plate was finished. "Check please"

"Ahh, Yes. Right away sir!" The waiter quickly ran away to get the check

Rumi awkwardly scratched her cheek "Umm Kodo... You know.. I can pay for my part. I planned to eat a lot and make you pay it as payback for all the beatings. But I didn't think I would eat this much. I just followed your pace and forgot about it."

"Nah don't worry about it. My investments are going well. Let alone all the royalties I get from the commercials I have done. Even if they are old people still use them because I'm famous now" Kodo smiled

"If you are sure.." Rumi was feeling very awkward but tried to go back to normal. He already made a decision

"Here you go sir. The total is 275 033. Yen" (1978 Euro) The waiter gave the check and stepped back.

Rumi's eyes popped out. 'Did we really eat that much? 275 000 Yen on food? That's insane'

"Card please." Kodo pulled out his card while musing 'Hmm that's about 2000 Euro. On a global standard. This restaurant isn't bad. Good food for a fairly reasonable price, otherwise it would have been a lot more expensive than that. I'll give them a review later'

"Well let's move on shall we? I feel like taking a walk. What about you?" Kodo stood up and Rumi followed

"Hmm. A walk sounds nice" Rumi agreed with the idea

"Good there is a nice park not too far from here. We can go there"

~ Walk around the park

Rumi and Kodo, arm in arm. were slowly walking in the park in the late evening.

"This surprisingly turned out to be fun" Kodo spoke softly as they walked.

"Yeah" Rumi noded

They were taking their time, enjoying the moment.

"What do you plan on doing after the internship? Do you plan to come back for Hero Work-Studies?" Rumi asks him

"Hmm most likely. I don't like the other heroes, but most of them stand no chance against me and they can't teach me anything. Staying with them would be a waste of time" Kodo says in a brutally honest tone

Rumi turned him with a sly smile "Ohh. And what about me? I'm weaker than you too."

Kodo chuckled at that "True. But I actually like you compared to them"

Rumi took on a more serious expression "Like me Huh.. What kind of like?"

Seeing her serious tone Kodo turned and looked directly in her eyes "You already know"

Rumi started to walk again, Kodo followed the instant she moved" You still planning on doing what you said in the onsen"

"Yes" he answered honestly

"You are greedy"

"I know" Kodo noded

"Greedy doesn't even describe it. You are planning on having a harem of women"

Kodo smiled and shook his head "No. Only two"

"And why not more? I thought you planned on having a harem to quench your lust" Rumi stopped and said with a bit of an edge in her voice as she looked a him

"Because I think I can be truly happy with the two I have in mind" Kodo says sincerely

She looked at his face for a few seconds. Looking for something before looking forward again.

She said nothing and neither did he.

They continued to walk in silence. Slowly they made their way to the exit. There were taxi cabs waiting for new customers.

Kodo started leading her to them. Rumi followed along. They stopped in front of the cabs

"Thanks for the wonderful night Rumi. I'll see you tomorrow." Kodo leaned down and kissed Rumi.

Her brain short-circuited not expecting him to do something like this. The kiss was short. There was no tongue, but the kiss was filled with emotions.

Kodo pulled back. Giving Rumi one last smile before vanishing into thin air.

Leaving behind a stunned rabbit

~ MC Pov

Well that went nice. It turned out to be pretty great. I do hope she thinks about it. I like her a lot.

[Urgent News. A Villian with a cloning quirk has just robbed Nagoya Central bank!]

Got YA!~

I shift into Garou. My hair turns white and my body changes. I grow taller my face changes. I use my Quirk to swap out into Garou's clothes.


Finally, he showed up.

The most important quirk for my plans. I have been waiting forever for his location.

The time for Garou to fight Kodo Shinichi to the death is nearing


An apartment at an unknown location

There was a man watching the street through the window. He was lost in his thoughts while he was smoking his cigar

He was Jin Bubaigawara AKA Villian Twice

"Hahaha, Look at all this money!"

"Rich! We are RICH!"

"We can buy a boat and sail away from this stupid country"

The clones were celebrating while throwing money in the air

"Okay guys. Enough messing around. Get to work!" The original commanded while smoking a cigar

"NO" One of the clones raised his knife at the original

"Yeah. Why should we do all the hard work?"

"Because I'm the original!" Jin yelled out

"OH yeah who says so!"

"Yeah! We could be the original too"

"Tie him up!"

"No wait!" The clones ignored Jins protests and tied him to the chair. During the process, one of the clones slashed at Jin with a knife. Leaving a vertical cut on his forehead

"So now that he is tied up. I declare myself as leader!"

The other clones turned to him

"WHAT! No I'm the leader"

"You are both delusional. I'm obviously more suited to become a leader"

"No I-"

"-You all are obviously delusional" A cold voice sounded out from the window.

The clones and Jin quickly turned around. Each of them was shocked by the person standing there casually

"""""Hero Hunter: Garou!"""""


Garou disappeared

*Pop* x8

The heads of all the clones exploded. Their bodies turned into mud as they fell on the floor

"You.. What do you want?" Jin was shaking in his chair. He was completely terrified

"Weak one. I wish you good luck in your next life" Garou says with a calm voice

"Huh. Next life. What do you me-"


A tendril pierced his heart.

The light in Jin's eyes faded.


Jin's body fell forward but was stopped by the ropes binding him to the chair

Villian Twice died before his Villian carrier even started.

The tendril slowly started to suck out all the blood in Jin In a minute all the blood from his body was drained. All there was left was a shriveled-up corpse

One of the strongest quirks in this world. The ability to create a limitless army

Quirk Double. Acquired.

Now all that's left to do is to combine Twice quirk. With a few others. To make tougher clones. So many Quirks. So little time and energy.

Sigh. Looks like I'll be raiding a few more warehouses. Can I warp the food directly in my stomach?

Just Turn into a giant Dinosaur and warp food directly inside my stomach

Hmm interesting idea.

I need to get back and start testing. But before I do, I look at the scattered bills and the other bags full of cash.

Well. Leaving this cash behind would be such a waste.


It's better if it was in my capable hands.

For the Greater Good. My Greater Good


Romance really isn't my strong point..

Do I really need to pick up some romance novels.. Not my kind of genre. I find pure romance very boring.