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Rescuing Eri

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2940


hie Hassaikai Base

"You were filmed?!" Kai Chisaki yelled out. He was wearing a plague mask so it was hard to see his mouth. But his eyes were red from anger.

" The little girl went further than I tough. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her back. Nobody even saw me. I swear I didn't know about the camera. I="


Kai touched him and the man turned into blood mist.

"Call our people in the police. See if they can delete the video." Kai ordered"

One of the grunts comes back "Sir. The Video has already been seen by Heros. Taking it down is meaningless sir" He spoke up respectfully

"Chrono, get Eri ready for transport. We are moving her to another location. Even if the heroes have the guts to attack us. At least she won't be taken. As long as I have Eri I can rebuild" Kai says seriously

"Of Course" A masked man in a full plague doctor suit bowed to Kai.

Just as Chrono started walking


The building shook

"What's going ON!" Kei yelled out as he stabilized

"Sir we are under attack!!!"

"How Many!"

"There are only four Sir. Miruko and Edgeshot as the only pro heroes. But the other two. They are from the Sports Festival. It's Shinichi KODO!"

"What's that monster doing here? We need to get Eri out of here" Chrono cursed as he started to run

"Everybody! Stall them! Do what you have to do. If possible injure and kill! This is not the end. Shie Hassaikai will rise again" Kai commanded

"""" Yes!""""


" Move small fry" I punch a guy sending him flying into the wall

"We need to hurry up. They obviously know we are here now" Edgeshot grumbled

He wanted us to go in Ninja style but I disagree. Reason being the Eight Bullets.

Especially the guy who manipulates the earth and makes the maze. Sneaking in would be a waste of time instead

But despite not agreeing on what the best course of action is.

We were moving like a squad of seasoned soldiers that have worked together for years. We left broken bodies in our path.

I shift my ears into a Big Bat like shape and I kneel down and put my ear on the ground.

"Miruko a stomp please"

Rumi grinned as she slammed her food in the ground. I already knew where they are using the quirk 'Scan'. But you can never be too careful in enemy territory.

Using my enhanced hearing I confirmed the results of 'Scan'.

"The only light footsteps that would match the girl are deep in the base. They are trying to get her out through some tunnels."

"Then let's move" Rumi stomped the ground and launched herself, and started to dash in the Maze that this place was

But just as we picked up speed. The Walls started to move.

Ahhh. It's this guy. I forgot about him.

"He closed off the the path" Momo frowned

"What do we do now? I can't tell where he is because of all the noise the walls make" Rumi was obviously irritated

"Rankyaku" I kicked the air 30 degrees to my left An air slash in a straight line, pierced the walls like a laser.


And pierced the guy who was manipulating the walls. One mob down. A dozen or so to go.

~3rd Pov

"This is taking too long. We should split up. I have full trust in everyone here that they will not be defeated. The priority is the girl. we need to get to her before they move her out of the Compound" Kodo had a serious look on his face

"Hai, Sensei" Momo instantly agreed

"That's fine with me" Rumi grinned

"Agreed" Edgeshot just noded

"Okey then, you might want to leave" Kodo turned into his Kangooro form and pick out three swords from my pouch.

"How do you even do that? I thought only girl Kangaroos had pouches." Rumi searched her head

"I thought it would be funny. As for the swords. Let's say Magic" he switch back and put one of the swords in his mouth. He jump from the ground and landed on the ceiling and stared down at the direction where Eri was.

All of the hair Momo, Edgeshot and Miruko's body stood up. Their instincts screamed at them. All of them flashed away using 'Soru'


Kodo swung his swords. A tornado formed and drilled into the ground. It broke the concrete and kept pushing into the earth.

"He really just keeps getting crazier" Momo stared down at the newly made 'tunnel'.

"Let's move. We have a girl to save" Edgeshot spoke up and started to run.

Momo and Miruko nodded to each other as they went into different 'hallways'.


*Boom. *

The dragon tornado stopped as it broke into a hallway. There were two members of the Eight Bullets in that hallway.

One was hanging upside down from the ceiling and drinking alcohol.

The other was in a full black plague doctor suit. Both were surprised.

Kodo walked out of the tunnel "Hmm? Two weaklings."

"Well, this is certainly a surprise. The famous Kodo Shinichi" Said the one in the full black plague suit

[Shin Nemoto. Quirk: Confession. He can force people to tell the truth]

The one hanging upside down threw his bottle at Kodo " You missed us.. *hik* Y-you loser. Are you drunk?"

[Deidoro Sakaki. Quirk: Sloshed. He makes the people around him lose their equilibrium]

"This is a perfect chance to use my quirk on him. Shinichi Kodo what is the secret to your st-GAH" Kodo used 'Soru' to appear in front of him and crush his throat.

"You talk too much" Kodo said with a cold tone.

"You~... How can yo *hik* move"

"I'm built differently" Kodo threw the man he was holding at the one hanging from the ceiling.

Both of them collided and fell to the ground.

"Ge off" Slured the drunk one but froze when he saw Kodo standing in front of them.

"Whether you bleed out or not will depend on your luck." Kodo slashed at both of them, before turning and started to walk away. Leaving two opponents with a big gash on their bodies.


"Edgeshot! DIE!" Grunts started to shoot at him

"Ninpo: Five Hundred Sheet Pierce"

Edgeshot quickly folded himself to the size of a normal rope and pierced their bodies, quickly dispatching them

*Boom Boom Boom.*

'Hmm? Figting, its either Miruko or Kodo. But since Kodo is going further down, I'm guessing it's Miruko. it must be a 'Bullet' if he is lasting this long against her. Might as well see if she needs help'


*Boom. Boom*

"Damn it" Miruko cursed out loud. She was fighting two very annoying opponents.

A giant muscular man who crushes anything in his way by punching it.

[Kendo Rappa. Quirk: StrongArm. His quirk allows him to rotate his shoulders at extreme speeds, allowing him to attack his targets with a near-endless barrage of bullet punches]

And a blond man in a yukata who created barriers.

[Hekiji Tengai. Quirk: Barrier. Hekiji's Quirk allows him to materialize an extremely durable forcefield ]

Both of them were fighting Miruko. One only focuses on attacking, while the other makes barriers to protect him.

"So this is what the famous Miruko amounts to? Pathetic" Tangai mocked Miruko

"ORA" Miruko responded with a kick that made small cracks on the barrier.

"Oi Rappa! What are you doing?! Punch her!"

"I want to fight her one on one. Don't interfere!" Rappa jumped in only for Miruko to start pummeling him

"Don't be stupid. We have our orders. Defeat or stall them for as long as possible" Tangai made another barrier which redistributed all of the force behind Miruko's kick.

"Tsk. A barrier and a Brawler who knows Tekkai. Man you two are an annoying combo"

"Then let me assist you Miruko" A voice was heard from the shadows

"BARRIER!" Tangai quickly yelled out as he made a barrier around him


But Edgeshot easily pierced the Barrier.

"Your barrier is made to withstand blunt force. not strong precision attacks like mine" Edgeshot entered the man's body, he dislocated some of the joints and severed some tendons.

The Yakuza dropped down like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

"Tekkai!" Rappa turned around and went to punch Edgeshot

"Where do you think you are going?! HAAAAA"

*Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom*

Miruko went underneath him and kicked him upwards. She then started a combo. Kick by kick. Rappa was being flung around in mid air.

It took Rumi a little while. But a 40- combo kick did the job. Every bone in Rappa's body was broken. He also had internal bleeding

"A little too much dont you think?" Edgeshot raises an eyebrow

"Oh cry me a river. They held and experimented on a child. This is a light sentence if you ask me. Let's go. we are losing time" Miruko disappears using 'Soru'

"Sigh. Soru"


"Cripled 4 more Bullets. The wimps Kirishima and FatGum fought and another guy who could suck out stamina. At least I got an interesting Quirk from him.

I speed along the tunnels before I catch a scent. Chemicals.

Overhaul is a chemist.

"Found You~"


Left, Right, Left,

Ventilation duct.

He is below

I raise my hand and slam it down


I bust the floor, opening up a hole. Then I see him. Overhaul with his stupid plague mask.

"You!" he yelled out in anger

*Fshhh* Claws grew on all my fingers

Overhaul slammed his hands on the floor. The floor started to move. It separated into pillars and attacked me

That's some Full Metal Alchemist shit right there.

But not good enough.

I swung my arms. Air blades from my claws cut the pillars apart. While the pillars were falling down I saw that he wasn't behind them anymore.

He must have deconstructed the wall then returned it back to its normal state.

You are not getting away.

I smash apart the walls and continue to chase after his scent and the location my quirk 'Scan' gives me.

~ 3rd Pov

Huff Huff Huff

Overhaul was running for his life.

'Why, Why did he have to come?'

He touched another wall. making a hole before jumping in and closing the hole.

'We haven't even started to redistribute the Drugs yet'


'Fuck he is here'

Out of the hole came out Kodo Shinichi.

"Overhaul, I have been looking for you." Kodo said in a calm tone

"What do you want?! What have we done to you?!" Kei yelled out 'Just one touch, I only need just one touch and he is dead'

"We have come for the girl. Surrender"

'No! I won't let them have her. I need her to destroy the heroes and bring the Yakuza to the top!'

"I WON'T LET YOU!" Overhaul slammed his hands in the ground. The floor was reshaped. Countless spikes rose up to impale Kodo


Kodo slammed his foot in the ground. With him as the center. Huge Cracks in a spiderweb pattern started to form. It canceled out the Spikes that were forming around him.

"I'm going to tear apart this world... down to its very framework"

Overhaul ran toward Kodo, he bent down and touched the floor making spikes attack Kodo from his sides. While the floor under him turned into a pillar that pushed him straight to Kodo


But Kodo's next works broke that thought

"*Scoff* Naive. Rokugan" Kodo sent a simple Karate punch in the air in front of him.


But that punch created a shockwave that tore apart all the spikes that were heading to pierce him. It also slammed into Chikasi.


The shockwave pushed him down on his platform and pushed him into it. The platform broke apart as Chisaki was sent flying and crashed into the other side of the room.

*Boom. CRACK*

The wall near Kodo broke down and three other heroes arrived.


'Damn it all' Chisaaki healed himself " I'm Not DONE!" Chisaki was about to attack again


An air slash from Kodo cut him diagonally on the torso. Making Chisaki stumble before he grabbed his chest in pain

"You lose. Surrender" Edgeshot stepped forward but froze when his instinct sensed something. So did Muruko and Izanami (Momo)

"Keh, Well done kid"


The sound of flesh tearing was heard as Kai Chisaki's head was ripped from his shoulders. Behind him Garou was standing there casually whipping the blood from his hands with a smirk on his face

"Garou" Kodo spoke up, his voice was completely calm. Like he was greeting an old friend, his hand signaled the others to stay back. But they were frozen in place

"It's been a while. Last I heard of you, you were causing chaos in another country. Why come back?"

Garou just grinned "Well, the time for our Deathmatch is coming nearer. I wanted to see how much progress you have made"

Momo and Rumi carefully watched Shinichi as he didn't even flinch at Garou's words.

"Plenty actually. Enough to beat you and watch as the light dies in your eyes" Kodo's cold voice send shivers to his teammates but Garou just grinned

"Really? Well looks like I have something to look forward to. Oh and Edgeshot, I purposely left some openings to see if you'd take it. Looks like your instincts are better than I thought" Garou complimented

But Edgeshot had cold sweat running down his back. 'Thank God Kodo gave the signal to stop. My instincts were going haywire, so I wasn't sure what was the right call'

"Why are you doing this? Why are you so persistent on fighting Sensei" Momo asked Garou with a glare that could set him on fire

Rumi frowned 'Right. She has never talked to him. Maybe she can get more info out of Garou. I certainly hope she has better luck at it than I did.'

"Because it's fated to be. There is no running away from it. Me and Him. The top martial artists of this time. We have to fight, and in the end, Winner Takes All" Garou says mysteriously

"Well, I'm done here. Good luck, heroes" he said the last part with a sneer


And he was gone. Not a trace of him to be found

"Let's go, we still need to find the girl"

Kodo doesn't waste any time as he shifts, gaining more cheetah-like features


The ground beneath him cracked open as he zoomed across the tunnels~

"Come on. Pick up Chisaki" Chrono was panicking as he dragged Eri away. He wasn't able to get in contact with his boss

" It couldn't be. Overhaul can't lose"

"Yo" Chrono turned around to see Kodo smiling at him.

*Fshhh* His hair pierced his mask and was heading to hit Kodo

*Bam *

Kodo K.Oed him and gently took Eri from his arms as he was falling down.

"Hello, cutie. Are you ok?"

"Why? Why are you here? He will kill you" Eri had a look of pure terror on her face

"He? Oh you mean Chisaki Kei or Overhaul.. I don't know what name you know but he is done. I beat him up. he won't be hurting anyone"

"eh..Really?" she was in disbelief

"Yep~ You are safe"

Kodo looks at the little girl

'What is this cute creature? I didn't know anything adorable like this existed'

"Let's go outside" I pick her up and slowly start to walk

"Wait I hurt people when I touch them" Eri said in panic

"Well try to hurt me, I told you. I'm strong. It won't work against me" I smile at her

Eri closes her eyes. "Eh?.. it won't work" She looked at her hands. Not knowing what to do

"Be happy Eri. You won't be hurting anyone, anymore. You will be free and happy"

Eri started to cry out tears of joy. The little girl was free


"Prettty Onesans" Eri says with a little bit of awe as Momo and Rumi were coming to us. Both were released to see us

"Hey there little one" Rumi says Gently and Momo follows up "How are you feeling"

"fine. " She says quietly "I like your ears" Eri ducks behind Kodo's leg shyly

"Thank you" Rumi patted her head

"Eri chan since you like her ears that much. How about wearing some yourself"

Momo made some bunny ears using her quirk. Eri looked at the process

"Pretty~" Eri looked the particle lights that happened when Momo uses her quirk

Slowly a bunny ear headband formed in her hand.

"Here you go Eri-chan" Momo put it on her head and made a mirror.

She turned the mirror to Eri " I'm a bunny~. ! look like you" Eri turned to a shocked Rumi

Rumi gulped, she was a bit surprised by this "Yeah.. you really do"

' She looks so similar to me.. If I had a kid.. is this what my daughter would look like?' Rumi was having a small crisis in her head

Kodo smiles as his hair starts to move. From it a pair of black bunny ears came out

"Ahh you have them too" Eri pointed at his head. Momo giggled as she made a black pair of bunny ears for herself and then put them on.

"We all have bunny ears now Eri-chan" The smile Eri had on her face warmed up everyone around her

Kodo noded to himself. "I dedicated... I'm adopting her"

Momo and Rumi's jaws dropped

"" Haaaaaa?!? ""